deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Operation   

Uses of Operation in

Methods in with parameters of type Operation
protected  void SDEWhereBuilder.appendOperationAsSQL(StringBuffer query, Operation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.

Uses of Operation in

Methods in with parameters of type Operation
protected  void WhereBuilder.appendOperationAsSQL(StatementBuffer query, Operation operation)
          Appends an SQL fragment for the given object to the given sql statement.

Uses of Operation in org.deegree.model.filterencoding

Classes in org.deegree.model.filterencoding that implement Operation
 class AbstractOperation
          Abstract superclass representing spatial_ops, comparison_ops and logical_ops entities (as defined in the Filter DTD).
 class ComparisonOperation
          Encapsulates the information of a comparison_ops entity (as defined in the Filter DTD).
 class LogicalOperation
          Encapsulates the information of a logical_ops entity (as defined in the Filter DTD).
 class PropertyIsBetweenOperation
          Encapsulates the information of a -element (as defined in Filter DTD).
 class PropertyIsCOMPOperation
          Encapsulates the information of a -element (as defined in Filter DTD).
 class PropertyIsInstanceOfOperation
          deegree-specific ComparisonOperation that allows to check the type of a property.
 class PropertyIsLikeOperation
          Encapsulates the information of a -element (as defined in Filter DTD).
 class PropertyIsNullOperation
          Encapsulates the information of a <PropertyIsNull>-element (as defined in Filter DTD).
 class SpatialOperation
          Encapsulates the information of a spatial_ops entity (as defined in the Filter DTD).

Methods in org.deegree.model.filterencoding that return Operation
static Operation PropertyIsCOMPOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
static Operation PropertyIsBetweenOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
static Operation PropertyIsInstanceOfOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
static Operation LogicalOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Deprecated. use the 1.0.0 filter encoding aware method instead.
static Operation SpatialOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Deprecated. use the 1.0.0 filter encoding aware method instead.
static Operation ComparisonOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Deprecated. use the 1.0.0 filter encoding aware method instead.
static Operation PropertyIsLikeOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
static Operation AbstractOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Deprecated. use the 1.0.0 filter encoding aware method instead.
static Operation PropertyIsNullOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element)
          Deprecated. use the 1.0.0 filter encoding aware method instead.
static Operation LogicalOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element, boolean useVersion_1_0_0)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
static Operation SpatialOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element, boolean useVersion_1_0_0)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
static Operation ComparisonOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element, boolean useVersion_1_0_0)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
static Operation AbstractOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element, boolean useVersion_1_0_0)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
static Operation PropertyIsNullOperation.buildFromDOM(Element element, boolean useVersion_1_0_0)
          Given a DOM-fragment, a corresponding Operation-object is built.
 Operation ComplexFilter.getOperation()
          Returns the contained Operation.

Methods in org.deegree.model.filterencoding that return types with arguments of type Operation
 List<Operation> LogicalOperation.getArguments()
          Returns the arguments of the operation.

Constructors in org.deegree.model.filterencoding with parameters of type Operation
ComplexFilter(Operation operation)
          Constructs a new ComplexFilter based on the given operation.

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.model.filterencoding with type arguments of type Operation
LogicalOperation(int operatorId, List<Operation> arguments)
          Constructs a new LogicalOperation.

Uses of Operation in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos with parameters of type Operation
static Document WFSRequestGenerator.createObservationWFSRequest(Object[] times, QualifiedName featureTypeName, QualifiedName timePropertyName, Operation filterOperation)

Uses of Operation in

Methods in with parameters of type Operation
protected  ComplexFilter AbstractCSWRequestValidator.extractInstanceFilter(Operation operation, List<ComplexFilter> foundFilters)
protected  ComplexFilter AbstractCSWResponseValidator.extractInstanceFilter(Operation operation, List<ComplexFilter> foundFilters)

Uses of Operation in

Methods in with parameters of type Operation
protected  ComplexFilter AbstractWFSRequestValidator.extractInstanceFilter(Operation operation)

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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