deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Package org.deegree.enterprise.servlet

NEW Package.


Interface Summary
ServiceDispatcher ServiceDispatcher

Class Summary
AbstractOWServiceHandler This class provides methods that are common to all services that comply to the OWS Common Implementation Specification 0.3.0.
ChartServlet A Servlet that gets an http GET request, with the de.latlon.charts parameters and it generates and returns a BufferedImage based on these parameters.
CSWHandler Web servlet client for CSW.
CSWHarvestingContextListener This class can be used to start up CSW harvesting thread when a servlet context will be initialized and to free all assigned resources if it will be destroyed.
DirectoryAccessServlet This is one possible web application to be used for the printing functionality in iGeoPortal Std.
DownloadServlet TODO add documentation here
GetMapFilter GetMapFilter Init parameters: prefix - default is app namespace - default is typeName - no default geometryProperty - default is app:geometry propertyName - no default excludedLayers - default is empty list (no excluded layers) coverStyle - default is not to request cover layers coverColor - default is #ffffff onlyForSLDRequests - the cover-layer mechanism is only used for SLD requests It is assumed that the WMS and its local WFS are configured in the same context as the filter.
GetMapFilter.DummyRequest DummyRequest
GZIPFilter ServletFilter that enables compression of response content, if the client supports GZIP compression (accept-encoding=gzip ...).
LoggingFilter servlet filter for logging incoming requests and outgoing responses.
OGCServletController An OGCServletController handles all incoming requests.
OWSSwitch OWSSwitch
OWSWatch The owsWatch Servlet to handle the request of the owswatch portal
ProtocolServlet Used to authenticate the user in order to view the Protocol file
RedirectServlet To configure the RedirectServlet, have the tomcat match everything (/*) for this servlet.
RequestMultiPartHandler RequestMultiPartHandler handles the multiparts of a request with the content-type set to multipart/form-data.
ServiceLookup look up class for deegree service handler.
ServletRequestWrapper TODO describe function and usage of the class here.
ServletResponseWrapper The ServletResponse class is a wrapper for an HttpServletResponse object.
SimpleProxyServlet simple proxy servlet The servlet is intended to run in its own context combined with ServletFilter (e.g.
SOAP_1_1_FacadeServletFilter The SOAP_1_1_FacadeServletFilter class is able to handle an incoming SOAP requests.
SOSHandler Web servlet client for WFS.
TolerantGetFeatureInfoFilter Deprecated. use the TolerantOGCRequestFilter instead
TolerantOGCRequestFilter TolerantOGCRequestFilter currently implements the following relaxations: format is not required for WMS GetFeatureInfo requests version can be 1.0 for WFS requests (and will be interpreted as 1.0.0)
WASSHandler This is the servlet handler class for the WASS services, ie, the Web Authentication Service and the Web Security Service.
WCSHandler Dispatcher for WCService.
WCTSHandler The WCTSHandler is the interface between the WCTService and the OGCServletController.
WFSHandler Web servlet client for WFS.
WFSRequestMapping This class respectively its method WFSRequestMapping.mapPropertyValue(Node) can be used by XSLT scripts to map a node value (key) to another, corresponding value (value).
WMPSHandler Web servlet client for WMPS.
WMSHandler WMSHandler is the handler class for WMS requests and their results.
WPSHandler Created on 08.03.2006. 17:01:31h
WPVSHandler Handler for the Web Perspective View Service (WPVS).

Package org.deegree.enterprise.servlet Description

NEW Package. Recommended refactoring. See classes for details.

$Revision: 6259 $, $Date: 2007-03-20 10:15:15 +0100 (Di, 20. Mär 2007) $
Torsten Friebe

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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