deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use StyledLayerDescriptor   

Uses of StyledLayerDescriptor in

Methods in with parameters of type StyledLayerDescriptor
 BufferedImage[] LegendFactory.createAllThumbnails(StyledLayerDescriptor sld, int width, int height, String mime)

Uses of StyledLayerDescriptor in

Methods in that return StyledLayerDescriptor
static StyledLayerDescriptor SLDFactory.createSLD(String s)
          Creates a StyledLayerDescriptor-instance from the given XML-representation.
static StyledLayerDescriptor SLDFactory.createSLD(URL url)
          Creates a StyledLayerDescriptor-instance from a SLD document read from the passed URL
static StyledLayerDescriptor SLDFactory.createSLD(XMLFragment sldDoc)
          Creates a StyledLayerDescriptor-instance according to the contents of the DOM-subtree starting at the given 'StyledLayerDescriptor'-Element.

Uses of StyledLayerDescriptor in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.operation

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.operation that return StyledLayerDescriptor
 StyledLayerDescriptor GetFeatureInfo.getStyledLayerDescriptor()
          returns the SLD the request is made of.
 StyledLayerDescriptor GetMap.getStyledLayerDescriptor()

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.operation with parameters of type StyledLayerDescriptor
static GetMap GetMap.create(String version, String id, GetMap.Layer[] layers, Values elevation, Map<String,Values> sampleDimension, String format, int width, int height, String srs, Envelope boundingBox, boolean transparency, Color bGColor, String exceptions, Values time, URL sldURL, StyledLayerDescriptor sld, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParameter)
          creates a WTSGetViewRequest from a set of parameters and builds up the complete SLD.
static GetFeatureInfo GetFeatureInfo.create(String version, String id, String[] queryLayers, GetMap getMapRequestCopy, String infoFormat, int featureCount, Point clickPoint, String exceptions, StyledLayerDescriptor sld, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParameter)
          creates a WMSFeatureInfoRequest from the request parameters.
 void GetFeatureInfo.setStyledLayerDescriptor(StyledLayerDescriptor sld)
          sets the SLD the request is made of.

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.operation with parameters of type StyledLayerDescriptor
GetMap(String version, String id, GetMap.Layer[] ls, String format, int width, int height, String srs, Envelope boundingBox, boolean transparency, Color bgColor, String exceptions, URL sld_url, StyledLayerDescriptor sld, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParameter, DimensionValues dimTime, DimensionValues dimElev)
GetMap(String version, String id, GetMap.Layer[] layers, Values elevation, Map<String,Values> sampleDimension, String format, int width, int height, String srs, Envelope boundingBox, boolean transparency, Color bGColor, String exceptions, Values time, URL sldURL, StyledLayerDescriptor sld, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParameter)
          Creates a new GetMapRequest object.

Uses of StyledLayerDescriptor in org.deegree.portal.context

Methods in org.deegree.portal.context that return StyledLayerDescriptor
 StyledLayerDescriptor SLD.getStyledLayerDescriptor()
          inline the namedStyle or userStyle named in the enclosing <Style> element

Methods in org.deegree.portal.context with parameters of type StyledLayerDescriptor
 ViewContext DefaultMapModelAccess.assignSLDToLayer(QualifiedName name, URL owsAddress, String type, StyledLayerDescriptor sld)
 ViewContext MapModelAccess.assignSLDToLayer(QualifiedName name, URL owsAddress, String type, StyledLayerDescriptor sld)
          assignes a SLD document instead of a style to a layer.
 void SLD.setStyledLayerDescriptor(StyledLayerDescriptor styledLayerDescriptor)
          see also org.deegree.clients.context.SLD#getStyledLayerDescriptor()

Constructors in org.deegree.portal.context with parameters of type StyledLayerDescriptor
SLD(String name, String title, StyledLayerDescriptor styledLayerDescriptor)
          Creates a new SLD object.

Uses of StyledLayerDescriptor in

Methods in that return StyledLayerDescriptor
 StyledLayerDescriptor AVL2SLD.getStyledLayerDescriptor()
          creates a StyledLayerDescriptor from the avl file assigned to the instace of a AVLReader.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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