deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression   

Uses of Expression in

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
static ParameterValueType StyleFactory.createParameterValueType(Expression[] expressions)
          creates a ParameterValueType instance with an array of Expression s as value

Uses of Expression in

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
protected  void SDEWhereBuilder.appendExpressionAsSQL(StringBuffer query, Expression expression, int targetSqlType)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.

Uses of Expression in

Methods in with parameters of type Expression
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendExpressionAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, Expression expression, int targetSqlType)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.

Uses of Expression in org.deegree.model.filterencoding

Subclasses of Expression in org.deegree.model.filterencoding
 class ArithmeticExpression
          Encapsulates the information of a <Add> / <Sub>/ <Mul> or <DIV> element as defined in the Expression DTD.
 class DBFunction
 class Function
          Encapsulates the information of a Functionelement as defined in the Expression DTD.
 class FunctionNormalize
 class FunctionSoundex
 class Literal
          Encapsulates the information of a element as defined in the FeatureId DTD.
 class PropertyName
          Encapsulates the information of a PropertyName element.

Fields in org.deegree.model.filterencoding declared as Expression
(package private)  Expression ArithmeticExpression.expr1
          The first operand.
(package private)  Expression ArithmeticExpression.expr2
          The second operand.

Fields in org.deegree.model.filterencoding with type parameters of type Expression
protected  List<Expression> Function.args
          The Function's arguments.

Methods in org.deegree.model.filterencoding that return Expression
static Expression Expression.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Expression-object is built.
static Expression Function.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Expression-object is built.
static Expression Literal.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Expression-object is built.
static Expression PropertyName.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Expression-object is built.
static Expression ArithmeticExpression.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Expression-object is built.
 Expression PropertyIsCOMPOperation.getFirstExpression()
          returns the first Expression of the comparison
 Expression ArithmeticExpression.getFirstExpression()
          returns the first expression
 Expression PropertyIsBetweenOperation.getLowerBoundary()
 Expression PropertyIsCOMPOperation.getSecondExpression()
          returns the second Expression of the comparison
 Expression ArithmeticExpression.getSecondExpression()
          returns the second expression
 Expression PropertyIsBetweenOperation.getUpperBoundary()

Methods in org.deegree.model.filterencoding that return types with arguments of type Expression
 List<Expression> Function.getArguments()
          returns the arguments of the function

Methods in org.deegree.model.filterencoding with parameters of type Expression
static List<PropertyPath> FilterTools.extractPropertyPaths(Expression expression, List<PropertyPath> list)
          returns all PropertyPath definitions from the passed Expression

Method parameters in org.deegree.model.filterencoding with type arguments of type Expression
 void Function.setArguments(List<Expression> args)

Constructors in org.deegree.model.filterencoding with parameters of type Expression
ArithmeticExpression(int id, Expression expr1, Expression expr2)
          Constructs a new ArithmeticExpression.
PropertyIsBetweenOperation(PropertyName propertyName, Expression lowerBoundary, Expression upperBoundary)
PropertyIsCOMPOperation(int id, Expression expr1, Expression expr2)
          Creates a new PropertyIsCOMPOperation object.
PropertyIsCOMPOperation(int id, Expression expr1, Expression expr2, boolean matchCase)

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.model.filterencoding with type arguments of type Expression
Function(String name, List<Expression> args)
          Constructs a new Function.
FunctionSoundex(String name, List<Expression> args)

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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