deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use CatalogClientException

Uses of CatalogClientException in org.deegree.portal.standard.csw.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.csw.control that throw CatalogClientException
protected  List<DataSessionRecord> SimpleSearchListener.createDataSessionRecords(HashMap results)
          Created a list of DataSessionRecord from all the returned results
abstract  String CSWRequestFactory.createRequest(RPCStruct struct, String resultType)
 String ISO19115RequestFactory.createRequest(RPCStruct struct, String resultType)
          creates a GetRecord request that is conform to the OGC Stateless Web Service Catalog Profil and GDI NRW catalog specifications from a RPC struct.
protected  String SimpleSearchListener.createRequest(RPCStruct rpcStruct, String format, String resultType)
          This method creates a csw request with the RequestFactory of the passed format, using the paramter values passed in the rpcStruct.
protected  RPCStruct SimpleSearchListener.createRpcStructForServiceSearch(String template, String identifier)
          Creates an RPC request from the given template
protected  Map SimpleSearchListener.doServiceSearch(HashMap result, String format, String resultType)
          Invokes a GetRecords request with type RESULT to get the actual records for all the metadata returned during the GetRecords request with type HIT
protected  List OverviewMetadataListener.extractMetadata(Document doc)
          Extracts all Metadata nodes from the passed csw:GetRecordByIdResponse Document.
protected  List SimpleSearchListener.extractMetadata(Document doc)
          Extracts all Metadata nodes from the passed csw:GetRecordsResponse Document.
protected  List SimpleSearchListener.extractRPCCatalogs(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Extracts the catalog names from the first parameter of the params element within the passed rpcEvent.
protected  Object SimpleSearchListener.extractRPCMember(RPCStruct struct, String member)
          Extracts the member of the passed name from the passed struct.
protected  RPCParameter[] SimpleSearchListener.extractRPCParameters(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Extracts the parameters from the method call element within the passed rpcEvent.
protected  RPCStruct SimpleSearchListener.extractRPCStruct(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent, int index)
          Extracts the RPCStruct from the indicated parameter in the params element of the passed RPCWebEvent.
protected  String SimpleSearchListener.extractValue(Node node, String xPath)
          Extracts node value
protected  Module InitCSWModuleListener.findCswClientModule(GeneralExtension gen)
          Extracts the csw module from the GeneralExtension in the WebMapContext
static CSWRequestFactory RequestFactoryFinder.findFactory(String profile)
protected  void SimpleSearchListener.handleResult(Object resultHits, Object resultResults, String pathToXslFile)
          Handles the result of the search requests and transforms the result to HTML using xslt, then saves the transformed result into the session
protected  void OverviewMetadataListener.handleResult(Object result, String pathToXslFile, String metaVersion)
protected  void SingleLayerSearchListener.handleResult(Object result, String pathToXslFile, String metaVersion)
protected  void InitCSWModuleListener.initConfig(CSWClientConfiguration config, ParameterList parList)
          Extracts all the needed configurations from the WMC csw-module and fills the config nstance with them
protected  HashMap SimpleSearchListener.performRequest(String protocol, String request, List catalogs)
          Performs the CSW request and returns the result as a HashMap
protected  void OverviewMetadataListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void SimpleSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Validates the rpc request and makes sure that all the needed parameters are included
protected  void SeriesChildrenSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void TurnPageListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void DisplayMapListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void SingleLayerSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void DeleteFromShoppingCartListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void DetailedSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void AddToShoppingCartListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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