deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FeatureProperty   

Uses of FeatureProperty in

Methods in that return FeatureProperty
 FeatureProperty ScaledFeature.getDefaultProperty(PropertyPath path)
 FeatureProperty ScaledFeature.getDefaultProperty(QualifiedName name)
          use '$SCALE' to access the scale property value
 FeatureProperty ScaledFeature.getOwner()
 FeatureProperty[] ScaledFeature.getProperties()
 FeatureProperty[] ScaledFeature.getProperties(int index)
          The property '$SCALE' has the highest valid index
 FeatureProperty[] ScaledFeature.getProperties(QualifiedName name)

Methods in with parameters of type FeatureProperty
 void ScaledFeature.addProperty(FeatureProperty property)
 void ScaledFeature.replaceProperty(FeatureProperty oldProperty, FeatureProperty newProperty)
 void ScaledFeature.setProperty(FeatureProperty property, int index)

Uses of FeatureProperty in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type FeatureProperty
 int DatastoreTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Uses of FeatureProperty in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type FeatureProperty
 int SDEUpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> properties, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation against the associated datastore.
 int SDETransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Uses of FeatureProperty in

Fields in with type parameters of type FeatureProperty
protected  Map<FeatureId,List<FeatureProperty>> FeatureFetcher.fidToPropertyMap

Uses of FeatureProperty in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type FeatureProperty
 int GenericSQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, String lockId)

Uses of FeatureProperty in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type FeatureProperty
 int UpdateHandler.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType ft, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter)
          Performs an update operation against the associated datastore.
 int SQLTransaction.performUpdate(MappedFeatureType mappedFeatureType, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter, String lockId)
          Performs an update operation against the datastore.

Uses of FeatureProperty in

Methods in that return FeatureProperty
 FeatureProperty[] ShapeFile.getFeatureProperties(FeatureCollection fc, int n)
          Copies the feature properties of a feature.

Uses of FeatureProperty in org.deegree.model.feature

Classes in org.deegree.model.feature that implement FeatureProperty
(package private)  class DefaultFeatureProperty
          the interface describes a property entry of a feature.
 class XLinkedFeatureProperty
          Feature property instance that does not specify it's content inline, but references a feature instance via an XLink.

Fields in org.deegree.model.feature declared as FeatureProperty
protected  FeatureProperty AbstractFeature.owner
protected  FeatureProperty[]

Methods in org.deegree.model.feature that return FeatureProperty
static FeatureProperty FeatureFactory.createFeatureProperty(QualifiedName name, Object value)
          creates an instance of a FeatureProperty from its name and the data (value) it contains
static FeatureProperty FeatureFactory.createFeatureProperty(String name, Object value)
          Deprecated. use (QualifiedName, Object) instead
 FeatureProperty Feature.getDefaultProperty(PropertyPath path)
          Returns the property of the feature identified by the given PropertyPath.
 FeatureProperty DefaultFeature.getDefaultProperty(PropertyPath path)
          Returns the property of the feature identified by the given PropertyPath in their original order.
 FeatureProperty DefaultFeatureCollection.getDefaultProperty(PropertyPath path)
 FeatureProperty FeatureTupleCollection.getDefaultProperty(PropertyPath path)
 FeatureProperty Feature.getDefaultProperty(QualifiedName name)
          Returns the first property of the feature with the given name.
 FeatureProperty DefaultFeature.getDefaultProperty(QualifiedName name)
          Returns the first property of the feature with the given name.
 FeatureProperty AbstractFeatureCollection.getDefaultProperty(QualifiedName name)
          returns the default property of a feature collection with the passed name
 FeatureProperty Feature.getOwner()
          Returns the owner of the feature.
 FeatureProperty AbstractFeature.getOwner()
 FeatureProperty[] Feature.getProperties()
          Returns all properties of the feature in their original order.
 FeatureProperty[] DefaultFeature.getProperties()
          Returns all properties of the feature in their original order.
 FeatureProperty[] AbstractFeatureCollection.getProperties()
          returns all properties of a feature collection
 FeatureProperty[] Feature.getProperties(int index)
 FeatureProperty[] DefaultFeature.getProperties(int index)
 FeatureProperty[] AbstractFeatureCollection.getProperties(int index)
          returns the properties of a feature collection at the passed index position
 FeatureProperty[] Feature.getProperties(QualifiedName name)
          Returns the properties of the feature with the given name in their original order.
 FeatureProperty[] DefaultFeature.getProperties(QualifiedName name)
          Returns the properties of the feature with the given name in their original order.
 FeatureProperty[] AbstractFeatureCollection.getProperties(QualifiedName name)
          returns the named properties of a feature collection
 FeatureProperty GMLFeatureDocument.parseProperty(Element propertyElement, FeatureType ft)
          Returns the object representation for the given property element.
 FeatureProperty GMLFeatureDocument.parseProperty(Element propertyElement, FeatureType ft, String srsName)
          Returns the object representation for the given property element.

Methods in org.deegree.model.feature with parameters of type FeatureProperty
 void Feature.addProperty(FeatureProperty property)
          Adds the given property to the feature's properties.
 void DefaultFeature.addProperty(FeatureProperty property)
          Adds the given property to the feature's properties.
 void DefaultFeatureCollection.addProperty(FeatureProperty property)
 void FeatureTupleCollection.addProperty(FeatureProperty property)
static Feature FeatureFactory.createFeature(String id, FeatureType featureType, FeatureProperty[] properties)
          creates an instance of a Feature from its FeatureType and an array of Objects that represents it properties.
 void Feature.replaceProperty(FeatureProperty oldProperty, FeatureProperty newProperty)
          Replaces the given property with a new one.
 void DefaultFeature.replaceProperty(FeatureProperty oldProperty, FeatureProperty newProperty)
          Replaces the given property with a new one.
 void DefaultFeatureCollection.replaceProperty(FeatureProperty oldProperty, FeatureProperty newProperty)
 void FeatureTupleCollection.replaceProperty(FeatureProperty oldProperty, FeatureProperty newProperty)
 void AbstractFeatureCollection.setProperty(FeatureProperty property)
          sets a property of a feature collection.
 void Feature.setProperty(FeatureProperty property, int index)
          Sets the value for the given property.
 void DefaultFeature.setProperty(FeatureProperty property, int index)
          Sets the value for the given property.
 void DefaultFeatureCollection.setProperty(FeatureProperty property, int index)
 void FeatureTupleCollection.setProperty(FeatureProperty property, int index)

Method parameters in org.deegree.model.feature with type arguments of type FeatureProperty
static Feature FeatureFactory.createFeature(String id, FeatureType featureType, List<FeatureProperty> properties)
          creates an instance of a Feature from its FeatureType and an array of Objects that represents it properties.

Constructors in org.deegree.model.feature with parameters of type FeatureProperty
AbstractFeature(String id, FeatureType featureType, FeatureProperty owner)
DefaultFeature(String id, FeatureType featureType, FeatureProperty[] properties)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultFeature from the given parameters.
DefaultFeature(String id, FeatureType featureType, FeatureProperty[] properties, FeatureProperty owner)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultFeature from the given parameters.
DefaultFeature(String id, FeatureType featureType, FeatureProperty[] properties, FeatureProperty owner)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultFeature from the given parameters.

Uses of FeatureProperty in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager that return types with arguments of type FeatureProperty
 List<FeatureProperty> Update.getRecordProperties()
          The element contains a element and a element.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager with type arguments of type FeatureProperty
Update(String handle, URI typeName, Filter constraint, Element record, List<FeatureProperty> recordProperties)

Uses of FeatureProperty in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction that return types with arguments of type FeatureProperty
 Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> Update.getReplacementProperties()
          Return the properties and their replacement values that are targeted by this update operation.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction with type arguments of type FeatureProperty
Update(String handle, QualifiedName typeName, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Filter filter)
          Creates a new Update instance.
Update(String handle, QualifiedName typeName, Map<PropertyPath,FeatureProperty> replacementProps, Map<PropertyPath,Node> rawProps, Filter filter)
          Deprecated. This method breaks the layering -- it makes the DOM representation available.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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