deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use SOSClientException

Uses of SOSClientException in org.deegree.portal.standard.sos.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.sos.control that throw SOSClientException
protected  Object DescribePlatformListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
          creates the result object to send to the next page from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall and the Document array.
protected  Object GetCapabilitiesListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
protected  Object GetObservationListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
protected  Object DescribeSensorListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
          creates the result object to send to the next page from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall and the Document array.
protected abstract  Object AbstractSOSListener.createData(RPCMethodCall mc, HashMap<String,Document> map)
          Create a Data from the call and the given map.
protected  String DescribePlatformListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          creates a SOS DescribePlatform request from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall.
protected  String GetCapabilitiesListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
protected  String GetObservationListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
protected  String DescribeSensorListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          creates a SOS DescribeSensor request from the parameters contained in the passed RPCMethodeCall.
protected abstract  String AbstractSOSListener.createRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          Create a request
protected  HashMap<String,Document> AbstractSOSListener.performRequest(String request)
protected  void DescribePlatformListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected  void GetCapabilitiesListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
protected  void GetObservationListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
protected  void DescribeSensorListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          validates the request to be performed.
protected abstract  void AbstractSOSListener.validateRequest(RPCMethodCall mc)
          Validates a request

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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