deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Operation

Uses of Operation in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager

Subclasses of Operation in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager
 class Delete
          A Delete object constains a constraint that defines a set of records that are to be deleted from the catalogue.
 class Insert
          An Insert object is a container for one or more records that are to be inserted into the catalogue.
 class Update
          An Update object is used to specify values to be used to change existing information in the catalogue.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager that return types with arguments of type Operation
 List<Operation> Transaction.getOperations()
          returns all operations being part of a transaction

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager with parameters of type Operation
static void XMLFactory.appendOperation(Element root, Operation operation)

Constructor parameters in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw.manager with type arguments of type Operation
Transaction(String version, String id, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParameter, List<Operation> operations, boolean verboseResponse)

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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