001    //$HeadURL: svn+ssh://jwilden@svn.wald.intevation.org/deegree/base/branches/2.5_testing/src/org/deegree/datatypes/Types.java $
002    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
003     This file is part of deegree, http://deegree.org/
004     Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by:
005     Department of Geography, University of Bonn
006     and
007     lat/lon GmbH
009     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
010     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
011     Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
012     any later version.
013     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
014     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
015     FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
016     details.
017     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
018     along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
019     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
021     Contact information:
023     lat/lon GmbH
024     Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn
025     Germany
026     http://lat-lon.de/
028     Department of Geography, University of Bonn
029     Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve
030     Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn
031     Germany
032     http://www.geographie.uni-bonn.de/deegree/
034     e-mail: info@deegree.org
035     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
036    package org.deegree.datatypes;
038    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
039    import java.net.URI;
040    import java.util.HashMap;
041    import java.util.Map;
043    import org.deegree.framework.log.ILogger;
044    import org.deegree.framework.log.LoggerFactory;
045    import org.deegree.framework.util.BootLogger;
046    import org.deegree.ogcbase.CommonNamespaces;
048    /**
049     * General data type constants definition. the type values are the same as in
050     * <code>java.sql.Types<code>. Except for several geometry types,
051     * <code>UNKNOWN</code>, <code>FEATURE</code>, <code>FEATURES</code> and <code>FEATURECOLLECTION</code> that are not
052     * known by <code>java.sql.Types</code>.
053     * <p>
054     * NOTE: Generally, it would be feasible to extend <code>java.sql.Types</code>, but unfortunately, this is not possible,
055     * as it's default constructor is not visible.
056     * </p>
057     * 
058     * @author <a href="mailto:poth@lat-lon.de">Andreas Poth </a>
059     * @author last edited by: $Author: aschmitz $
060     * 
061     * @version $Revision: 26926 $, $Date: 2010-09-22 17:23:56 +0200 (Mi, 22 Sep 2010) $
062     * 
063     * @see java.sql.Types
064     */
065    public final class Types {
067        private static ILogger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( Types.class );
069        private static URI GMLNS = CommonNamespaces.GMLNS;
071        // generic sql types
073        /**
074         * maps to java.sql.Types.ARRAY (why not use directly?)
075         */
076        public final static int ARRAY = java.sql.Types.ARRAY;
078        /**
079         * maps to java.sql.Types.BIGINT (why not use directly?)
080         */
081        public final static int BIGINT = java.sql.Types.BIGINT;
083        /**
084         * maps to java.sql.Types.BINARY (why not use directly?)
085         */
086        public final static int BINARY = java.sql.Types.BINARY;
088        /**
089         * maps to java.sql.Types.BIT (why not use directly?)
090         */
091        public final static int BIT = java.sql.Types.BIT;
093        /**
094         * maps to java.sql.Types.BLOB (why not use directly?)
095         */
096        public final static int BLOB = java.sql.Types.BLOB;
098        /**
099         * maps to java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN (why not use directly?)
100         */
101        public final static int BOOLEAN = java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN;
103        /**
104         * maps to java.sql.Types.CHAR (why not use directly?)
105         */
106        public final static int CHAR = java.sql.Types.CHAR;
108        /**
109         * maps to java.sql.Types.CLOB (why not use directly?)
110         */
111        public final static int CLOB = java.sql.Types.CLOB;
113        /**
114         * maps to java.sql.Types.DATALINK (why not use directly?)
115         */
116        public final static int DATALINK = java.sql.Types.DATALINK;
118        /**
119         * maps to java.sql.Types.DATE (why not use directly?)
120         */
121        public final static int DATE = java.sql.Types.DATE;
123        /**
124         * maps to java.sql.Types.DECIMAL (why not use directly?)
125         */
126        public final static int DECIMAL = java.sql.Types.DECIMAL;
128        /**
129         * maps to java.sql.Types.DISTINCT (why not use directly?)
130         */
131        public final static int DISTINCT = java.sql.Types.DISTINCT;
133        /**
134         * maps to java.sql.Types.DOUBLE (why not use directly?)
135         */
136        public final static int DOUBLE = java.sql.Types.DOUBLE;
138        /**
139         * maps to java.sql.Types.FLOAT (why not use directly?)
140         */
141        public final static int FLOAT = java.sql.Types.FLOAT;
143        /**
144         * maps to java.sql.Types.INTEGER (why not use directly?)
145         */
146        public final static int INTEGER = java.sql.Types.INTEGER;
148        /**
149         * maps to java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT (why not use directly?)
150         */
151        public final static int JAVA_OBJECT = java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT;
153        /**
154         * maps to java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY (why not use directly?)
155         */
156        public final static int LONGVARBINARY = java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY;
158        /**
159         * maps to java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR (why not use directly?)
160         */
161        public final static int LONGVARCHAR = java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR;
163        /**
164         * maps to java.sql.Types.NULL (why not use directly?)
165         */
166        public final static int NULL = java.sql.Types.NULL;
168        /**
169         * maps to java.sql.Types.NUMERIC (why not use directly?)
170         */
171        public final static int NUMERIC = java.sql.Types.NUMERIC;
173        /**
174         * maps to java.sql.Types.OTHER (why not use directly?)
175         */
176        public final static int OTHER = java.sql.Types.OTHER;
178        /**
179         * maps to java.sql.Types.REAL (why not use directly?)
180         */
181        public final static int REAL = java.sql.Types.REAL;
183        /**
184         * maps to java.sql.Types.REF (why not use directly?)
185         */
186        public final static int REF = java.sql.Types.REF;
188        /**
189         * maps to java.sql.Types.SMALLINT (why not use directly?)
190         */
191        public final static int SMALLINT = java.sql.Types.SMALLINT;
193        /**
194         * maps to java.sql.Types.STRUCT (why not use directly?)
195         */
196        public final static int STRUCT = java.sql.Types.STRUCT;
198        /**
199         * maps to java.sql.Types.TIME (why not use directly?)
200         */
201        public final static int TIME = java.sql.Types.TIME;
203        /**
204         * maps to java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP (why not use directly?)
205         */
206        public final static int TIMESTAMP = java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP;
208        /**
209         * maps to java.sql.Types.TINYINT (why not use directly?)
210         */
211        public final static int TINYINT = java.sql.Types.TINYINT;
213        /**
214         * maps to java.sql.Types.VARBINARY (why not use directly?)
215         */
216        public final static int VARBINARY = java.sql.Types.VARBINARY;
218        /**
219         * maps to java.sql.Types.VARCHAR (why not use directly?)
220         */
221        public final static int VARCHAR = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR;
223        // geometry + gml types
225        /**
226         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
227         */
228        public static final int GEOMETRY = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 10000;
230        /**
231         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
232         */
233        public static final int MULTIGEOMETRY = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 10001;
235        /**
236         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
237         */
238        public static final int FEATURE = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 10002;
240        /**
241         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
242         */
243        public static final int FEATURECOLLECTION = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 10004;
245        /**
246         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
247         */
248        public static final int POINT = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 11000;
250        /**
251         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
252         */
253        public static final int CURVE = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 11001;
255        /**
256         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
257         */
258        public static final int SURFACE = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 11002;
260        /**
261         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
262         */
263        public static final int MULTIPOINT = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 11003;
265        /**
266         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
267         */
268        public static final int MULTICURVE = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 11004;
270        /**
271         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
272         */
273        public static final int MULTISURFACE = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 11005;
275        /**
276         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
277         */
278        public static final int ENVELOPE = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 11006;
280        /**
281         * redefinition of java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
282         */
283        public static final int ANYTYPE = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR + 11007;
285        /**
286         * {http://www.opengis.net/gml}:GeGeometryPropertyType
287         */
288        public static final QualifiedName GEOMETRY_PROPERTY_NAME = new QualifiedName( "GeometryPropertyType", GMLNS );
290        /**
291         * {http://www.opengis.net/gml}:MultiGeometryPropertyType
292         */
293        public static final QualifiedName MULTI_GEOMETRY_PROPERTY_NAME = new QualifiedName( "MultiGeometryPropertyType",
294                                                                                            GMLNS );
296        /**
297         * {http://www.opengis.net/gml}:FeaturePropertyType
298         */
299        public static final QualifiedName FEATURE_PROPERTY_NAME = new QualifiedName( "FeaturePropertyType", GMLNS );
301        //
302        /**
303         * TODO check if this is really needed {http://www.opengis.net/gml}:FeatureArrayPropertyType
304         */
305        public static final QualifiedName FEATURE_ARRAY_PROPERTY_NAME = new QualifiedName( "FeatureArrayPropertyType",
306                                                                                           GMLNS );
308        // key instances: Integer, value instances: String
309        private static Map<Integer, String> typeNameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
311        // key instances: String, value instances: Integer
312        private static Map<String, Integer> typeCodeMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
314        static {
315            try {
316                Field[] fields = java.sql.Types.class.getFields();
317                for ( int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) {
318                    String typeName = fields[i].getName();
319                    Integer typeCode = (Integer) fields[i].get( null );
320                    typeNameMap.put( typeCode, typeName );
321                    typeCodeMap.put( typeName, typeCode );
322                }
323            } catch ( Exception e ) {
324                BootLogger.logError( "Error populating sql type code maps: " + e.getMessage(), e );
325            }
326        }
328        /**
329         * Returns the generic sql type code for the given type name.
330         * 
331         * @param typeName
332         * @return the generic sql type code for the given type name.
333         * @throws UnknownTypeException
334         *             if the type name is not an sql type name
335         * @see java.sql.Types
336         */
337        public static int getTypeCodeForSQLType( String typeName )
338                                throws UnknownTypeException {
339            Integer typeCode = typeCodeMap.get( typeName );
340            if ( typeCode == null ) {
341                throw new UnknownTypeException( "Type name '" + typeName + "' does not denote an sql type." );
342            }
343            return typeCode.intValue();
344        }
346        /**
347         * Returns the generic sql type name for the given type code.
348         * 
349         * @param typeCode
350         * @return the generic sql type name for the given type code.
351         * @throws UnknownTypeException
352         *             if the type code is not an sql type code
353         * @see java.sql.Types
354         */
355        public static String getTypeNameForSQLTypeCode( int typeCode )
356                                throws UnknownTypeException {
357            String typeName = typeNameMap.get( new Integer( typeCode ) );
358            if ( typeName == null ) {
359                throw new UnknownTypeException( "Type code '" + typeCode + "' does not denote an sql type." );
360            }
361            return typeName;
362        }
364        /**
365         * mapping between GML-typenames and java-classnames for GML-geometry types
366         * 
367         * @param gmlTypeName
368         *            the name of the GML type name
369         * @return the internal type
370         * @throws UnknownTypeException
371         *             if the given name cannot be mapped to a known type.
372         */
373        public static int getJavaTypeForGMLType( String gmlTypeName )
374                                throws UnknownTypeException {
375            if ( "GeometryPropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
376                return Types.GEOMETRY;
378            if ( "PointPropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
379                // return Types.POINT;
380                return Types.GEOMETRY;
382            if ( "MultiPointPropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
383                // return Types.MULTIPOINT;
384                return Types.GEOMETRY;
386            if ( "PolygonPropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
387                // return Types.SURFACE;
388                return Types.GEOMETRY;
390            if ( "MultiPolygonPropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
391                // return Types.MULTISURFACE;
392                return Types.GEOMETRY;
394            if ( "LineStringPropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
395                // return Types.CURVE;
396                return Types.GEOMETRY;
398            if ( "MultiLineStringPropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
399                // return Types.MULTICURVE;
400                return Types.GEOMETRY;
402            if ( "CurvePropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
403                // return Types.POINT;
404                return Types.GEOMETRY;
406            if ( "MultiCurvePropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
407                // return Types.POINT;
408                return Types.GEOMETRY;
410            if ( "SurfacePropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
411                // return Types.POINT;
412                return Types.GEOMETRY;
414            if ( "MultiSurfacePropertyType".equals( gmlTypeName ) )
415                // return Types.POINT;
416                return Types.GEOMETRY;
418            throw new UnknownTypeException( "Unsupported Type: '" + gmlTypeName + "'" );
419        }
421        /**
422         * mapping between xml-typenames and java-classnames for XMLSCHEMA-simple types
423         * 
424         * @param schemaTypeName
425         *            of the XML schema type
426         * @return the internal type
427         * @throws UnknownTypeException
428         *             if the given name cannot be mapped to a known type.
429         * @todo TODO map them all over registry
430         */
431        public static int getJavaTypeForXSDType( String schemaTypeName )
432                                throws UnknownTypeException {
434            if ( "integer".equals( schemaTypeName ) || "int".equals( schemaTypeName ) || "long".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
435                return Types.INTEGER;
437            if ( "string".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
438                return Types.VARCHAR;
440            if ( "date".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
441                return Types.DATE;
443            if ( "boolean".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
444                return Types.BOOLEAN;
446            if ( "float".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
447                return Types.FLOAT;
449            if ( "double".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
450                return Types.DOUBLE;
452            if ( "decimal".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
453                return Types.DECIMAL;
455            if ( "dateTime".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
456                return Types.TIMESTAMP;
458            if ( "time".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
459                return Types.TIME;
461            if ( "date".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
462                return Types.DATE;
464            if ( "anyURI".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
465                return Types.VARCHAR;
467            if ( "anyType".equals( schemaTypeName ) )
468                return Types.ANYTYPE;
470            throw new UnknownTypeException( "Unsupported Type:" + schemaTypeName );
471        }
473        /**
474         * Scale is set to 0.
475         * 
476         * @param type
477         *            SQL datatype code
478         * @param precision
479         *            precision (just used for type NUMERIC)
480         * @return typename
481         */
482        public static String getXSDTypeForSQLType( int type, int precision ) {
483            return getXSDTypeForSQLType( type, precision, 0 );
484        }
486        /**
487         * 
488         * @param type
489         *            SQL datatype code
490         * @param precision
491         *            precision (just used for type NUMERIC)
492         * @param scale
493         *            scale (just used for type NUMERIC)
494         * @return typename
495         */
496        public static String getXSDTypeForSQLType( int type, int precision, int scale ) {
497            String s = null;
499            switch ( type ) {
500            case Types.VARCHAR:
501            case Types.CHAR:
502                s = "string";
503                break;
504            case Types.NUMERIC: {
505                if ( precision == 0 || scale > 0 ) {
506                    s = "double";
507                    break;
508                }
509                s = "integer";
510                break;
511            }
512            case Types.DECIMAL:
513                s = "decimal";
514                break;
515            case Types.DOUBLE:
516            case Types.REAL:
517                s = "double";
518                break;
519            case Types.FLOAT:
520                s = "float";
521                break;
522            case Types.INTEGER:
523            case Types.SMALLINT:
524            case Types.BIGINT:
525                s = "integer";
526                break;
527            case Types.TIMESTAMP:
528                s = "dateTime";
529                break;
530            case Types.TIME:
531                s = "time";
532                break;
533            case Types.DATE:
534                s = "date";
535                break;
536            case Types.CLOB:
537                s = "string";
538                break;
539            case Types.BIT:
540            case Types.BOOLEAN:
541                s = "boolean";
542                break;
543            case Types.GEOMETRY:
544            case Types.OTHER:
545            case Types.STRUCT:
546                s = "gml:GeometryPropertyType";
547                break;
548            case Types.FEATURE:
549                s = "gml:FeaturePropertyType";
550                break;
551            default:
552                LOG.logWarning( "could not determine XSDType for SQLType; using 'XXX': " + type );
553                s = "code: " + type;
554            }
555            return s;
556        }
558    }