deegree offers a REST like web interface to access and configure the deegree workspace. You can use it to alter configuration, restart workspaces or resources and start a different workspace.
The servlet that handles the REST interface is already running if you use the standard web.xml deployment descriptor. For security reasons the REST API is only accessible after successful authentication against the servlet container. When using Apache Tomcat you’ll need to add a user with the role deegree to your Tomcat configuration conf/tomcat-users.xml file.
Once you did that, you can get an overview of available ‘commands’ by requesting http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config. You’ll need to provide the username/password credentials you configured for every request within the HTTP header (HTTP BASIC authentication).
Here’s an example output:
No action specified.
Available actions:
GET /config/download[/path] - download currently running workspace or file in workspace
GET /config/download/wsname[/path] - download workspace with name <wsname> or file in workspace
GET /config/restart - restart currently running workspace
GET /config/restart[/path] - restarts all resources connected to the specified one
GET /config/restart/wsname - restart with workspace <wsname>
GET /config/listworkspaces - list available workspace names
GET /config/list[/path] - list currently running workspace or directory in workspace
GET /config/list/wsname[/path] - list workspace with name <wsname> or directory in workspace
GET /config/invalidate/datasources/tile/id/matrixset[?bbox=] - invalidate part or all of a tile store cache's tile matrix set
GET /config/crs/list - list available CRS definitions
POST /config/crs/getcodes with wkt=<wkt> - retrieves a list of CRS codes corresponding to the WKT (POSTed KVP)
GET /config/crs/<code> - checks if a CRS definition is available, returns true/false
PUT /config/upload/ - upload workspace <wsname>
PUT /config/upload/path/file - upload file into current workspace
PUT /config/upload/wsname/path/file - upload file into workspace with name <wsname>
DELETE /config/delete[/path] - delete currently running workspace or file in workspace
DELETE /config/delete/wsname[/path] - delete workspace with name <wsname> or file in workspace
HTTP response codes used:
200 - ok
403 - if you tried something you shouldn't have
404 - if a file or directory needed to fulfill a request was not found
500 - if something seriously went wrong on the server side
Let’s see how the commands work in detail. In general, you can specify a path relative to the workspace almost anywhere. With no path given, you act on the workspace, with a path given, you act on that part of the workspace.
In order to download the complete workspace, you request http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/download. Since the workspace is made up of many files, you get a .zip file. If you just want to download the featurestore configuration named inspire, you request http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/download/datasources/feature/inspire.xml.
To use a different workspace instead of the currently running one, use http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/download/otherworkspace (you may also specify a file within that workspace).
You can restart the currently running workspace using http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/restart, or start another workspace using http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/restart/anotherworkspace. To restart all resources connected a specific one use eg. http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/restart/datasources/feature/inspire.
You can see what workspaces are available to the deegree installation by running http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/listworkspaces.
You can also browse through a workspace’s files by requesting eg. http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/list/datasources/, or to see the files in a workspace other than the one currently running http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/list/someworkspace/services/.
You can update or add files in a workspace, or upload a completely new workspace by sending a HTTP PUT request.
To upload a new workspace, send a .zip file with the workspace contents to http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/upload/ This will extract the workspace as someworkspace. Note that there should not be a parent directory in the .zip, it should contain folders like datasources or service directly.
To upload individual files send requests against http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/upload/path/to/file.xml, or with a workspace name prefix as usual (http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/upload/someworkspace/and/the/path/file.xml).
Deletion works just like storing, except you send HTTP DELETE requests and instead of the upload path component you use delete. You can also delete whole directories with content by specifying just the path to the directory. Deleting workspaces is also possible, just specify the workspace name (without a .zip suffix).
This is a special operation only possible for CachingTileStore resources. You can invalidate the whole cache, or just a part of it by requesting http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/invalidate/datasources/tile/configname/matrixsetname. You can specify a bounding box by appending it in the form ?bbox=minx,miny,maxx,maxy (just like in WMS requests).
You can get a list of all available CRS definitions by requesting http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/crs/list. Check if a specific CRS is configured in deegree by requesting http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/crs/EPSG:12345. The response will be the text true or false, depending whether the CRS is defined or not. If you have a WKT CRS definition, you can POST against http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices/config/crs/getcodes to get a list of corresponding identifiers (experimental). Use the wkt parameter when posting to send the WKT definition.