deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use SecurableObject   

Uses of SecurableObject in

Methods in with parameters of type SecurableObject
 void SecurityTransaction.addRights(SecurableObject object, Role role, Right[] additionalRights)
          Adds the specified Rights on the passed object to the passed role.
 void SecurityTransaction.addRights(SecurableObject object, Role role, RightType[] types)
          Adds the specified Rights on the passed object to the passed role.
protected  void SecurityAccess.checkForRight(RightType right, SecurableObject object)
          Checks if the associated User has a certain Right on the given SecurableObject.
 Right[] SecurityRegistry.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object, Role role)
          Retrieves the Rights from the Registry that are associated with a given Role and a SecurableObject.
 Right[] SQLRegistry.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object, Role role)
          Retrieves the Rights from the Registry that are associated with a given Role and a SecurableObject.
 void SecurityTransaction.removeRights(SecurableObject object, Role role, RightType[] types)
          Removes all rights of the specified types that the role may have on the given SecurableObject.
 void SecurityTransaction.setRights(SecurableObject[] objects, Role role, Right right)
          Sets one certain right that a certain role has on the given objects.
 void SecurityTransaction.setRights(SecurableObject object, Role role, Right[] rights)
          Sets the Rights that a certain role has on a given object.
 void SecurityRegistry.setRights(SecurityTransaction transaction, SecurableObject[] objects, Role role, Right right)
          Sets one Right to be associated with a given Role and all given SecurableObjects.
 void SQLRegistry.setRights(SecurityTransaction transaction, SecurableObject[] objects, Role role, Right right)
          Sets one Right to be associated with a given Role and all given SecurableObjects.
 void SecurityRegistry.setRights(SecurityTransaction transaction, SecurableObject object, Role role, Right[] rights)
          Sets the Rights to be associated with a given Role and SecurableObject.
 void SQLRegistry.setRights(SecurityTransaction transaction, SecurableObject object, Role role, Right[] rights)
          Sets the Rights to be associated with a given Role and SecurableObject.

Uses of SecurableObject in

Subclasses of SecurableObject in
 class Group
          Implementation of group-objects.
 class Role
          Implementation of role-objects.
 class SecuredObject
          Implementation of application specific objects that are securable.
 class Service
 class User
          Implementation of user-objects.

Methods in that return SecurableObject
 SecurableObject Right.getSecurableObject()

Methods in with parameters of type SecurableObject
 boolean Right.applies(SecurableObject object)
 boolean Right.applies(SecurableObject object, Feature situation)
 boolean RightSet.applies(SecurableObject object, RightType type)
          Checks if the RightSet contains the (unrestricted) permissions for a SecurableObject and a certain type of right.
 boolean RightSet.applies(SecurableObject object, RightType type, Feature situation)
          Checks if the RightSet contains the permissions for a SecurableObject and a concrete situation (the situation is represented by the given Feature).
 Right RightSet.getRight(SecurableObject secObject, RightType type)
 RightSet User.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object)
          Returns the rights that this User has on the given SecurableObject (directly and via group memberships).
 RightSet Group.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object)
          Returns the rights that this Group has on the given SecurableObject.
 RightSet Role.getRights(SecurityAccess securityAccess, SecurableObject object)
          Returns the rights that this role defines concerning the given SecurableObject.
 boolean User.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, RightType type, Feature accessParams, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the User has a certain Right on this SecurableObject (directly or via group memberships).
 boolean Role.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, RightType type, Feature accessParams, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain Right on a SecurableObject (directly or via group memberships).
 boolean User.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, RightType type, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the User has a certain Right on this SecurableObject (directly or via group memberships).
 boolean Role.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, RightType type, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain Right on a SecurableObject.
 boolean User.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, String s, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the User has a certain right on this SecurableObject (directly or via group memberships).
 boolean Role.hasRight(SecurityAccess securityAccess, String s, SecurableObject object)
          Returns whether the Role has a certain right on a SecurableObject.
 Right[] RightSet.toArray(SecurableObject secObject)

Constructors in with parameters of type SecurableObject
Right(SecurableObject object, RightType type)
          Creates a new Right -instance (with no constraints).
Right(SecurableObject object, RightType type, Filter constraints)
          Creates a new Right -instance.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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