deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Session   

Uses of Session in

Methods in that return Session
static Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.createSession()
          creates a session for an anonymous user that never expires
static Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.createSession(int duration)
          creates a session for an anonymous user that expires after the passed duration after the last access to it.
static Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.createSession(String user)
          creates a session that never expires for a named user who will be authentificated through his name and password.
static Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.createSession(String user, int duration)
          creates a session for a named user who will be authentificated through his name and password.
 Session SessionManager.getSessionByID(String id)
          returns the session identified by its ID.
 Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.getSessionByID(String id)
          returns the session identified by its ID.
 Session SessionManager.getSessionByUser(String user)
          returns the session assigned to the passed user.
 Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.getSessionByUser(String user)
          returns the session assigned to the passed user.
 Session SessionManager.removeSessionByID(String id)
          removes a session identified by its ID from the session managment. the removed session will be returned.
 Session MemoryBasedSessionManager.removeSessionByID(String id)
          removes a session identified by its ID from the session managment. the removed session will be returned.

Methods in with parameters of type Session
 void SessionManager.addSession(Session session)
          adds a session to the session managment. the session will be stored within two lists. one addresses the session with its ID the other with its user name.
 void MemoryBasedSessionManager.addSession(Session session)
          adds a session to the session managment. the session will be stored within two lists. one addresses the session with its ID the other with its user name.

deegree 2.3 (2010/04/09 10:10 build-4-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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