deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use RPCMethodCall

Uses of RPCMethodCall in org.deegree.enterprise.control

Methods in org.deegree.enterprise.control that return RPCMethodCall
static RPCMethodCall RPCFactory.createRPCMethodCall(Document doc)
          Creates an instance of RPCMethodCall from the given XML document.
static RPCMethodCall RPCFactory.createRPCMethodCall(Reader reader)
          Creates an instance of RPCMethodCall from an XML document that can be accessed through the passed Reader.
 RPCMethodCall RPCWebEvent.getRPCMethodCall()
          returns the the RPC methodcall extracted from the HttpServletRequest passed to the first constructor.

Constructors in org.deegree.enterprise.control with parameters of type RPCMethodCall
RPCWebEvent(FormEvent parent, RPCMethodCall mc)
          Creates a new instance of RPCWebEvent
RPCWebEvent(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, RPCMethodCall mc)
          Creates a new instance of RPCWebEvent

Uses of RPCMethodCall in org.deegree.portal.standard.sos.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.sos.control with parameters of type RPCMethodCall
protected  Object DescribePlatformListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
          creates the result object to send to the next page from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall and the Document array.
protected  Object GetCapabilitiesListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
protected  Object GetObservationListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
protected  Object DescribeSensorListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
          creates the result object to send to the next page from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall and the Document array.
protected abstract  Object AbstractSOSListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
          Create a Data from the call and the given map.
protected  String DescribePlatformListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          creates a SOS DescribePlatform request from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall.
protected  String GetCapabilitiesListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
protected  String GetObservationListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
protected  String DescribeSensorListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          creates a SOS DescribeSensor request from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall.
protected abstract  String AbstractSOSListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          Create a request
protected  void DescribePlatformListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  void GetCapabilitiesListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
protected  void GetObservationListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
protected  void DescribeSensorListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected abstract  void AbstractSOSListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          Validates a request

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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