deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use DatastoreException   
org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs Web Feature Service (OGC WFS Version 1.1.0). 

Uses of DatastoreException in

Subclasses of DatastoreException in
 class MissingLockIdException
 class PropertyPathResolvingException
          Indicates that a PropertyPath cannot be resolved against a MappedFeatureType.
 class TransactionException
          Indicates that an error occured so the transaction could not be performed.

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
 Lock LockManager.acquireLock(LockFeature request, List<FeatureId> fidsToLock)
          Acquires a lock for the given LockFeature request.
 DatastoreTransaction Datastore.acquireTransaction()
          Acquires transactional access to the datastore instance.
 void Datastore.bindSchema(MappedGMLSchema schema)
          Adds the given GML application schema to the set of schemas that are handled by this datastore instance.
abstract  void Datastore.close()
          Closes the datastore so it can free dependent resources.
 void DatastoreTransaction.commit()
          Makes the changes persistent that have been performed in this transaction.
 void Datastore.configure(DatastoreConfiguration config)
          Configures the datastore with the supplied configuration.
static void DatastoreRegistry.deregisterDatastore(DatastoreConfiguration config)
          Returns the Datastore instance that serves the given DatastoreConfiguration from the registry.
 Set<FeatureId> Datastore.determineFidsToLock(List<Lock> requestParts)
          Determines the ids of all features to be locked by the given parts of a LockFeature request, this includes all descendant and super features of the targeted features as well.
static void LockManager.initialize(File workingDir)
          Initializes the LockManager.
 int DatastoreTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 List<FeatureId> DatastoreTransaction.performInsert(List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore.
 int DatastoreTransaction.performNative(Native operation)
          Performs a native operation against the datastore.
abstract  FeatureCollection Datastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
          Performs a query against the datastore.
abstract  FeatureCollection Datastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)
          Performs a query against the datastore (in the given transaction context).
 int DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs a replace-update operation against the datastore.
 int DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.
static void DatastoreRegistry.registerDatastore(Datastore ds)
          Registers a new Datastore instance.
 void DatastoreTransaction.release()
          Releases the transaction instance so other clients may acquire a transaction (and underlying resources, such as JDBCConnections can be cleaned up).
 void LockManager.releaseLock(String lockId)
          Releases the specified lock completely (all associated features are unlocked) and removes it (also from the temporary directory).
 void LockManager.releaseLockPartly(String lockId, Set<FeatureId> unlockFids)
          Releases the specified lock partly (all specified features are unlocked).
 void Datastore.releaseTransaction(DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns the transaction to the datastore.
 void DatastoreTransaction.rollback()
          Aborts the changes that have been performed in this transaction.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
 void CachedWFSDatastore.bindSchema(MappedGMLSchema schema)
 void CachedWFSDatastore.close()
 FeatureCollection CachedWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection CachedWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of DatastoreException in

Subclasses of DatastoreException in
 class IdGenerationException
          Marks that the generation of an id failed.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
 DatastoreTransaction MappedFeatureType.acquireTransaction()
          Retrieves a transaction object for this feature type.
 FeatureCollection MappedFeatureType.performQuery(Query query)
          Performs the given Query.
 FeatureCollection MappedFeatureType.performQuery(Query query, DatastoreTransaction context)
          Performs the given Query inside the given transaction context.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
protected  SDEConnection SDEDatastore.acquireConnection()
          Returns the database connection requested for.
 DatastoreTransaction SDEDatastore.acquireTransaction()
 void SDETransaction.begin()
          Starts a new transaction.
 void SDEDatastore.bindSchema(MappedGMLSchema schema)
protected  com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeFilter[] SDEWhereBuilder.buildSpatialFilter(ComplexFilter filter, List<com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeLayer> layers)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.
 void SDEDatastore.close()
 void SDETransaction.commit()
          Makes the changes persistent that have been performed in this transaction.
 void SDEDatastore.configure(DatastoreConfiguration config)
 Geometry SDEDatastore.convertDBToDegreeGeometry(Object value)
          Converts a database specific geometry Object from the ResultSet to a deegree Geometry.
 Object SDEDatastore.convertDegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry)
          Converts a deegree Geometry to a database specific geometry Object.
 FeatureId[] AbstractSDERequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter.
protected  Feature SDEQueryHandler.extractFeature(FeatureId fid, MappedFeatureType featureType, Map<MappedPropertyType,Collection<PropertyPath>> requestedPropertyMap, Map<MappingField,Integer> mappingFieldsMap, Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts a feature from the values of a result set row.
 SDEWhereBuilder SDEDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for SDE.
(package private)  int SDEDeleteHandler.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 int SDETransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 List<FeatureId> SDETransaction.performInsert(List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore.
 List<FeatureId> SDEInsertHandler.performInsert(List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instance into the datastore.
 int SDETransaction.performNative(Native operation)
          Performs a 'native' operation against the datastore.
 FeatureCollection SDEQueryHandler.performQuery()
          Performs the associated Query against the datastore.
 FeatureCollection SDEDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection SDEDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)
 int SDETransaction.performReplace(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs a replace operation against the datastore.
 int SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.
 int SDEUpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> properties, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation against the associated datastore.
 int SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.
 void SDETransaction.release()
          Returns the transaction instance so other clients may acquire a transaction (and underlying resources, such as JDBCConnections can be freed).
protected  void SDEDatastore.releaseConnection(SDEConnection conn)
          Releases the connection.
 void SDEDatastore.releaseTransaction(DatastoreTransaction ta)
protected  void SDEQueryHandler.resolveXLinks()
 void SDETransaction.rollback()
          Aborts the changes that have been performed in this transaction.

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
SDEQueryHandler(SDEDatastore datastore, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, SDEConnection conn, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, Query query)
          Creates a new instance of SDEQueryHandler from the given parameters.
SDEWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
          Creates a new instance of SDEWhereBuilder for the given parameters.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
 void ShapeDatastore.bindSchema(MappedGMLSchema schema)
 void ShapeDatastore.close()
          Closes the datastore so it can free dependent resources.
 FeatureCollection ShapeDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection ShapeDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
protected  Connection AbstractSQLDatastore.acquireConnection()
          Returns the database connection requested for.
 DatastoreTransaction AbstractSQLDatastore.acquireTransaction()
          Acquires transactional access to the datastore.
protected  StatementBuffer QueryHandler.buildInitialSelect(SelectManager selectManager)
          Builds the initial SELECT statement.
 SQLFunctionCall AbstractSQLDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(MappedGeometryPropertyType geoProperty, String targetSRS)
          Returns an SQLFunctionCall that refers to the given MappedGeometryPropertyType in the specified target SRS using a database specific SQL function.
 String AbstractSQLDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(String geomIdentifier, int nativeSRSCode)
          Builds an SQL fragment that converts the given geometry to the specified SRS.
(package private)  String AbstractSQLDatastore.checkTransformation(MappedGeometryPropertyType pt, String queriedSrs)
          Checks whether the (native) coordinate transformation of the specified geometry property to the given SRS is possible (and necessary), i.e.
 void AbstractSQLDatastore.close()
 void AbstractSQLDatastore.configure(DatastoreConfiguration datastoreConfiguration)
abstract  Object AbstractSQLDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry, int nativeSRSCode, Connection conn)
          Converts a deegree Geometry to a database specific geometry Object.
 Object AbstractSQLDatastore.convertFromDBType(Object rsObject, int sqlTypeCode)
          Converts the given object from a java.sql.ResultSet column to the common type to be used as a feature property.
protected  SQLTransaction AbstractSQLDatastore.createTransaction()
          Creates a new SQLTransaction that provides transactional access.
 List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedAndModifiableFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter and that are either not locked or locked by the specified lockId.
 List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineAffectedFIDs(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Determines the feature ids that are matched by the given filter.
protected  List<List<SimpleContent>> FeatureFetcher.determineFetchContents(MappedFeatureType ft, PropertyType[] requestedProps)
          Determines the columns / functions that have to be fetched from the table of the given MappedFeatureType and associates identical columns / functions to avoid that the same column / function is SELECTed more than once.
(package private)  Set<FeatureId> LockHandler.determineFidsToLock()
          Determines all FeatureIds that have to be locked.
 Set<FeatureId> AbstractSQLDatastore.determineFidsToLock(List<Lock> requestParts)
 Map<MappedFeaturePropertyType,List<FeatureId>> AbstractRequestHandler.determineSubFeatures(FeatureId fid)
          Determines all complex properties and contained subfeature ids for a certain feature.
 Set<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.determineSuperFeatures(FeatureId fid)
          Determines all super features (as FeatureId instances) for a certain feature.
protected  Feature FeatureFetcher.extractFeature(FeatureId fid, Map<MappedPropertyType,Collection<PropertyPath>> requestedPropertyMap, Map<SimpleContent,Integer> resultPosMap, Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts a feature from the values of a result set row.
protected  FeatureId FeatureFetcher.extractFeatureId(MappedFeatureType ft, Map<SimpleContent,Integer> mfMap, Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts the feature id from the values of a result set row.
protected  FeatureId AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureId(ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the FeatureId in the current row of the given ResultSet.
protected  List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureIds(ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the feature ids in the given ResultSet as a List of FeatureIds.
protected  List<FeatureId> AbstractRequestHandler.extractFeatureIdsForceUnique(ResultSet rs, MappedFeatureType ft)
          Extracts the feature ids in the given ResultSet as a List of FeatureIds.
 int AbstractSQLDatastore.getNativeSRSCode(String srsName)
          Returns the database specific code for the given SRS name.
 Object AbstractSQLDatastore.getSequenceCurrValPlusOffset(Connection conn, String sequence, int offset)
          Overwrite this to enable the datastore to fetch the current value (plus an offset) of a SQL sequence.
 Object AbstractSQLDatastore.getSequenceNextVal(Connection conn, String sequence)
          Overwrite this to enable the datastore to fetch the next value of a SQL sequence.
 WhereBuilder AbstractSQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Overwrite this to return a database specific (spatial capable) WhereBuilder implementation.
 FeatureCollection QueryHandler.performQuery()
          Performs the associated Query against the datastore.
 FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
protected  FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, Connection conn)
          Performs a Query against the datastore.
 FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)
 PreparedStatement AbstractSQLDatastore.prepareStatement(Connection conn, StatementBuffer statementBuffer)
          Converts the StatementBuffer into a PreparedStatement, which is initialized and ready to be performed.
 void AbstractSQLDatastore.releaseConnection(Connection conn)
          Releases the connection.
 void AbstractSQLDatastore.releaseTransaction(DatastoreTransaction ta)
          Returns the transaction to the datastore.

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
FeatureFetcher(AbstractSQLDatastore datastore, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, Connection conn, Query query)
QueryHandler(AbstractSQLDatastore ds, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, Connection conn, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, Query query)
          Creates a new instance of QueryHandler from the given parameters.
SelectManager(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, FeatureFetcher fetcher)

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
protected  void GenericSQLWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.
 Object GenericSQLDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry, int nativeSRSCode, Connection conn)
protected  GenericSQLTransaction GenericSQLDatastore.createTransaction()
 WhereBuilder GenericSQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, String lockId)
 List<FeatureId> GenericSQLTransaction.performInsert(List<Feature> features)
protected  FeatureCollection GenericSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, Connection conn)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, String lockId)
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, String lockId)

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
GenericSQLTransaction(AbstractSQLDatastore ds, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, Connection conn)
GenericSQLWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider, JDBCConnection jdbc)
          Creates a new instance of GenericSQLWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
protected  void MySQLWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.
 byte[] MySQLDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry, int targetSRS, Connection conn)
          Converts a deegree Geometry to a MySQL specific geometry object (a byte[] containing WKB).
 MySQLWhereBuilder MySQLDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for MySQL.

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
MySQLWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of MySQLWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
protected  void OracleSpatialWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.
 SQLFunctionCall OracleDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(MappedGeometryPropertyType geoProperty, String targetSRS)
          Returns an SQLFunctionCall that refers to the given MappingGeometryField in the specified target SRS using a database specific SQL function.
 String OracleDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(String geomIdentifier, int nativeSRSCode)
 oracle.sql.STRUCT OracleDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry, int nativeSRSCode, Connection conn)
          Converts a deegree Geometry to an Oracle specific geometry object.
 Object OracleDatastore.convertFromDBType(Object rsObject, int sqlTypeCode)
          Converts the given object from a java.sql.ResultSet column to the common type to be used as a feature property.
 Object OracleDatastore.getSequenceCurrValPlusOffset(Connection conn, String sequence, int offset)
          Returns the current value (plus an offset) of the given SQL sequence.
 Object OracleDatastore.getSequenceNextVal(Connection conn, String sequence)
          Returns the next value of the given SQL sequence.
 WhereBuilder OracleDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for Oracle Spatial.

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
OracleSpatialWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of OracleSpatialWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
protected  Connection PostGISDatastore.acquireConnection()
protected  void PostGISWhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Generates an SQL-fragment for the given object.
 SQLFunctionCall PostGISDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(MappedGeometryPropertyType geoProperty, String targetSRS)
          Returns an SQLFunctionCall that refers to the given MappingGeometryField in the specified target SRS using a database specific SQL function.
 String PostGISDatastore.buildSRSTransformCall(String geomIdentifier, int nativeSRSCode)
 org.postgis.PGgeometry PostGISDatastore.convertDeegreeToDBGeometry(Geometry geometry, int targetSRS, Connection conn)
          Converts a deegree Geometry to a PostGIS specific geometry object.
 Object PostGISDatastore.getSequenceNextVal(Connection conn, String sequence)
          Returns the next value of the given SQL sequence.
 PostGISWhereBuilder PostGISDatastore.getWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Returns a specific WhereBuilder implementation for PostGIS.

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
PostGISWhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new instance of PostGISWhereBuilder from the given parameters.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
 void SQLTransaction.commit()
          Makes the changes persistent that have been performed in this transaction.
 int SQLTransaction.performDelete(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Deletes the features from the datastore that are matched by the given filter and type.
 List<FeatureId> SQLTransaction.performInsert(List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instances into the datastore.
 int SQLTransaction.performNative(Native operation)
          Performs a 'native' operation against the datastore.
 int UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation (replace-style) against the associated datastore.
 int SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Feature replacementFeature, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs a update (replace-style) operation against the datastore.
 int UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation against the associated datastore.
 int SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.
 void SQLTransaction.release()
          Returns the transaction instance so other clients may acquire a transaction (and underlying resources, such as JDBCConnections can be freed).
 void SQLTransaction.rollback()
          Aborts the changes that have been performed in this transaction.

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
SQLTransaction(AbstractSQLDatastore datastore, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, Connection conn)
          Creates a new instance of SQLTransaction from the given parameters.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
 void DeleteHandler.deleteOrphanedPropertyRows(TableRelation relation, Object[] keyValues)
          Delete orphaned rows in the specified property table (target table of the given TableRelation).
(package private)  TableNode DeleteHandler.determineJTNode(FeatureId fid, FeatureId subFid, TableRelation relation1, TableRelation relation2)
          Determines the row in the join table that connects a certain feature with a subfeature.
(package private)  List<TableNode> DeleteHandler.determinePropNodes(FeatureId fid, TableRelation relation)
          Determines the TableNode that represent the simple/geometry properties in the property table attached by the given TableRelation.
 int DeleteHandler.performDelete(MappedFeatureType ft, Filter filter)
          Deletes the features from the Datastore that have a certain type and are matched by the given filter.

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
FeatureGraph(List<FeatureId> rootFids, DeleteHandler handler)
          Creates a new FeatureGraph instance for the given root FeatureIds and the specified DeleteHandler.
FeatureGraph(Set<FeatureId> rootFids, LockHandler handler)
          Creates a new FeatureGraph instance for the given root FeatureIds and the specified LockHandler.
TableGraph(FeatureGraph featureGraph, DeleteHandler handler)
          Creates a new DeleteGraph instance from the given FeatureGraph.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
 List<FeatureId> InsertHandler.performInsert(List<Feature> features)
          Inserts the given feature instance into the datastore.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendComplexFilterAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, ComplexFilter filter)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendFeatureFilterAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, FeatureFilter filter)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendLogicalOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, LogicalOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, Operation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
 void WhereBuilder.appendOrderByCondition(StatementBuffer query)
          Appends an SQL "ORDER BY"-condition that corresponds to the sort properties of the query to the given SQL statement.
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendSpatialOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, SpatialOperation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.
 void WhereBuilder.appendWhereCondition(StatementBuffer query)
          Appends an SQL WHERE-condition corresponding to the Filter to the given SQL statement.

Constructors in that throw DatastoreException
WhereBuilder(MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, String[] aliases, Filter filter, SortProperty[] sortProperties, TableAliasGenerator aliasGenerator, VirtualContentProvider vcProvider)
          Creates a new WhereBuilder instance.

Uses of DatastoreException in

Methods in that throw DatastoreException
 void CascadingWFSDatastore.close()
(package private)  WFSCapabilities CascadingWFSDatastore.getWFSCapabilities(URL wfsBaseURL)
          Returns the WFSCapabilities for the WFS that can be reached at the given URL.
 FeatureCollection CascadingWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection CascadingWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of DatastoreException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs that throw DatastoreException
(package private)  FeatureCollection FeatureDisambiguator.mergeFeatures()
          Merges all "equal" feature (and subfeature) instances in the associated feature collection that do not have a feature id.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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