001    //$HeadURL: svn+ssh://developername@svn.wald.intevation.org/deegree/base/trunk/src/org/deegree/portal/portlet/enterprise/AddWMSListener.java $
002    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
003     This file is part of deegree, http://deegree.org/
004     Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by:
005       Department of Geography, University of Bonn
006     and
007       lat/lon GmbH
009     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
010     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
011     Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
012     any later version.
013     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
014     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
015     FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
016     details.
017     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
018     along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
019     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
021     Contact information:
023     lat/lon GmbH
024     Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn
025     Germany
026     http://lat-lon.de/
028     Department of Geography, University of Bonn
029     Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve
030     Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn
031     Germany
032     http://www.geographie.uni-bonn.de/deegree/
034     e-mail: info@deegree.org
035    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
036    package org.deegree.portal.portlet.enterprise;
038    import java.net.MalformedURLException;
039    import java.net.URL;
040    import java.util.Enumeration;
041    import java.util.List;
043    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
044    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
046    import org.deegree.enterprise.control.AbstractListener;
047    import org.deegree.enterprise.control.FormEvent;
048    import org.deegree.enterprise.control.RPCStruct;
049    import org.deegree.enterprise.control.RPCWebEvent;
050    import org.deegree.framework.log.ILogger;
051    import org.deegree.framework.log.LoggerFactory;
052    import org.deegree.framework.util.StringTools;
053    import org.deegree.framework.xml.XMLFragment;
054    import org.deegree.ogcbase.BaseURL;
055    import org.deegree.ogcbase.ImageURL;
056    import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities.InvalidCapabilitiesException;
057    import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities.MetadataURL;
058    import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.LegendURL;
059    import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilities;
060    import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilitiesDocument;
061    import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.WMSCapabilitiesDocumentFactory;
062    import org.deegree.portal.PortalException;
063    import org.deegree.portal.context.ContextException;
064    import org.deegree.portal.context.Format;
065    import org.deegree.portal.context.FormatList;
066    import org.deegree.portal.context.Layer;
067    import org.deegree.portal.context.LayerExtension;
068    import org.deegree.portal.context.Node;
069    import org.deegree.portal.context.Server;
070    import org.deegree.portal.context.Style;
071    import org.deegree.portal.context.StyleList;
072    import org.deegree.portal.context.ViewContext;
073    import org.deegree.portal.context.XMLFactory;
074    import org.deegree.portal.standard.wms.control.GetWMSLayerListener;
076    /**
077     *
078     *
079     *
080     * @version $Revision: 8284 $
081     * @author <a href="mailto:poth@lat-lon.de">Andreas Poth</a>
082     * @author last edited by: $Author: apoth $
083     *
084     * @version 1.0. $Revision: 8284 $, $Date: 2007-10-11 11:02:19 +0200 (Do, 11 Okt 2007) $
085     *
086     * @since 2.0
087     */
088    public class AddWMSListener extends AbstractListener {
090        private static ILogger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( GetWMSLayerListener.class );
092        /**
093         * @see org.deegree.enterprise.control.WebListener#actionPerformed(org.deegree.enterprise.control.FormEvent)
094         */
095        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
096        @Override
097        public synchronized void actionPerformed( FormEvent event ) {
099            RPCWebEvent rpc = (RPCWebEvent) event;
100            try {
101                validate( rpc );
102            } catch ( Exception e ) {
103                gotoErrorPage( "Not a valid RPC for AddWMSListener\n" + e.getMessage() );
104            }
106            HttpSession session = ( (HttpServletRequest) this.getRequest() ).getSession();
107            Enumeration<String> en = (Enumeration<String>)session.getAttributeNames();
108            try {
109                while ( en.hasMoreElements() ) {
110                    String key = en.nextElement();
111                    Object o = session.getAttribute( key );
112                    synchronized ( session ) {
113                        if ( o != null && o instanceof ViewContext ) {
114                            appendWMS( rpc, (ViewContext) o );
115                        }
116                    }
117                }
118            } catch ( Exception e ) {
119                LOG.logError( e.getMessage(), e );
120                e.printStackTrace();
121            }
122        }
124        /**
125         * appends the selected layers of a WMS to the passed <code>ViewContext</code>
126         *
127         * @param context
128         * @throws ContextException
129         * @throws MalformedURLException
130         * @throws PortalException
131         * @throws InvalidCapabilitiesException
132         */
133        private void appendWMS( RPCWebEvent rpc, ViewContext context )
134                                throws MalformedURLException, ContextException, PortalException,
135                                InvalidCapabilitiesException {
137            RPCStruct struct = (RPCStruct) rpc.getRPCMethodCall().getParameters()[0].getValue();
138            URL url = new URL( (String) struct.getMember( "WMSURL" ).getValue() );
139            String name = (String) struct.getMember( "WMSNAME" ).getValue();
140            String version = (String) struct.getMember( "WMSVERSION" ).getValue();
141            String layers = (String) struct.getMember( "LAYERS" ).getValue();
142            String formatName = (String) struct.getMember( "FORMAT" ).getValue();
143            boolean useAuthentification = false;
144            if ( struct.getMember( "useAuthentification" ) != null ) {
145                String tmp = (String) struct.getMember( "useAuthentification" ).getValue();
146                useAuthentification = "true".equalsIgnoreCase( tmp );
147            }
149            List<String> list = StringTools.toList( layers, ";", true );
151            WMSCapabilitiesDocument capa = null;
152            try {
153                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 500 );
154                if ( "1.0.0".equals( version ) ) {
155                    sb.append( url.toExternalForm() ).append( "?request=capabilities&service=WMS" );
156                } else {
157                    sb.append( url.toExternalForm() ).append( "?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS" );
158                }
159                if ( useAuthentification ) {
160                    HttpSession session = ( (HttpServletRequest) getRequest() ).getSession();
161                    String user = ( (org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.BaseJetspeedUser) session.getAttribute( "turbine.user" ) ).getUserName();
162                    String password = ( (org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.BaseJetspeedUser) session.getAttribute( "turbine.user" ) ).getPassword();
163                    if ( !"anon".equals( user ) ) {
164                        sb.append( "&user=" ).append( user );
165                        sb.append( "&password=" ).append( password );
166                    }
167                }
168                LOG.logDebug( "GetCapabilites for added WMS", sb.toString() );
169                capa = WMSCapabilitiesDocumentFactory.getWMSCapabilitiesDocument( new URL( sb.toString() ) );
170            } catch ( Exception e ) {
171                LOG.logError( e.getMessage(), e );
172                String msg = null;
173                if ( "1.0.0".equals( version ) ) {
174                    msg = StringTools.concat( 500, "could not load WMS capabilities from: ",
175                                              new URL( url.toExternalForm() + "?request=capabilities&service=WMS" ),
176                                              "; reason: ", e.getMessage() );
177                } else {
178                    msg = StringTools.concat( 500, "could not load WMS capabilities from: ",
179                                              new URL( url.toExternalForm() + "?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS" ),
180                                              "; reason: ", e.getMessage() );
181                }
182                throw new PortalException( msg );
183            }
184            WMSCapabilities capabilities = (WMSCapabilities) capa.parseCapabilities();
185            String rootTitle = capabilities.getLayer().getTitle();
187            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
188            // stuff required by layerlist tree view
189            Node root = context.getGeneral().getExtension().getLayerTreeRoot();
190            // check if Node width this title already exists
191            Node[] nodes = root.getNodes();
192            int newNodeId = -1;
193            for ( int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++ ) {
194                if ( nodes[j].getTitle().equals( rootTitle ) ) {
195                    newNodeId = nodes[j].getId();
196                    break;
197                }
198            }
199            if ( newNodeId == -1 ) {
200                newNodeId = root.getMaxNodeId() + 1;
201                Node newNode = new Node( newNodeId, root, rootTitle, true, false );
202                Node[] newNodes = new Node[nodes.length + 1];
203                newNodes[0] = newNode;
204                for ( int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++ ) {
205                    newNodes[j + 1] = nodes[j];
206                }
208                root.setNodes( newNodes );
209            }
210            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
211            for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ ) {
212                String[] lay = StringTools.toArray( list.get( i ), "|", false );
213                Server server = new Server( name, version, "OGC:WMS", url, capabilities );
214                String srs = context.getGeneral().getBoundingBox()[0].getCoordinateSystem().getPrefixedName();
215                Format format = new Format( formatName, true );
216                FormatList fl = new FormatList( new Format[] { format } );
217                // read available styles from WMS capabilities and add them
218                // to the WMC layer
219                org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.Layer wmslay = capabilities.getLayer( lay[0] );
220                org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities.Style[] wmsstyles = wmslay.getStyles();
221                Style[] styles = null;
222                if ( wmsstyles == null || wmsstyles.length == 0 ) {
223                    // a wms capabilities layer may offeres one or more styles for
224                    // a layer but it don't have to. But WMC must have at least one
225                    // style for each layer; So we set a default style in the case
226                    // a wms does not declares one
227                    styles = new Style[1];
228                    styles[0] = new Style( "", "default", "", null, true );
229                } else {
230                    styles = new Style[wmsstyles.length];
231                    for ( int j = 0; j < styles.length; j++ ) {
232                        boolean isDefault = wmsstyles[j].getName().toLowerCase().indexOf( "default" ) > -1
233                                            || wmsstyles[j].getName().trim().length() == 0;
234                        ImageURL legendURL = null;
235                        LegendURL[] lUrl = wmsstyles[j].getLegendURL();
236                        if ( lUrl != null && lUrl.length > 0 ) {
237                            legendURL = new ImageURL( lUrl[0].getWidth(), lUrl[0].getHeight(), lUrl[0].getFormat(),
238                                                      lUrl[0].getOnlineResource() );
239                        }
240                        styles[j] = new Style( wmsstyles[j].getName(), wmsstyles[j].getTitle(), wmsstyles[j].getAbstract(),
241                                               legendURL, isDefault );
242                    }
243                }
245                StyleList styleList = new StyleList( styles );
246                BaseURL mdUrl = null;
247                MetadataURL[] mdUrls = wmslay.getMetadataURL();
248                if ( mdUrls != null && mdUrls.length == 1 && mdUrls[0] != null ) {
249                    mdUrl = mdUrls[0];
250                }
252                int authentication = LayerExtension.NONE;
253                if ( useAuthentification ) {
254                    authentication = LayerExtension.USERPASSWORD;
255                }
256                LayerExtension lex = new LayerExtension( null, false, wmslay.getScaleHint().getMin(),
257                                                         wmslay.getScaleHint().getMax(), false, authentication, newNodeId,
258                                                         false, null );
259                Layer newLay = new Layer( server, lay[0], lay[1], null, new String[] { srs }, null, mdUrl, fl, styleList,
260                                          wmslay.isQueryable(), false, lex );
261                if ( context.getLayerList().getLayer( newLay.getName(), server.getOnlineResource().toExternalForm() ) == null ) {
262                    context.getLayerList().addLayerToTop( newLay );
263                }
265            }
266            try {
267                XMLFragment xml = XMLFactory.export( context );
268                System.out.println( xml.getAsPrettyString() );
269            } catch ( Exception e ) {
270                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
271                e.printStackTrace();
272            }
274        }
276        /**
277         * validates the incomming RPC
278         *
279         * @param rpc
280         */
281        private void validate( RPCWebEvent rpc ) {
282            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
284        }
286    }