deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use WebListener

Uses of WebListener in org.deegree.enterprise.control

Classes in org.deegree.enterprise.control that implement WebListener
 class AbstractDBListener
          The class listens to the get request against iso 19115 formated metadata here the result shall be returned in full format ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 class AbstractListener
          The abstract listener allows the reuse of basic functionality.
 class AbstractSecuredListener
          This abstract Listener ensures that only privileged users have access to the services provided by derived implementations.
 class ApplicationHandler
          Handler for all web events.

Uses of WebListener in org.deegree.portal.common.control

Classes in org.deegree.portal.common.control that implement WebListener
 class AbstractSimplePrintListener
          performs a print request/event by creating a PDF document from the current map.

Uses of WebListener in org.deegree.portal.portlet.enterprise

Classes in org.deegree.portal.portlet.enterprise that implement WebListener
 class AddWMSListener
 class GetWMSLayerListener
          Lister class for accessing the layers of WMS and return it to the client.
 class PrintListener
          performs a print request/event by creating a PDF document from the current map
 class SimplePrintListener
          performs a print request/event by creating a PDF document from the current map

Uses of WebListener in org.deegree.portal.standard.context.control

Classes in org.deegree.portal.standard.context.control that implement WebListener
 class AbstractContextListener
          This exception shall be thrown when a session(ID) will be used that has been expired.
 class ContextLoadListener
          This listener generates a list of availavle ViewContexts.
 class ContextSaveListener
          This class saves a new context based on changes made by the user (on the client) and based on the original context xml.
 class ContextSwitchListener
          This class handles switch of map contexts.
 class DownloadListener
          This Listener is used when a user likes to download the WFS data behind a WMS layer.
 class FullScreenListener
          Convert the current view context to a full screen mode.
 class InitDownloadListener
 class NormalScreenListener
          This class converts the fullScreen to normalScreen view.
 class ResetContextListener
          TODO add documentation here

Uses of WebListener in org.deegree.portal.standard.csw.control

Classes in org.deegree.portal.standard.csw.control that implement WebListener
 class AddToShoppingCartListener
          Deprecated. Shopping cart will not be supported at the moment. update: new changes in deegree1_fork will not be carried here, since this class is still not used. Remove when this status changes
 class DeleteFromShoppingCartListener
          Deprecated. Shopping cart will not be supported at the moment. update: new changes in deegree1_fork will not be carried here, since this class is still not used. Remove when this status changes
 class DetailedMetadataListener
          A ${type_name} class.
 class DetailedSearchListener
          A ${type_name} class.
 class DisplayMapListener
          Deprecated. Shopping cart will not be supported at the moment. update: new changes in deegree1_fork will not be carried here, since this class is still not used. Remove when this status changes
 class InitCSWModuleListener
          This classes initializes the configurations of the the CSW-module from the WMC to be used by the CSW client
 class OverviewMetadataListener
          A ${type_name} class.
 class SeriesChildrenSearchListener
          This class is used in case a data series is found to display all its datasets So it receives a data series ID and query all its children
 class ShoppingCartListener
          Deprecated. Shopping cart will not be supported at the moment. update: new changes in deegree1_fork will not be carried here, since this class is still not used. Remove when this status changes
 class SimpleSearchListener
          A ${type_name} class.
 class SingleLayerSearchListener
          Deprecated. Shopping cart will not be supported at the moment. update: new changes in deegree1_fork will not be carried here, since this class is still not used. Remove when this status changes
 class TurnPageListener
          A ${type_name} class.

Uses of WebListener in

Classes in that implement WebListener
 class AddServiceListener
 class EditServiceListener
 class EditSubadminRoleListener
          This Listener reacts on 'EditSubadminRole'-events, extracts the submitted role-id and passes the role + known datasets on to the JSP.
 class GetSessionIDListener
          Listener to retrieve the (deegree managed) sessionID of a user.
 class GetUsersListener
          This Listener reacts on RPC-GetUsers events, extracts the submitted letters and passes the users that begin with one of the letters on to the JSP.
 class InitGroupEditorListener
          This Listener reacts on 'initGroupAdministration' events, queries the SecurityManager and passes the group data on to be displayed by the JSP.
 class InitListener
 class InitRightsEditorListener
          This Listener reacts on RPC-EditRole events, extracts the submitted role-id and passes the role + known securable objects on the JSP.
 class InitRoleEditorListener
          This Listener reacts on 'initRoleGroupEditor' events and passes the roles to be displayed on the JSP.
 class InitSecuredObjectsEditorListener
          This Listener reacts on 'initSecuredObjectEditor' events and passes the SecuredObjects (Layers / FeatureTypes) to be displayed on the JSP.
 class InitServiceEditorListener
          This Listener reacts on 'initServiceAdministration'-events, queries the WCAS and passes the service data on to be displayed by the JSP.
 class InitServicesEditorListener
 class InitSubadminRoleEditorListener
          This Listener reacts on 'initSubadminRoleAdministration' events, queries the SecurityManager and passes the subadmin- roles on to be displayed by the JSP.
 class InitUserEditorListener
          This Listener reacts on 'initUserEditor' events, queries the SecurityManager and passes the group data on to be displayed by the JSP.
 class LoginListener
          Listener class for handling login to iGeoPortal standard edition
 class LoginUserListener
          This Listener reacts on RPC-LoginUser events, extracts the submitted username + password and tries to authenticate the user against the rights management subsystem.
 class LogoutListener
          Listener class for handling logout from iGeoPortal standard edition
 class LogoutUserListener
          This Listener reacts on RPC-LogoutUser events.
 class ReallyUpdateServiceListener
 class RemoveServiceListener
 class StoreGroupsListener
          This Listener reacts on RPC-StoreGroups events, extracts the contained user/group relations and updates the SecurityManager accordingly.
 class StoreRightsListener
          This Listener reacts on RPC-StoreRights events.
 class StoreRolesListener
          This Listener reacts on RPC-StoreRoles events, extracts the submitted role/group relations and updates the SecurityAccessManager accordingly.
 class StoreSecuredObjectsListener
          This Listener reacts on 'storeSecuredObjects' events, extracts the contained Layer/FeatureType definitions and updates the SecurityManager accordingly.
 class StoreUsersListener
          This Listener reacts on 'storeUsers' events, extracts the contained user definitions and updates the SecurityManager accordingly.
 class UpdateObjectsListener
 class UpdateServiceListener

Uses of WebListener in org.deegree.portal.standard.sos.control

Classes in org.deegree.portal.standard.sos.control that implement WebListener
 class AbstractSOSListener
 class DescribePlatformListener
          Listener for performing DescribePlatform requests against Sensor Observation Services.
 class DescribeSensorListener
          Listener for performing DescribeSensor requests against Sensor Observation Services.
 class GetCapabilitiesListener
 class GetObservationListener

Uses of WebListener in org.deegree.portal.standard.wfs.control

Classes in org.deegree.portal.standard.wfs.control that implement WebListener
 class DigitizeListener
          This Listener is used to perform a wfs transaction (e.g. write a geometry that was digitized in the client to a WFS).
 class GeometryValidator
          This listener validates simple geometries.
 class InitDigitizerModuleListener
          TODO describe function and usage of the class here.
 class WFSClientListener
          The WFSClientListener 1. receives an RPC request, 2. builds a request to a WFS service using the values given in the RPC request, 3. sends the request to the specified WFS, 4. receives the result from the WFS and 5. forwards the result to the WFSClient.

Uses of WebListener in org.deegree.portal.standard.wms.control

Classes in org.deegree.portal.standard.wms.control that implement WebListener
(package private)  class AbstractMapListener
          Basic class for all listerens that shall be notified if a map cliented raises an action/event.
 class DynLegendListener
          Will be called if the client forces a dynamic legend.
 class HighlightingInfoListener
          This class is for accessing informations about the highlighted polygons A new WFS GetFeature request will be created and performed
 class HighlightingListener
          This class is for highlighting polygons via a RPC request event from the client.
 class LegendListener
          will be called if the client forces a dynamic legend.
 class MapApplicationHandler
 class RecenterToLayerListener
          This class sets the bounding box of the portal to the bounding box of one selected layer as it is specified in the WMSCapabilities document of that layer.
 class ScaleBarSwitcherListener
          The ScaleSwitcherListner handles switching the scalebar values from igeoportal
 class ScaleSwitcherListener
          The ScaleSwitcherListner handles switching the values of the scales from igeoportal

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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