deegree webservices 3.4.1 documentation
deegree Webservices
1. Introduction
1.1. Characteristics of deegree WFS
1.2. Characteristics of deegree WMS
1.3. Characteristics of deegree WMTS
1.4. Characteristics of deegree CSW
1.5. Characteristics of deegree WPS
2. Installation
2.1. System requirements
2.2. Downloading
2.3. Starting and stopping
3. Getting started
3.1. Accessing deegree’s service console
3.2. Example workspace 1: INSPIRE Network Services
3.3. Example workspace 2: Utah Webmapping Services
3.4. Example workspace 3: An ISO Catalogue Service setup
3.5. Example workspace 4: Web Processing Service demo
4. Configuration basics
4.1. The deegree workspace
4.2. Dependencies of the deegree configuration files
4.3. Location of the deegree workspace directory
4.4. Structure of the deegree workspace directory
4.5. Using the service console for managing resources
4.6. Best practices for creating workspaces
5. Web services
5.1. Web Feature Service (WFS)
5.2. Web Map Service (WMS)
5.3. Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
5.4. Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW)
5.5. Web Processing Service (WPS)
5.6. Metadata
5.7. Service controller
6. Feature stores
6.1. Features, feature types and application schemas
6.2. Shape feature store
6.3. Memory feature store
6.4. Simple SQL feature store
6.5. SQL feature store
7. Tile stores
7.1. Tile stores, tile data sets and tile matrix sets
7.2. GeoTIFF tile store
7.3. File system tile store
7.4. Remote WMS tile store
7.5. Remote WMTS tile store
8. Coverage stores
8.1. Raster
8.2. MultiResolutionRaster
8.3. Pyramid
8.4. Oracle GeoRaster
9. Metadata stores
9.1. Memory ISO Metadata store
9.2. SQL ISO Metadata store
9.3. SQL EBRIM/EO Metadata store
10. Map layers
10.1. Common configuration
10.2. Feature layers
10.3. Tile layers
10.4. Coverage layers
10.5. Remote WMS layers
11. Map themes
11.1. Standard themes
11.2. Remote WMS themes
12. Map styles
12.1. Overview
12.2. Basics
12.3. Using Filters
12.4. Basic Examples
12.5. SLD/SE clarifications
12.6. deegree specific extensions
13. Filter Encoding
13.1. Filter Operators
13.2. Filter expressions
13.3. Custom FE functions
14. Server connections
14.1. JDBC connections
14.2. Remote OWS connections
15. Process providers
15.1. Java process provider
16. Coordinate reference systems
17. deegree REST interface
17.1. Setting up the interface
17.2. Detailed explanation
18. Java modules and libraries
18.1. Java code and the classpath
18.2. Checking available JARs
18.3. Adding database modules
19. GDAL components
19.1. Connecting GDAL and deegree
19.2. GDAL settings
19.3. GDAL Layer
19.4. GDAL Tile Store
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1. Introduction
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deegree webservices 3.4.1 documentation