deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use OwsWatchConfig

Uses of OwsWatchConfig in org.deegree.portal.owswatch

Methods in org.deegree.portal.owswatch that return OwsWatchConfig
 OwsWatchConfig ServiceWatcherFactory.getConf()

Methods in org.deegree.portal.owswatch with parameters of type OwsWatchConfig
 void ServiceWatcher.compileDownTimeReport(String webinfPath, OwsWatchConfig conf)
          This function is called on starting tomcat.
protected  void ServiceWatcher.writeAndSendTimeDownEmail(Hashtable<Integer,String> missedTests, OwsWatchConfig conf)
          Authors the down time report and sends it to the designated users

Uses of OwsWatchConfig in org.deegree.portal.owswatch.configs

Methods in org.deegree.portal.owswatch.configs that return OwsWatchConfig
static OwsWatchConfig OwsWatchConfigFactory.createOwsWatchConfig(Element root, String webinfPath)
static OwsWatchConfig OwsWatchConfigFactory.createOwsWatchConfig(String filePath, String webinfPath)

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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