deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractPortletPerform

Uses of AbstractPortletPerform in org.deegree.portal.portlet.modules.actions

Subclasses of AbstractPortletPerform in org.deegree.portal.portlet.modules.actions
 class IGeoPortalPortletPerform

Uses of AbstractPortletPerform in

Subclasses of AbstractPortletPerform in
 class CoordsPortletPerform
          This Perform class takes care of changing the WMC's bounding box based on a scale paramter.
 class CRSChooserPortletPerform
          This Perform class takes care of changing the WMC's bounding box based on a scale paramter.
 class EnterBBOXPortletPerform
 class FeatureInfoForwardPortletPerform
 class FeatureInfoPortletPerform
 class LayerListViewPortletPerform
          class more or less independ from a concrete porztal implementation that handles action assigned to LayerListView portlet
 class LayerTreePortletPerform
 class MapActionPortletPerform
 class MapWindowPortletPerform
 class OverviewPortletPerform
          handles actions performed on a map overview
 class ScaleChooserPortletPerform
          This Perform class takes care of changing the WMC's bounding box based on a scale paramter.
 class SelectWMCPortletPerform
 class ToolbarPortletPerform
 class WMCManagementPortletPerfom
          Perform class for saving WMCs

Uses of AbstractPortletPerform in org.deegree.portal.portlet.modules.wfs.actions.portlets

Subclasses of AbstractPortletPerform in org.deegree.portal.portlet.modules.wfs.actions.portlets
 class AnnotationPortletPerform
 class RemoveAnnotationPerform
          Removes a number of Features (listed by their ID).
 class WFSClientPortletPerform

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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