deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE

Uses of GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation

Fields in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation declared as GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE
protected  GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE GetFeature.resultType

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation that return GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE
 GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE GetFeature.getResultType()
          Returns the desired result type of the GetFeature operation.
 GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE Query.getResultType()
          Returns the value of the resultType attribute ("inherited" from the GetFeature container).
static GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE[] GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation with parameters of type GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE
static Query Query.create(PropertyPath[] propertyNames, Function[] functions, SortProperty[] sortProperties, String handle, String featureVersion, QualifiedName[] typeNames, String[] aliases, String srsName, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType)
          Creates a new Query instance.
static Query Query.create(PropertyPath[] propertyNames, Function[] functions, SortProperty[] sortProperties, String handle, String featureVersion, QualifiedName[] typeNames, String srsName, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType)
          Deprecated. use create(PropertyPath[], Function[], SortProperty[], String, String, QualifiedName[], String[], String, Filter, int, int, RESULT_TYPE) instead
static GetFeature GetFeature.create(String version, String id, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, String outputFormat, String handle, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, int traverseXLinkDepth, int traverseXLinkExpiry, Query[] queries)
          Creates a new GetFeature instance from the given parameters.
static GetFeatureWithLock GetFeatureWithLock.create(String version, String id, String handle, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, String outputFormat, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, int traverseXLinkDepth, int traverseXLinkExpiry, Query[] queries, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParam, long expiry, LockFeature.ALL_SOME_TYPE lockAction)
          Creates a new GetFeatureWithLock instance from the given parameters.

Constructors in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation with parameters of type GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE
AugmentableGetFeature(String version, String id, String handle, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, String outputFormat, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, int traverseXLinkDepth, int traverseXLinkExpiry, Query[] queries, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParam)
          Creates a new AugmentableGetFeature instance.
GetFeature(String version, String id, String handle, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, String outputFormat, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, int traverseXLinkDepth, int traverseXLinkExpiry, Query[] queries, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParam)
          Creates a new GetFeature instance.
GetFeatureWithLock(String version, String id, String handle, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, String outputFormat, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, int traverseXLinkDepth, int traverseXLinkExpiry, Query[] queries, Map<String,String> vendorSpecificParam, long expiry, LockFeature.ALL_SOME_TYPE lockAction)
          Creates a new GetFeatureWithLock instance.
Query(PropertyPath[] propertyNames, Function[] functions, SortProperty[] sortProperties, String handle, String featureVersion, QualifiedName[] typeNames, String[] aliases, String srsName, Filter filter, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, int maxFeatures, int startPosition)
          Creates a new Query instance.
Query(PropertyPath[] propertyNames, Function[] functions, SortProperty[] sortProperties, String handle, String featureVersion, QualifiedName[] typeNames, String[] aliases, String srsName, Filter filter, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType, int maxFeatures, int startPosition, GetFeatureDocument.BBoxTest test)

Uses of GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE in org.deegree.portal.standard.context.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.context.control with parameters of type GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE
protected  GetFeature DownloadListener.createGetFeatureRequest(DownloadListener.FeatureTemplate ft, String version, QualifiedName ftName, QualifiedName gtName, GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE resultType)
          creates a GetFeature request considering the feature type (ID) and the bounding box encapsulated in the passed FeatureTemplate

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

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