001    //$HeadURL: svn+ssh://jwilden@svn.wald.intevation.org/deegree/base/branches/2.5_testing/src/org/deegree/ogcwebservices/wpvs/j3d/ViewPoint.java $
002    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
003     This file is part of deegree, http://deegree.org/
004     Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by:
005       Department of Geography, University of Bonn
006     and
007       lat/lon GmbH
009     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
010     the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
011     Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
012     any later version.
013     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
014     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
015     FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
016     details.
017     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
018     along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
019     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
021     Contact information:
023     lat/lon GmbH
024     Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn
025     Germany
026     http://lat-lon.de/
028     Department of Geography, University of Bonn
029     Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve
030     Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn
031     Germany
032     http://www.geographie.uni-bonn.de/deegree/
034     e-mail: info@deegree.org
035    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
036    package org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.j3d;
038    import javax.media.j3d.Transform3D;
039    import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
040    import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
042    import org.deegree.framework.log.ILogger;
043    import org.deegree.framework.log.LoggerFactory;
044    import org.deegree.model.crs.CoordinateSystem;
045    import org.deegree.model.spatialschema.Envelope;
046    import org.deegree.model.spatialschema.GeometryException;
047    import org.deegree.model.spatialschema.GeometryFactory;
048    import org.deegree.model.spatialschema.Position;
049    import org.deegree.model.spatialschema.Surface;
050    import org.deegree.model.spatialschema.WKTAdapter;
051    import org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.operation.GetView;
053    /**
054     * This class represents the view point for a WPVS request. That is, it represents the point where the observer is at,
055     * and looking to a target point. An angle of view must be also given.
056     *
057     * @author <a href="mailto:bezema@lat-lon.de">Rutger Bezema</a>
058     * @author <a href="mailto:poth@lat-lon.de">Andreas Poth</a>
059     *
060     * @author last edited by: $Author: mschneider $
061     * @version $Revision: 18195 $ $Date: 2009-06-18 17:55:39 +0200 (Do, 18 Jun 2009) $
062     */
063    public class ViewPoint {
065        private static final ILogger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ViewPoint.class );
067        private static final double rad90 = Math.toRadians( 90 );
069        private static final double rad180 = Math.toRadians( 180 );
071        private static final double rad270 = Math.toRadians( 270 );
073        private static final double rad360 = Math.toRadians( 360 );
075        private CoordinateSystem crs;
077        private Point3d observerPosition;
079        private Point3d pointOfInterest;
081        private Point3d[] footprint;
083        private Point3d[] fakeFootprint;
085        private Point3d[] oldFootprint;
087        private double angleOfView = 0;
089        private double yaw = 0;
091        private double pitch = 0;
093        private double terrainDistanceToSeaLevel = 0;
095        private double viewerToPOIDistance = 0;
097        private double farClippingPlane = 0;
099        private Transform3D simpleTransform = null;
101        private Transform3D viewMatrix = null;
103        /**
104         * @return the oldFootprint.
105         */
106        public Point3d[] getOldFootprint() {
107            return oldFootprint;
108        }
110        /**
111         * @return the fakeFootprint.
112         */
113        public Point3d[] getFakeFootprint() {
114            return fakeFootprint;
115        }
117        /**
118         * Creates a new instance of ViewPoint_Impl
119         *
120         * @param yaw
121         *            rotation on the Z-Axis in radians of the viewer
122         * @param pitch
123         *            rotation on the X-Axis in radians
124         * @param viewerToPOIDistance
125         *            from the point of interest to the viewersposition
126         * @param pointOfInterest
127         *            the point of interest
128         * @param angleOfView
129         * @param farClippingPlane
130         *            where the view ends
131         * @param distanceToSealevel
132         * @param crs
133         *            The Coordinatesystem in which the given reside
134         */
135        public ViewPoint( double yaw, double pitch, double viewerToPOIDistance, Point3d pointOfInterest,
136                          double angleOfView, double farClippingPlane, double distanceToSealevel, CoordinateSystem crs ) {
137            this.yaw = yaw;
138            this.pitch = pitch;
140            this.angleOfView = angleOfView;
141            this.pointOfInterest = pointOfInterest;
143            this.viewerToPOIDistance = viewerToPOIDistance;
145            this.farClippingPlane = farClippingPlane;
147            this.terrainDistanceToSeaLevel = distanceToSealevel;
149            this.crs = crs;
151            simpleTransform = new Transform3D();
153            viewMatrix = new Transform3D();
154            observerPosition = new Point3d();
156            footprint = new Point3d[4];
157            fakeFootprint = new Point3d[4];
158            oldFootprint = new Point3d[4];
159            calcObserverPosition();
161        }
163        /**
164         * @param request
165         *            a server request.
166         */
167        public ViewPoint( GetView request ) {
168            this( request.getYaw(), request.getPitch(), request.getDistance(), request.getPointOfInterest(),
169                  request.getAngleOfView(), request.getFarClippingPlane(), 0, request.getCrs() );
170        }
172        /**
173         * @param request
174         *            a server request.
175         * @param distanceToSeaLevel
176         */
177        public ViewPoint( GetView request, double distanceToSeaLevel ) {
178            this( request.getYaw(), request.getPitch(), request.getDistance(), request.getPointOfInterest(),
179                  request.getAngleOfView(), request.getFarClippingPlane(), distanceToSeaLevel, request.getCrs() );
180        }
182        /**
183         * Calculates the observers position for a given pointOfInterest, distance and view direction( as semi polar
184         * coordinates, yaw & pitch ). also recalculating the viewmatrix and the footprint, for they are affected by the
185         * change of position.
186         *
187         */
188        private void calcObserverPosition() {
190            double z = Math.sin( pitch ) * this.viewerToPOIDistance;
192            double groundLength = Math.sqrt( ( viewerToPOIDistance * viewerToPOIDistance ) - ( z * z ) );
193            double x = 0;
194            double y = 0;
195            // -1-> if yaw is null, we're looking to the north
196            if ( yaw >= 0 && yaw < rad90 ) {
197                x = -1 * ( Math.sin( yaw ) * groundLength );
198                y = -1 * ( Math.cos( yaw ) * groundLength );
199            } else if ( yaw >= rad90 && yaw < rad180 ) {
200                double littleYaw = yaw - rad90;
201                y = Math.sin( littleYaw ) * groundLength;
202                x = -1 * ( Math.cos( littleYaw ) * groundLength );
203            } else if ( yaw >= rad180 && yaw < rad270 ) {
204                double littleYaw = yaw - rad180;
205                x = Math.sin( littleYaw ) * groundLength;
206                y = Math.cos( littleYaw ) * groundLength;
207            } else if ( yaw >= rad270 && yaw < rad360 ) {
208                double littleYaw = yaw - rad270;
209                y = -1 * ( Math.sin( littleYaw ) * groundLength );
210                x = Math.cos( littleYaw ) * groundLength;
211            }
213            observerPosition.x = pointOfInterest.x + x;
214            observerPosition.y = pointOfInterest.y + y;
215            observerPosition.z = pointOfInterest.z + z;
217            calculateViewMatrix();
218            calcFootprint();
219        }
221        /**
222         * Calculates the field of view aka footprint, the corner points of the intersection of the field of view with the
223         * terrain as follows, <br/>
224         * <ul>
225         * <li> f[0] = farclippingplane right side fo viewDirection </li>
226         * <li> f[1] = farclippingplane left side fo viewDirection </li>
227         * <li> f[2] = nearclippingplane right side fo viewDirection, note it can be behind the viewPosition </li>
228         * <li> f[3] = nearclippingplane left side fo viewDirection, note it can be behind the viewPosition </li>
229         * </ul>
230         * <br/> the are rotated and translated according to the simpleTranform
231         *
232         */
233        private void calcFootprint() {
235            // make the aov a little bigger, therefor the footprint is larger and no visual errors can
236            // be seen at the sides of the view (at the expense of a little larger/more requests)
237            double halfAngleOfView = ( angleOfView + ( Math.toRadians( 6 ) ) ) * 0.5;
238            if ( halfAngleOfView >= ( rad90 * 0.5 ) ) {
239                halfAngleOfView = rad90 * 0.5;
240            }
241            if ( Math.abs( ( halfAngleOfView + rad90 ) % rad180 ) < 0.000001 ) {
242                LOG.logError( "The angle of view can't be a multiple of rad180" );
243                return;
244            }
246            double heightAboveGround = observerPosition.z - ( pointOfInterest.z - terrainDistanceToSeaLevel );
247            if ( heightAboveGround < 0 ) { // beneath the ground
248                LOG.logError( "the Observer is below the terrain" );
249                return;
250            }
252            if ( pitch >= 0 ) { // the eye is looking down on the poi
254                // caluclate the viewFrustums farClippinplane points
255                double otherCornerOffset = farClippingPlane * Math.sin( halfAngleOfView );
256                double yCornerOffset = farClippingPlane * Math.cos( halfAngleOfView );
258                // farclippin plane top right
259                Point3d topRight = new Point3d( otherCornerOffset, otherCornerOffset, -yCornerOffset );
260                viewMatrix.transform( topRight );
261                footprint[0] = findIntersectionWithTerrain( new Vector3d( topRight ) );
263                // farclippin plane top left
264                Point3d topLeft = new Point3d( -otherCornerOffset, otherCornerOffset, -yCornerOffset );
265                viewMatrix.transform( topLeft );
266                footprint[1] = findIntersectionWithTerrain( new Vector3d( topLeft ) );
268                // farclippin plane bottom right
269                Point3d bottomRight = new Point3d( otherCornerOffset, -otherCornerOffset, -yCornerOffset );
270                viewMatrix.transform( bottomRight );
271                footprint[2] = findIntersectionWithTerrain( new Vector3d( bottomRight ) );
273                // farclippin plane bottom left
274                Point3d bottomLeft = new Point3d( -otherCornerOffset, -otherCornerOffset, -yCornerOffset );
275                viewMatrix.transform( bottomLeft );
276                footprint[3] = findIntersectionWithTerrain( new Vector3d( bottomLeft ) );
278            } else {
279                // TODO looking up to the poi
280            }
281            simpleTransform.rotZ( rad360 - yaw );
282            // translate to the viewersposition.
283            simpleTransform.setTranslation( new Vector3d( observerPosition.x, observerPosition.y,
284                                                          ( pointOfInterest.z - terrainDistanceToSeaLevel ) ) );
285        }
287        /**
288         * For all points (x,y,z) on a plane (the terrain), the following equation defines the plane: <code>
289         * --> ax + by + cz + d = 0
290         * - (a, b, c) the normal vector of the plane, here it is (0, 0, 1)
291         * - d the offset of the plane (terrainDistanceToSeaLevel)
292         * </code>
293         * a ray can be parametrized as follows: <code>
294         * R(s) = eye + s * normalized_Direction
295         * -s is a scaling vector,
296         * </code>
297         * The intersection of each ray going from the eye through the farclippinplane's cornerpoints with the terrain can
298         * be calculated as follows: <code>
299         * s= (a*eye_x + b*eye_y + c*eye_z + d ) / -1* (a*norm_dir + b*norm_dir + c*norm_dir)
300         * </code>
301         * if the denominator == 0, we are parrallel (or strifing) the plane in either case no real intersection. if s < 0
302         * or s > 1 the intersection is outside the ray_length. Applying the found s to the ray's equation results in the
303         * intersectionpoint.
304         *
305         * @param farClippingplaneCorner
306         *            one the corners of the farclippingplane of the viewfrustum
307         * @return the intersection point with the given ray (observerposition and a farclippingplane cornerpoint) with the
308         *         terrain)
309         */
310        private Point3d findIntersectionWithTerrain( final Vector3d farClippingplaneCorner ) {
311            final Vector3d rayDir = new Vector3d( farClippingplaneCorner );
312            rayDir.sub( observerPosition );
313            final double planeDir = -terrainDistanceToSeaLevel;
314            final double numerator = -( observerPosition.z + planeDir );
316            if ( Math.abs( rayDir.z ) < 0.0001f ) {
317                // Ray is paralell to plane
318                return new Point3d( farClippingplaneCorner.x, farClippingplaneCorner.y, terrainDistanceToSeaLevel );
319            }
320            // Find distance to intersection
321            final double s = numerator / rayDir.z;
323            // If the value of s is out of [0; 1], the intersection liese before or after the line
324            if ( s < 0.0f ) {
325                return new Point3d( farClippingplaneCorner.x, farClippingplaneCorner.y, terrainDistanceToSeaLevel );
326            }
327            if ( s > 1.0f ) {
328                return new Point3d( farClippingplaneCorner.x, farClippingplaneCorner.y, terrainDistanceToSeaLevel );
329            }
330            // Finally a real intersection
331            return new Point3d( observerPosition.x + ( s * rayDir.x ), observerPosition.y + ( s * rayDir.y ),
332                                terrainDistanceToSeaLevel );
334        }
336        /**
337         * Sets the viewMatrix according to the given yaw, pitch and the calculated observerPosition.
338         */
339        private void calculateViewMatrix() {
340            viewMatrix.setIdentity();
341            viewMatrix.lookAt( observerPosition, pointOfInterest, new Vector3d( 0, 0, 1 ) );
342            viewMatrix.invert();
344        }
346        /**
347         * @return true if the near clippingplane is behind the viewposition.
348         */
349        public boolean isNearClippingplaneBehindViewPoint() {
350            if ( pitch > 0 ) { // the eye is looking down on the poi
351                // pitch equals angle between upper and viewaxis, angleOfView is centered around the
352                // viewaxis
353                double angleToZ = pitch + ( angleOfView * 0.5 );
354                if ( Math.abs( angleToZ - rad90 ) > 0.00001 ) {
355                    // footprint front border distance
356                    if ( angleToZ > rad90 ) {
357                        return true;
358                    }
359                }
360            } else {
361                // TODO looking up to the poi
362            }
364            return false;
365        }
367        /**
368         *
369         * @return the field of view of the observer in radians
370         */
371        public double getAngleOfView() {
372            return angleOfView;
373        }
375        /**
376         * @param aov
377         *            the field of view of the observer in radians
378         */
379        public void setAngleOfView( double aov ) {
380            this.angleOfView = aov;
381            calcFootprint();
382        }
384        /**
385         *
386         * @return the horizontal direction in radians the observer looks
387         */
388        public double getYaw() {
389            return yaw;
390        }
392        /**
393         *
394         * @param yaw
395         *            the horizontal direction in radians the observer looks
396         */
397        public void setYaw( double yaw ) {
398            this.yaw = yaw;
399            calcObserverPosition();
400        }
402        /**
403         * @return vertical direction in radians the observer looks
404         */
405        public double getPitch() {
406            return pitch;
407        }
409        /**
410         * @param pitch
411         *            the vertical direction in radians the observer looks
412         *
413         */
414        public void setPitch( double pitch ) {
415            this.pitch = ( pitch % rad90 );
416            calcObserverPosition();
417        }
419        /**
420         * @return Returns the distanceToSeaLevel of the terrain beneath the viewpoint.
421         */
422        public double getTerrainDistanceToSeaLevel() {
423            return terrainDistanceToSeaLevel;
424        }
426        /**
427         * @param distanceToSeaLevel
428         *            of the terrain beneath the viewpoint
429         */
430        public void setTerrainDistanceToSeaLevel( double distanceToSeaLevel ) {
431            this.terrainDistanceToSeaLevel = distanceToSeaLevel;
432            calcFootprint();
433        }
435        /**
436         * @return the position of the observer, the directions he looks and his field of view in radians
437         *
438         */
439        public Point3d getObserverPosition() {
440            return observerPosition;
441        }
443        /**
444         * @param observerPosition
445         *            the position of the observer, the directions he looks and his field of view in radians
446         *
447         */
448        public void setObserverPosition( Point3d observerPosition ) {
449            this.observerPosition = observerPosition;
450            calcFootprint();
451            calculateViewMatrix();
452        }
454        /**
455         * @return the point of interest to which the viewer is looking
456         */
457        public Point3d getPointOfInterest() {
458            return pointOfInterest;
459        }
461        /**
462         * @param pointOfInterest
463         *            the directions the observer looks and his field of view in radians
464         *
465         */
466        public void setPointOfInterest( Point3d pointOfInterest ) {
467            this.pointOfInterest = pointOfInterest;
468            calcObserverPosition();
469        }
471        /**
472         * The footprint in object space: <br/>f[0] = (FarclippingPlaneRight) = angleOfView/2 + viewDirection.x,
473         * farclippingplaneDistance, distanceToSealevel <br/>f[1] = (FarclippingPlaneLeft) = angleOfView/2 -
474         * viewDirection.x, farclippingplaneDistance, distanceToSealevel <br/>f[2] = (NearclippingPlaneRight) =
475         * angleOfView/2 + viewDirection.x, nearclippingplaneDistance, distanceToSealevel <br/>f[3] =
476         * (NearclippingPlaneLeft) = angleOfView/2 - viewDirection.x, nearclippingplaneDistance, distanceToSealevel
477         *
478         * @return footprint or rather the field of view
479         */
480        public Point3d[] getFootprint() {
481            return footprint;
482        }
484        /**
485         * @param distanceToSeaLevel
486         *            the new height for which the footprint should be calculated
487         * @return footprint or rather the field of view
488         */
489        public Point3d[] getFootprint( double distanceToSeaLevel ) {
490            this.terrainDistanceToSeaLevel = distanceToSeaLevel;
491            calcFootprint();
492            return footprint;
493        }
495        @Override
496        public String toString() {
497            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
498            sb.append( "observerPosition: " + observerPosition + "\n" );
499            sb.append( "targetPoint: " + pointOfInterest + "\n" );
500            sb.append( "distance: " + this.viewerToPOIDistance + "\n" );
501            sb.append( "footprint: " );
502            sb.append( footprint[0] + ", " );
503            sb.append( footprint[1] + ", " );
504            sb.append( footprint[2] + ", " );
505            sb.append( footprint[3] + "\n" );
506            sb.append( "aov: " + Math.toDegrees( angleOfView ) + "\n" );
507            sb.append( "yaw: " + Math.toDegrees( yaw ) + "\n" );
508            sb.append( "pitch: " + Math.toDegrees( pitch ) + "\n" );
509            sb.append( "distanceToSeaLevel: " + terrainDistanceToSeaLevel + "\n" );
510            sb.append( "farClippingPlane: " + farClippingPlane + "\n" );
512            return sb.toString();
513        }
515        /**
516         * @return Returns the farClippingPlane.
517         */
518        public double getFarClippingPlane() {
519            return farClippingPlane;
520        }
522        /**
523         * @return Returns a new transform3D Object which contains the transformations to place the viewers Position and his
524         *         yaw viewing angle relativ to the 0,0 coordinates and the poi.
525         */
526        public Transform3D getSimpleTransform() {
527            return new Transform3D( simpleTransform );
528        }
530        /**
531         * @param transform
532         *            The transform to set.
533         */
534        public void setSimpleTransform( Transform3D transform ) {
535            this.simpleTransform = transform;
536        }
538        /**
539         * @return Returns the viewMatrix.
540         */
541        public Transform3D getViewMatrix() {
542            return viewMatrix;
543        }
545        /**
546         * @return the viewerToPOIDistance value.
547         */
548        public double getViewerToPOIDistance() {
549            return viewerToPOIDistance;
550        }
552        /**
553         * @param viewerToPOIDistance
554         *            An other viewerToPOIDistance value.
555         */
556        public void setViewerToPOIDistance( double viewerToPOIDistance ) {
557            this.viewerToPOIDistance = viewerToPOIDistance;
558            calcObserverPosition();
559        }
561        /**
562         *
563         * @return the Footprint as a Surface (bbox)
564         */
565        public Surface getVisibleArea() {
566            double minX = Double.MAX_VALUE;
567            double minY = Double.MAX_VALUE;
568            double maxX = Double.MIN_VALUE;
569            double maxY = Double.MIN_VALUE;
570            for ( Point3d point : footprint ) {
571                if ( point.x < minX )
572                    minX = point.x;
573                if ( point.x > maxX )
574                    maxX = point.x;
575                if ( point.y < minY )
576                    minY = point.y;
577                if ( point.y > maxY )
578                    maxY = point.y;
579            }
580            Envelope env = GeometryFactory.createEnvelope( minX, minY, maxX, maxY, crs );
581            Surface s = null;
582            try {
583                s = GeometryFactory.createSurface( env, crs );
584            } catch ( GeometryException e ) {
585                e.printStackTrace();
586            }
587            return s;
588        }
590        /**
591         * @return A String representation of the Footprint, so that it can be easily used in another programm e.g. deejump
592         * @throws GeometryException
593         *             if the footprint could not be transformed to wkt.
594         */
595        public String getFootPrintAsWellKnownText()
596                                throws GeometryException {
597            Position[] pos = new Position[footprint.length + 1];
599            for ( int i = 0; i < footprint.length; ++i ) {
600                Point3d point = footprint[i];
601                pos[i] = GeometryFactory.createPosition( point.x, point.y, point.z );
602            }
603            Point3d point = footprint[0];
604            pos[footprint.length] = GeometryFactory.createPosition( point.x, point.y, point.z );
606            return WKTAdapter.export( GeometryFactory.createSurface( pos, null, null, crs ) ).toString();
607        }
609        /**
610         * @return the ObserverPosition as a well known text String.
611         * @throws GeometryException
612         *             if the conversion fails.
613         */
614        public String getObserverPositionAsWKT()
615                                throws GeometryException {
616            return WKTAdapter.export(
617                                      GeometryFactory.createPoint( observerPosition.x, observerPosition.y,
618                                                                   observerPosition.z, crs ) ).toString();
619        }
621        /**
622         * @return the crs value.
623         */
624        public CoordinateSystem getCrs() {
625            return crs;
626        }
628    }