deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Keywords
org.deegree.ogcbase Provides common classes to deal with an OGC conform service instance. 
org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs Web Coverage Service 1.1.7 (OGC WCS Version 1.0.0). 
org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs Web Feature Service (OGC WFS Version 1.1.0). 

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.model.metadata.iso19115

Methods in org.deegree.model.metadata.iso19115 that return Keywords
 Keywords ISO19115Document.parseKeywords(Element root)

Methods in org.deegree.model.metadata.iso19115 with parameters of type Keywords
static void XMLFactory.appendKeywords(Element root, Keywords keywords)
          Appends the contents of a Keywords object.

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.ogcbase

Methods in org.deegree.ogcbase that return Keywords
protected  Keywords[] OGCDocument.parseKeywords(ElementList el, URI namespaceURI)
          Creates an array of Keywords from the passed list of keyword -elements.
protected  Keywords OGCDocument.parseKeywords(Element element, URI namespaceURI)
          Creates a Keywords instance from the given keywords -element.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcbase with parameters of type Keywords
protected static void XMLFactory.appendKeywords(Element xmlNode, Keywords[] keywords, URI namespaceURI)
          Appends a keywords -element for each Keywords object of the passed array to the passed Element.
protected static void XMLFactory.appendKeywords(Element xmlNode, Keywords keywords, URI namespaceURI)
          Appends a keywords -element to the passed Element and fills it with the available keywords.

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities that return Keywords
 Keywords[] ServiceIdentification.getKeywords()
          Returns the java representation of the Keywords-elements.
 Keywords[] Service.getKeywords()

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities with parameters of type Keywords
 void Service.setKeywords(Keywords[] keywords)

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities with parameters of type Keywords
Service(String description, String name, MetadataLink metadataLink, String label, Keywords[] keywords, CitedResponsibleParty citedResponsibleParty, CodeList fees, CodeList[] accessConstraints, String version, String updateSequence)
ServiceIdentification(Code serviceType, String[] serviceTypeVersions, String title, String serviceAbstract, Keywords[] keywords, String fees, String[] accessConstraints)
          Constructs a new ServiceIdentification object.
ServiceIdentification(String name, Code serviceType, String[] serviceTypeVersions, String title, String serviceAbstract, Keywords[] keywords, String fees, String[] accessConstraints)
          Constructs a new ServiceIdentification object.

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs that return Keywords
 Keywords[] CoverageOfferingBrief.getKeywords()

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs with parameters of type Keywords
 void CoverageOfferingBrief.setKeywords(Keywords[] keywords)

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs with parameters of type Keywords
CoverageOfferingBrief(String name, String label, String description, MetadataLink metadataLink, LonLatEnvelope lonLatEnvelope, Keywords[] keywords)
CoverageOfferingBrief(String name, String label, String description, MetadataLink metadataLink, LonLatEnvelope lonLatEnvelope, Keywords[] keywords, URL configuration)

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage with parameters of type Keywords
CoverageOffering(String name, String label, String description, MetadataLink metadataLink, LonLatEnvelope lonLatEnvelope, Keywords[] keywords, DomainSet domainSet, RangeSet rangeSet, SupportedSRSs supportedCRSs, SupportedFormats supportedFormats, SupportedInterpolations supportedInterpolations, Extension extension)

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs with parameters of type Keywords
protected static void XMLFactory.appendKeywords(Element xmlNode, Keywords[] keywords, URI namespaceURI)
          Appends a ows:Keywords -element for each Keywords object of the passed array to the passed Element.
protected static void XMLFactory.appendKeywords(Element xmlNode, Keywords keywords, URI namespaceURI)
          Appends a Keyword -element to the passed Element and fills it with the available keywords.

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.capabilities that return Keywords
 Keywords[] GMLObject.getKeywords()
 Keywords[] WFSFeatureType.getKeywords()

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.capabilities with parameters of type Keywords
 void GMLObject.setKeywords(Keywords[] keywords)
 void WFSFeatureType.setKeywords(Keywords[] keywords)

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.capabilities with parameters of type Keywords
GMLObject(QualifiedName name, String title, String abstract_, Keywords[] keywords, FormatType[] outputFormats)
WFSFeatureType(QualifiedName name, String title, String abstract_, Keywords[] keywords, URI defaultSrs, URI[] otherSrs, Operation[] operations, FormatType[] outputFormats, Envelope[] wgs84BoundingBoxes, MetadataURL[] metadataUrls)
          Creates a new instance of WFSFeatureType from the given parameters.

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.capabilities that return Keywords
 Keywords[] Dataset.getKeywords()
 Keywords[] Style.getKeywords()

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.capabilities with parameters of type Keywords
Dataset(boolean queryable, boolean opaque, boolean noSubset, int fixedWidth, int fixedHeight, String name, String title, String abstract_, Keywords[] keywords, List<CoordinateSystem> crsList, String[] mimeTypeFormat, Envelope wgs84BoundingBox, Envelope[] boundingBoxes, Dimension[] dimensions, DataProvider dataProvider, Identifier identifier, MetaData[] metadata, DatasetReference[] datasetReferences, FeatureListReference[] featureListReferences, Style[] styles, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator, Dataset[] datasets, ElevationModel elevationModel, AbstractDataSource[] dataSources, Dataset parent)
          Creates a new dataset object from the given parameters.
Style(String name, String title, String abstract_, Keywords[] keywords, Identifier identifier, LegendURL[] legendURLs, StyleSheetURL styleSheetURL, StyleURL styleURL)
          Creates a new style object from the given parameters.

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.owscommon

Methods in org.deegree.owscommon that return Keywords
protected  Keywords OWSCommonCapabilitiesDocument.getKeywords(Element element)
          Creates a Keywords instance from the given element of type ows:KeywordsType.
 Keywords[] OWSCommonCapabilitiesDocument.getKeywords(List nl)
          Creates an array of Keywords instances from the passed list of elements of type ows:KeywordsType .

Methods in org.deegree.owscommon with parameters of type Keywords
protected static void XMLFactory.appendOWSKeywords(Element xmlNode, Keywords keywords)
          Appends a ows:Keywords -element to the passed Element and fills it with the available keywords.
protected static void XMLFactory.appendOWSKeywords(Element xmlNode, Keywords[] keywords)
          Appends a ows:Keywords -element for each Keywords object of the passed array to the passed Element.

Uses of Keywords in org.deegree.owscommon_new

Methods in org.deegree.owscommon_new that return types with arguments of type Keywords
 List<Keywords> ServiceIdentification.getKeywords()

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.owscommon_new with type arguments of type Keywords
ServiceIdentification(Code serviceType, List<String> serviceTypeVersions, String title, List<String> alternativeTitles, Date date, String identifier, String abstractString, List<Keywords> keywords, List<Constraints> accessConstraints)
          Standard constructor that initializes all encapsulated data.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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