deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidParameterValueException
org.deegree.ogcbase Provides common classes to deal with an OGC conform service instance. 
org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw Catalog Service 2.0 (OGC CS-W Version 2.0.0). 

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.datatypes.time

Constructors in org.deegree.datatypes.time that throw InvalidParameterValueException
TimeSequence(String time)
          format: min/max,res or time1,time2,...

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterValueException
 GridCoverage LazyRasterLayer.getRaster(Envelope envelope, double resolution)

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.model.coverage.grid

Methods in org.deegree.model.coverage.grid that throw InvalidParameterValueException
 GridCoverageReader GridCoverageExchange.getReader(Object[] resources, CoverageOffering description, Envelope envelope, Format format)
          This method is a deegree specific enhancement of the GridCoverageExchange class/interface as defined by GeoAPI.
 GridCoverageReader GridCoverageExchange.getReader(Object resource, CoverageOffering description, Envelope envelope, Format format)
          This method is a deegree specific enhancement of the GridCoverageExchange class/interface as defined by GeoAPI.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcbase

Methods in org.deegree.ogcbase that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static SortProperty SortProperty.create(PropertyPath sortProperty, String sortOrderString)
          Creates a new SortProperty instance.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices that throw InvalidParameterValueException
protected static int AbstractOGCWebServiceRequest.getParamAsInt(String name, Map<String,String> kvp, int defaultValue)
          Extracts an int parameter value from the given parameter map.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw that throw InvalidParameterValueException
protected static Map<String,URI> AbstractCSWRequest.getNSMappings(String nsString)
          Extracts the namespace-mappings from the given parameter as specified for the NAMESPACE-parameter in the KVP-encoding.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.capabilities that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static CatalogueGetCapabilities CatalogueGetCapabilities.create(Map<String,String> kvp)
          Creates a CatalogGetCapabilities request from its KVP representation.
 CatalogueGetCapabilities CatalogueGetCapabilitiesDocument.parse(String id)
          Parses the underlying document into a GetCapabilities request object.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.discovery

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.discovery that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static DescribeRecord DescribeRecord.create(Map<String,String> kvp)
          Creates a new DecribeRecord instance from the values stored in the submitted Map.
static GetRecords GetRecords.create(Map<String,String> kvp)
          Creates a new GetRecords instance from the values stored in the submitted Map.
static GetRecordById GetRecordById.create(String id, Element root)
          creates a GetRecordById request from the XML fragment passed.
static DescribeRecord DescribeRecord.create(String id, Element root)
          creates a GetRecords request from the XML fragment passed.
static GetRecords GetRecords.create(String id, Element root)
          creates a GetRecords request from the XML fragment passed.
 DescribeRecord DescribeRecordDocument.parse(String id)
          Extracts a DescribeRecord representation of this object.
 DescribeRecord DescribeRecordDocument_2_0_2.parse(String id)
 GetRecordsResult GetRecordsResultDocument.parseGetRecordsResponse(GetRecords request)
          Extracts a GetRecordsResult representation of this object.

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.discovery that throw InvalidParameterValueException
SearchResults(String requestId, String resultSetId, String elementSet, String recordSchema, int numberOfRecordsReturned, int numberOfRecordsMatched, int nextRecord, Node recordsParentNode, String expires)

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.iso_profile.ebrim

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.iso_profile.ebrim that throw InvalidParameterValueException
 void OWSProxyHandler.doRequestValidation(ServletRequestWrapper request, User user, OGCWebServiceRequest owsRequest)
          Validates if a given user may send the given request
 void OWSProxyHandler.doResponseValidation(ServletResponseWrapper response, User user, OGCWebServiceRequest owsRequest)

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static Harvest Harvest.create(Map<String,String> param)
          factory method for creating a Harvest request from its KVP representation
(package private)  AbstractHarvester HarvesterFactory.findHarvester(Harvest request)
          returns an concrete instance of

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos.describesensor

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.sos.describesensor that throw InvalidParameterValueException
DescribeSensorResult(DescribeSensorRequest request, SensorMetadata[] sensors)
          constructor; throw an exception, if the sensors param is smaler than one

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.configuration that throw InvalidParameterValueException
 Extension ExtensionDocument.getExtension()
          returns the content of the Extension element of te deegree WCS coverage description (configuration document). the extension section contains informations about data access/sources for different resolutions and ranges.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.describecoverage that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static DescribeCoverage DescribeCoverage.create(Map map)
          creates a DescribeCoverage request from its KVP representation
static DescribeCoverage DescribeCoverage.create(String id, Document doc)
          creates a DescribeCoverage request from its XML representation
static DescribeCoverage DescribeCoverage.createDescribeCoverage(String id, String kvp)
          creates a DescribeCoverage request from its KVP representation

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.getcapabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.getcapabilities that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static GetCapabilities WCSGetCapabilities.create(Map<String,String> map)
          creates a GetCapabilities request from its KVP representation
static GetCapabilities WCSGetCapabilities.create(String id, Document doc)
          creates a GetCapabilities request from its XML representation
static GetCapabilities WCSGetCapabilities.create(String id, String kvp)
          creates a GetCapabilities request from its KVP representation

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.getcoverage

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wcs.getcoverage that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static GetCoverage GetCoverage.create(Map<String,String> map)
          creates a GetCoverage request from its KVP representation

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation that throw InvalidParameterValueException
 void AugmentableGetFeature.augment(WFSConfiguration config)
          Augments the KVP request with the needed information from the WFSConfiguration.
protected  void AbstractWFSRequestDocument.checkServiceAttribute()
          Checks that the "service" attribute in the root node matches the expected value (WFS).
protected  String AbstractWFSRequestDocument.checkVersionAttribute()
          Parses and checks the "version" attribute in the root node (can be "1.0.0" or "1.1.0").
protected static String AbstractWFSRequest.checkVersionParameter(Map<String,String> model)
          Checks that the "VERSION" parameter value equals a supported version.
static GetFeatureWithLock GetFeatureWithLock.create(Map<String,String> kvp)
          Creates a new GetFeatureWithLock request from the given map.
static WFSGetCapabilities WFSGetCapabilities.create(Map<String,String> request)
          Creates a new WFSGetCapabilities request from the given map.
static GetFeature GetFeature.create(Map<String,String> kvp)
          Creates a new GetFeature request from the given map.
static GetGmlObject GetGmlObject.create(Map<String,String> map)
static LockFeature LockFeature.create(Map<String,String> kvp)
          Creates a new LockFeature request from the given parameter map.
static DescribeFeatureType DescribeFeatureType.create(Map<String,String> request)
          Creates a new DescribeFeatureType request from the given map.
static GetFeatureWithLock GetFeatureWithLock.create(String id, String request)
          Creates a new GetFeatureWithLock instance from the given key-value pair encoded request.
static WFSGetCapabilities WFSGetCapabilities.create(String id, String request)
          Creates a new WFSGetCapabilities instance from the given key-value pair encoded request.
static GetFeature GetFeature.create(String id, String request)
          Creates a new GetFeature instance from the given key-value pair encoded request.
static DescribeFeatureType DescribeFeatureType.create(String id, String request)
          Creates a new DescribeFeatureType instance from the given key-value pair encoded request.
protected static Filter AbstractWFSRequest.extractBBOXFilter(Map<String,String> model)
          Extracts a Filter from the BBOX parameter.
protected static Map<QualifiedName,Filter> AbstractWFSRequest.extractFilters(Map<String,String> kvp, QualifiedName[] typeNames)
          Extracts the FILTER parameter and assigns them to the requested type names.
protected static NamespaceContext AbstractWFSRequest.extractNamespaceParameter(Map<String,String> model)
          Extracts the namespace bindings from the NAMESPACE parameter.
protected static Map<QualifiedName,PropertyPath[]> GetFeature.extractPropNames(Map<String,String> kvp, QualifiedName[] typeNames)
          Extracts the PROPERTYNAME parameter and assigns them to the requested type names.
protected static QualifiedName[] AbstractWFSRequest.extractTypeNames(Map<String,String> kvp)
          Extracts the qualified type names from the TYPENAME parameter.
(package private) static void GetFeatureDocument.isBoundingBoxValid(String srsName, Filter filter)
 GetFeatureWithLock GetFeatureWithLockDocument.parse(String id)
          Parses the underlying document into a GetFeatureWithLock request object.
 LockFeature LockFeatureDocument.parse(String id)
          Parses the underlying "wfs:LockFeature" document into a LockFeature object.
 WFSGetCapabilities WFSGetCapabilitiesDocument.parse(String id)
          Parses the underlying document into a WFSGetCapabilities request object.
 GetFeature GetFeatureDocument.parse(String id)
          Parses the underlying document into a GetFeature request object.
 DescribeFeatureType DescribeFeatureTypeDocument.parse(String id)
          Parses the underlying document into a DescribeFeatureType request object.
 void Query.performBBoxTest()
 void GetFeatureDocument.BBoxTest.performTest()
(package private) static LockFeature.ALL_SOME_TYPE LockFeature.validateLockAction(String lockActionString)
          Ensures that given lock action String is valid and returns the corresponding LockFeature.ALL_SOME_TYPE.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation.transaction that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static Transaction Transaction.create(Map<String,String> model)
          Creates a Transaction request from a key-value-pair encoding of the parameters contained in the given Map.
static Transaction Transaction.create(String id, String request)
          Creates a Transaction request from a key-value-pair encoding of the parameters contained in the passed variable 'request'.
 Transaction TransactionDocument.parse(String id)
          Parses the underlying document into a Transaction request object.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps that throw InvalidParameterValueException
protected static String WPSRequestBaseType.extractVersionParameter(Map<String,String> request)

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.capabilities that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static WPSGetCapabilities WPSGetCapabilities.create(Map<String,String> request)
          creates a WPS GetCapabilities request class representation form a key-value-pair encoded request
static WPSGetCapabilities WPSGetCapabilities.create(String id, String request)
          creates a WPS GetCapabilities request class representation from a key-value-pair encoded request

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.describeprocess

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.describeprocess that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static DescribeProcessRequest DescribeProcessRequest.create(Map<String,String> request)
static DescribeProcessRequest DescribeProcessRequest.create(String id, String request)
          Creates a WPSDescribeProcess Request class representation from a key/value pair encoded request

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.execute

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.execute that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static ExecuteRequest ExecuteRequest.create(String id, Element executeNode)

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.capabilities

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.capabilities that throw InvalidParameterValueException
protected  Envelope[] WPVSCapabilitiesDocument.getBoundingBoxes(Element element, CoordinateSystem defaultCoordinateSystem)
          Gets an array of boundingBoxes from the given Element.
protected  Envelope WPVSCapabilitiesDocument.parseBoundingBox(Element element, CoordinateSystem defaultCoordinateSystem)
          Usable with any BoundingBox.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.operation

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.operation that throw InvalidParameterValueException
static GetView GetView.create(Map<String,String> requestParams)
          Factory method to create an instance of GetView from teh parameters in model
static WPVSGetCapabilities WPVSGetCapabilities.create(Map<String,String> paramMap)
          Creates a WPVSGetCapabilites request from a key-value-pairs in paramMap.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterValueException
 byte[] OWSProxyPolicyFilter.validate(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] data, String mime, User user)
          validates the response (data) to a request
 void OWSProxyPolicyFilter.validate(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validate the passed OGCWebServiceRequest againsted the Policy encapsulated by the OWSProxyPolicyFilter
 void OWSProxyPolicyFilter.validateGeneralConditions(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, int length, User user)
          validate the passed OGCWebServiceRequest againsted the Policy encapsulated by the OWSProxyPolicyFilter

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterValueException
protected  void RequestValidator.handleUserCoupledRules(User user, Feature feature, String secObjName, String secObjType, RightType rightType)
          handles the validation of user coupled parameters of a request
protected  void RequestValidator.validateExceptions(Condition condition, String exceptions)
          checks if the passed exceptions format is valid against the exceptions formats defined in the policy.
 void GeneralPolicyValidator.validateGetContentLength(int contentLength)
          validates if the passed length of a request content doesn't exceeds the defined maximum length.
 void GeneralPolicyValidator.validateHeader(Map<String,Object> headerFields, User user)
 void GeneralPolicyValidator.validatePostContentLength(int contentLength)
          validates if the passed length of a request content doesn't exceeds the defined maximum length.
abstract  void OWSValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates if the passed request itself and its content is valid against the conditions defined in the policies assigned to a OWSPolicyValidator
 void GetCapabilitiesRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the incoming GetCapabilities request
abstract  void RequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates if the passed request itself and its content is valid against the conditions defined in the policies assigned to a OWSPolicyValidator
 void GeneralPolicyValidator.validateRequestMethod(String type)
          validates if the current request type (e.g.
abstract  byte[] OWSValidator.validateResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
abstract  byte[] ResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
          validates if the passed response itself and its content is valid against the conditions defined in the policies assigned to a OWSPolicyValidator
 byte[] GetCapabilitiesResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
          validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request.
protected  void RequestValidator.validateVersion(Condition condition, String version)

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterValueException
 void GetRepositoryItemRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void DescribeRecordRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void GetRecordByIdRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void TransactionValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void GetRecordsRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void CSWValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 byte[] CSWValidator.validateResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
 byte[] GetRecordsResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
          validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request.
 byte[] GetRecordByIdResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
 byte[] GetRepositoryItemResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
          validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterValueException
protected  void AbstractWFSRequestValidator.validateFeatureTypes(Condition condition, String[] featureTypes)
          validates if the requested info featuretypes are valid against the policy/condition.
 void DescribeFeatureTypeRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void GetFeatureRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates if the passed request is valid against the policy assigned to the validator.
 void TransactionValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
 void WFSValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the passed OGCWebServiceRequest if it is valid against the defined conditions for WFS requests
 byte[] WFSValidator.validateResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
 byte[] GetFeatureResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
          validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request.

Uses of InvalidParameterValueException in

Methods in that throw InvalidParameterValueException
protected  void AbstractWMSRequestValidator.validateFormat(Condition condition, String format)
          checks if the passed format is valid against the formats defined in the policy.
protected  void AbstractWMSRequestValidator.validateMaxHeight(Condition condition, int height)
          checks if the passed height is > 0 and if it's valid against the maxHeight defined in the policy.
protected  void AbstractWMSRequestValidator.validateMaxWidth(Condition condition, int width)
          checks if the passed width is > 0 and if it's valid against the maxWidth defined in the policy.
 void GetLegendGraphicRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the incomming GetLegendGraphic request against the policy assigend to a validator
 void GetMapRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the incoming GetMap request against the policy assigned to a validator
 void WMSValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the passed OGCWebServiceRequest if it is valid against the defined conditions for WMS requests
 void GetFeatureInfoRequestValidator.validateRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request, User user)
          validates the incoming GetFeatureInfo request against the policy assigned to a validator
 byte[] WMSValidator.validateResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
 byte[] GetLegendGraphicResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
          validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request.
 byte[] GetFeatureInfoResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
          validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request.
 byte[] GetMapResponseValidator.validateResponse(String service, byte[] response, String mime, User user)
          validates the passed object as a response to a OWS request.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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