deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Package org.deegree.framework.xml.schema

Interface Summary
TypeDeclaration Represents an XML type declaration in an XMLSchema.

Class Summary
ComplexTypeDeclaration Represents an XML complex type declaration in an XMLSchema.
ElementDeclaration Represents an XML element declaration in an XMLSchema.
ElementReference Represents an element reference.
SimpleTypeDeclaration Represents an XML simple type declaration in an XMLSchema.
TypeReference Represents a type reference.
XMLSchema Represents an XML schema document.
XSDocument Parser for XML schema documents.

Exception Summary
UndefinedElementException Thrown when a reference to an XML element is encountered that is unknown in the context (i.e. in the XML Schema document).
UndefinedXSDTypeException Thrown when a reference to an XML type is encountered that is unknown in the context (i.e. in the XML Schema document).
UnresolvableReferenceException Thrown when a reference to an XML type or element is encountered that is unknown in the context (i.e. in the XML Schema document).
XMLSchemaException This exception is thrown when a syntactic or semantic error has been encountered during the parsing or the processing of an XML Schema document.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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