deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use UnknownCRSException   
org.deegree.ogcbase Provides common classes to deal with an OGC conform service instance. 
org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms Web Map Service 1.1.3 (OGC WMS Version 1.1.1). 

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Constructors in that throw UnknownCRSException
MapView(String name, Envelope boundingbox, double pixelsize)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
abstract  FeatureCollection Datastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
          Performs a query against the datastore.
abstract  FeatureCollection Datastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)
          Performs a query against the datastore (in the given transaction context).

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
 FeatureCollection CachedWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection CachedWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  MappedFeatureType MappedGMLSchema.buildFeatureType(ElementDeclaration element)
          Builds a MappedFeatureType from the given element declaration.
protected  PropertyType MappedGMLSchema.buildPropertyTypeRealName(MappedElementDeclaration element, String table, QualifiedName propertyName)
(package private)  MappedGeometryPropertyType MappedGMLSchemaDocument.parseMappedGeometryPropertyType(Element element, QualifiedName propertyName, QualifiedName typeName, int type, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean isIdentityPart, String table)
          Extracts the mapping information for a geometry property type from the given "xs:annotation" element.
 MappedGMLSchema MappedGMLSchemaDocument.parseMappedGMLSchema()
          Returns the class representation of the underlying mapped GML schema document.
 FeatureCollection MappedFeatureType.performQuery(Query query)
          Performs the given Query.
 FeatureCollection MappedFeatureType.performQuery(Query query, DatastoreTransaction context)
          Performs the given Query inside the given transaction context.

Constructors in that throw UnknownCRSException
MappedGeometryPropertyType(QualifiedName name, QualifiedName typeName, int type, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs, boolean isIdentityPart, URI srs, TableRelation[] tableRelations, MappingGeometryField mappingField)
          Constructs a new instance of MappedGeometryPropertyType from the given parameters.
MappedGMLSchema(URI targetNamespace, SimpleTypeDeclaration[] simpleTypes, ComplexTypeDeclaration[] complexTypes, ElementDeclaration[] elementDeclarations, String namespacePrefix, URI defaultSRS, DatastoreConfiguration backendConfiguration, boolean suppressXLinkOutput, MappedGMLSchemaDocument doc)
          Creates a new MappedGMLSchema instance from the given parameters.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  Feature FeatureFetcher.extractFeature(FeatureId fid, Map<MappedPropertyType,Collection<PropertyPath>> requestedPropertyMap, Map<SimpleContent,Integer> resultPosMap, Object[] resultValues)
          Extracts a feature from the values of a result set row.
 FeatureCollection QueryHandler.performQuery()
          Performs the associated Query against the datastore.
 FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
protected  FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, Connection conn)
          Performs a Query against the datastore.
 FeatureCollection AbstractSQLDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
 FeatureCollection CascadingWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts)
 FeatureCollection CascadingWFSDatastore.performQuery(Query query, MappedFeatureType[] rootFts, DatastoreTransaction context)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
static CoordinateSystem CRSFactory.create(String name)
          Creates a CRS from the given name, if no CRS was found an UnkownCRSException will be thrown.
static CoordinateSystem CRSFactory.create(String providerName, String name)
          Creates a CRS from the given name using the given provider, if no CRS was found an UnkownCRSException will be thrown.
 Envelope GeoTransformer.transform(Envelope envelope, String sourceCRS)
          Transforms a Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance
 Envelope GeoTransformer.transform(Envelope envelope, String sourceCRS, boolean regardDistortion)
          Transforms a Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance This transformation takes rotation and distortion into account when regardDistortion is true.

Constructors in that throw UnknownCRSException
GeoTransformer(String targetCRS)
          Creates a new GeoTransformer object, with the given id as the target CRS.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.model.feature

Methods in org.deegree.model.feature that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  FeatureType GMLFeatureDocument.getFeatureType(QualifiedName ftName)
          Returns the feature type with the given name.
protected  Map<URI,GMLSchema> GMLFeatureDocument.getGMLSchemas()
          Determines and retrieves the GML schemas that the document refers to.
protected  GMLSchema GMLFeatureDocument.getSchemaForNamespace(URI ns)
          Returns the GML schema for the given namespace.
 Feature GMLFeatureDocument.parseFeature()
          Returns the object representation for the root feature element.
protected  Feature GMLFeatureDocument.parseFeature(Element element)
          Returns the object representation for the given feature element.
protected  Feature GMLFeatureDocument.parseFeature(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns the object representation for the given feature element.
 Feature GMLFeatureDocument.parseFeature(String defaultSRS)
          Returns the object representation for the root feature element.
 FeatureProperty GMLFeatureDocument.parseProperty(Element propertyElement, FeatureType ft)
          Returns the object representation for the given property element.
 FeatureProperty GMLFeatureDocument.parseProperty(Element propertyElement, FeatureType ft, String srsName)
          Returns the object representation for the given property element.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.model.feature.schema

Methods in org.deegree.model.feature.schema that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  FeatureType GMLSchema.buildFeatureType(ElementDeclaration element)
protected  void GMLSchema.buildFeatureTypeMap(ElementDeclaration[] elementDeclarations)
          Initializes the internal feature type map which is used to lookup feature types by name.
 GMLSchema GMLSchemaDocument.parseGMLSchema()
          Returns the class representation of the underlying GML schema document.

Constructors in org.deegree.model.feature.schema that throw UnknownCRSException
GMLSchema(URI targetNamespace, SimpleTypeDeclaration[] simpleTypes, ComplexTypeDeclaration[] complexTypes, ElementDeclaration[] elementDeclarations)
          Creates a new GMLSchema instance from the given parameters.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.model.spatialschema

Methods in org.deegree.model.spatialschema that throw UnknownCRSException
static Envelope GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapBox(Element element)
          Deprecated. this method cannot provide default SRS information, please use GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapBox(Element,String) instead
static Envelope GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapBox(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns an instance of Envelope created from the passed gml:Box or gml:Envelope element.
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapBoxAsSurface(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns a Surface created from the given gml:Box element.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapCurveAsCurve(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns an instance of Curve created from the passed gml:Curve element.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapLinearRing(Element element, String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:LinearRing element as a Curve.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapLineString(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns a Curve instance created from the passed gml:LineString element.
static MultiCurve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiCurveAsMultiCurve(Element element, String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:MultiCurve element as a MultiCurve.
static MultiGeometry GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiGeometry(Element element, String srsName)
          Creates an instance of MultiGeometry from the passed gml:MultiGeometry element.
static MultiCurve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiLineString(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns a MultiCurve instance created from the passed gml:MultiLineString element.
static MultiPoint GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiPoint(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns a MultiPoint instance created from the passed gml:MultiPoint element.
static MultiSurface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiPolygon(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns a MultiSurface instance created from the passed gml:MultiPolygon element.
static MultiSurface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapMultiSurfaceAsMultiSurface(Element element, String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:MultiSurface element as a MultiSurface.
static Point GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapPoint(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns a Point instance created from the passed gml:Point element.
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapPolygon(Element element, String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:Polygon element as a Surface.
static Curve GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapRing(Element element, String srsName)
          Parses the given gml:Ring element as a Curve.
static Surface GMLGeometryAdapter.wrapSurfaceAsSurface(Element element, String srsName)
          Returns an instance of Surface created from the passed gml:Surface element.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcbase

Methods in org.deegree.ogcbase that throw UnknownCRSException
static Envelope GMLDocument.parseEnvelope(Element element)
          creates a Envelope from the passed element.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration that throw UnknownCRSException
 Extension ExtensionDocument.getExtension()
          returns the content of the Extension element of te deegree WCS coverage description (configuration document). the extension section contains informations about data access/sources for different resolutions and ranges.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage that throw UnknownCRSException
 CoverageOffering[] CoverageDescriptionDocument.getCoverageOfferings()
          creates a CoverageDescription instance from the DOM document encapsulated by this class

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcts.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcts.capabilities that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  Content WCTSCapabilitiesDocument.parseContents(String configuredProvider)
          Parses the optional wcts:Content element of the wcts:Capabilities element.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wmps.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wmps.capabilities that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  Envelope WMPSCapabilitiesDocument.parseLatLonBoundingBox(Element llBox)
          Parse Lat Lon Bounding Box
protected  Layer WMPSCapabilitiesDocument.parseLayers(Element layerElem, Layer parent)
          returns the layers offered by the WMPS

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wmps.configuration

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wmps.configuration that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  Layer WMPSConfigurationDocument.parseLayers(Element layerElem, Layer parent)
          returns the layers offered by the WMS

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  List<PropertyPath> GetMapServiceInvoker.findGeoProperties(AbstractLayer layer, FeatureTypeConstraint[] ftc, List<PropertyPath> pp)
          the method accesses the GML schema of the feature types being part of the passed FeatureTypeConstraints and extracts the geometry property definition.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  Envelope WMSCapabilitiesDocument_1_3_0.parseEX_GeographicBoundingBox(Element llBox)
protected  Envelope WMSCapabilitiesDocument.parseLatLonBoundingBox(Element llBox)
protected  Envelope WMSCapabilitiesDocument_1_0_0.parseLatLonBoundingBox(Element llBox)
protected  Layer WMSCapabilitiesDocument_1_3_0.parseLayers(Element layerElem, Layer parent, ScaleHint scaleHint)
protected  Layer WMSCapabilitiesDocument.parseLayers(Element layerElem, Layer parent, ScaleHint scaleHint)
protected  Layer WMSCapabilitiesDocument_1_0_0.parseLayers(Element layerElem, Layer parent, ScaleHint scaleHint)
          returns the layers offered by the WMS

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.configuration

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.configuration that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  Layer WMSConfigurationDocument.parseLayers(Element layerElem, Layer parent, ScaleHint scaleHint)
          returns the layers offered by the WMS
protected  Layer WMSConfigurationDocument_1_3_0.parseLayers(Element layerElem, Layer parent, ScaleHint scaleHint)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.portal.context

Methods in org.deegree.portal.context that throw UnknownCRSException
 ViewContext ViewContext.clone(User user, String sessionID)
          The function obtains a copy from the view context
static ViewContext WebMapContextFactory.createViewContext(URL url, User user, String sessionID)
          creates an instance of a ViewContext from the web map context document read from the passed URL
static ViewContext WebMapContextFactory.createViewContext(XMLFragment xml, User user, String sessionID)

Uses of UnknownCRSException in org.deegree.portal.standard.wfs.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.wfs.control that throw UnknownCRSException
protected  void DigitizeListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Validate the RPC request: number of RPCParameter must be 2 or more.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
static void SchemaAnalyzer.main(String[] args)
static void DDLGenerator.main(String[] args)

Constructors in that throw UnknownCRSException
DDLGenerator(URL schemaURL)
          Creates a new instance of DDLGenerator from the given parameters.
OracleDDLGenerator(URL schemaURL)
          Generates a new instance of OracleDDLGenerator, ready to generate DDL for the given schema.
PostGISDDLGenerator(URL schemaURL)
          Generates a new instance of PostGISDDLGenerator, ready to generate DDL for the given schema.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
 void RasterTreeUpdater.init()
          Initializes the instance.

Uses of UnknownCRSException in

Methods in that throw UnknownCRSException
static void DemoCRSTransform.main(String[] args)
          a starter method to transform a given point or a serie of points read from a file.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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