deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)
Class ProjectionUtils

  extended by

public class ProjectionUtils
extends java.lang.Object

The Utils class combines some helpful constants and forms.

$Revision: 18195 $, $Date: 2009-06-18 17:55:39 +0200 (Do, 18 Jun 2009) $
Rutger Bezema, last edited by: $Author: mschneider $

Field Summary
static double DTR
          Degrees to Radians (Math.PI/180.0)
static double EPS10
          A small epsilon value
static double EPS11
          An even smaller epsilon value
static double HALFPI
          Cotaining the value 0.5*pi
static double QUARTERPI
          Containing the value 0.25*pi
static double RTD
          Radians to Degrees (180.0/Math.PI)
static double TWOPI
          Containing the value 2*pi
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D WORLD_BOUNDS
          The max and min of the projected word map in degrees (-180, -90, 360, 180)
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D WORLD_BOUNDS_RAD
          The max and min of the projected word map in radians (-Math.PI, -HALFPI, TWOPI, Math.PI)
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static double acosScaled(double value)
          A helper method, which returns the acos from value or if value < -1 pi or value>1 0.
static double asinScaled(double value)
          A helper method, which returns the asin from value or if value < -1 (-pi/2) or value>1 (pi/2).
static double authlat(double beta, double[] APA)
          Deprecated. use calcPhiFromAuthalicLatitude(double, double[]) instead.;
static double[] authset(double eccentricitySquared)
          Deprecated. use getAuthalicLatitudeSeriesValues(double) instead.;
static double calcMFromSnyder(double sinphi, double cosphi, double eccentricitySquared)
          This method can be used to calculate the value of a variable called 'm' by Snyder (Snyder p.101 14-15).
static double calcPhiFromAuthalicLatitude(double beta, double[] APA)
          Gets phi from the authalic latitude beta and the precalculated values of the adams?
static double calcPhiFromConformalLatitude(double chi, double[] APA)
          Gets Phi from the given conformal latitude chi and the precalculated values (gotten from preCalcedThetaSeries(double) ) of the adams?
static double calcPhiFromMeridianDistance(double initialValue, double squaredEccentricity, double[] en)
          This method calcs lattitude phi from a given distance along the meridian to the equator for a a given ellispoid and is therefore the inverse of the getDistanceAlongMeridian(double, double, double, double[]).
static double calcQForAuthalicLatitude(double sinphi, double eccentricity)
          From the proj4 library, to determine small q which is needed to calculate the authalic (equal-areaed) latitude beta, on a sphere having the same surface area as the ellipsoid, relative to the ellipsoid.
static double conformalLatitudeInnerPart(double phi, double sinphi, double eccentricity)
          This method calculates the innerpart of the conformal latitude's definition (Snyder p.15 3-1).
static double DecMinSecToRadians(double inCoord)
          Converts a Deegree.MinSec value into it's radian equivalent.
static double[] enfn(double es)
          Deprecated. Use getRectifiyingLatitudeValues(double) instead
static double[] getAuthalicLatitudeSeriesValues(double eccentricitySquared)
          Pre-Calculates the values (used for the adams?
static double getDistanceAlongMeridian(double phi, double sphi, double cphi, double[] en)
          This method calcs the distance along the meridian from the equator to latitude phi for a a given ellispoid Snyder (p.17 3-21).
static double[] getRectifiyingLatitudeValues(double es)
          Pre Calculates the values for the series to calculate for a given ellipsoid with given eccentricity the distance along the meridian from the equator to a given latitude getDistanceAlongMeridian(double, double, double, double[]).
static double inv_mlfn(double initialValue, double squaredEccentricity, double[] en)
          Deprecated. Use calcPhiFromMeridianDistance(double,double,double[]) instead
static double length(double dx, double dy)
          Calcs the length of a vector given by two points x and y
static double mlfn(double phi, double sphi, double cphi, double[] en)
          Deprecated. Use getDistanceAlongMeridian(double,double,double,double[]) instead
static double msfn(double sinphi, double cosphi, double eccentricitySquared)
          Deprecated. Use calcMFromSnyder(double,double,double) instead
static double normalizeLatitude(double angle)
          A helper method modulos (pi)the given angle (in radians) until the result fits betwee -HALFPI and HALF_PI.
static double normalizeLongitude(double angle)
          A helper method modulos (2*pi)the given angle (in radians) until the result fits betwee -PI and PI.
static double[] preCalcedThetaSeries(double eccentricitySquared)
          Pre-Calculates the values (used for the adams?
static double qsfn(double sinphi, double e)
          Deprecated. use calcQForAuthalicLatitude(double, double) instead.
static double RadiansToDecMinSec(double inCoord)
          Converts a radian to its Deegree.MinSec equivalent.
static double ssfn(double phi, double sinphi, double eccentricity)
          Deprecated. Use conformalLatitudeInnerPart(double,double,double) instead
static double tanHalfCoLatitude(double phi, double sinphi, double eccentricity)
          This method calculates the tangens of the half colatitude from the conformal latitude (Snyder p.108 15-9).
static double tsfn(double phi, double sinphi, double eccentricity)
          Deprecated. Use tanHalfCoLatitude(double,double,double) instead
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final double EPS10
A small epsilon value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double EPS11
An even smaller epsilon value

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double HALFPI
Cotaining the value 0.5*pi

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double QUARTERPI
Containing the value 0.25*pi

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double TWOPI
Containing the value 2*pi

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double RTD
Radians to Degrees (180.0/Math.PI)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double DTR
Degrees to Radians (Math.PI/180.0)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D WORLD_BOUNDS_RAD
The max and min of the projected word map in radians (-Math.PI, -HALFPI, TWOPI, Math.PI)


public static final java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D WORLD_BOUNDS
The max and min of the projected word map in degrees (-180, -90, 360, 180)

Constructor Detail


public ProjectionUtils()
Method Detail


public static double qsfn(double sinphi,
                                     double e)
Deprecated. use calcQForAuthalicLatitude(double, double) instead.

From the proj4 library, to determine small q which is needed to calculate the authalic (equal-areaed) latitude beta, on a sphere having the same surface area as the ellipsoid, relative to the ellipsoid. Snyder (3 -12).

sinphi - the sine of the angle between the positive z-axis and the line formed between the origin and P.
e - the eccentricity
the q value from Snyder (3-12)


public static double calcQForAuthalicLatitude(double sinphi,
                                              double eccentricity)
From the proj4 library, to determine small q which is needed to calculate the authalic (equal-areaed) latitude beta, on a sphere having the same surface area as the ellipsoid, relative to the ellipsoid. Snyder (3 -12).

sinphi - the sine of the angle between the positive z-axis and the line formed between the origin and P.
eccentricity - the eccentricity of the ellipsoid to map the sphere to.
the q value from Snyder (3-12)


public static double[] preCalcedThetaSeries(double eccentricitySquared)
Pre-Calculates the values (used for the adams? series) which will be used to calculate the phi value of an inverse projection. Snyder (3-5).

eccentricitySquared - the squared eccentricity from the ellipsoid to calculate the theta for.
the precalculated values.


public static double calcPhiFromConformalLatitude(double chi,
                                                  double[] APA)
Gets Phi from the given conformal latitude chi and the precalculated values (gotten from preCalcedThetaSeries(double) ) of the adams? serie. From Snyder (3-5).

chi - the conformal latitude
APA - the precalculated values from the serie gotten from preCalcedThetaSeries(double).
the Phi as a polarcoordinate on the ellipsoid or chi if the length of APA != 4.


public static double[] authset(double eccentricitySquared)
Deprecated. use getAuthalicLatitudeSeriesValues(double) instead.;

Pre-Calculates the values (used for the adams? series) which will be used to calculate the authalic latitude. Snyder (3-18).

eccentricitySquared - the squared eccentricity from the ellipsoid to calculate the authalic latitude for.
the precalculated values.


public static double[] getAuthalicLatitudeSeriesValues(double eccentricitySquared)
Pre-Calculates the values (used for the adams? series) which will be used to calculate the authalic latitude. Snyder (3-18).

eccentricitySquared - the squared eccentricity from the ellipsoid to calculate the authalic latitude for.
the precalculated values [0] = e^2/3 + e^4*(31/180) + e^6*(517/5040), [1]= e^4*(23/360) + e^6*(251/3780) and [2] = e^6*(761/45360).


public static double authlat(double beta,
                                        double[] APA)
Deprecated. use calcPhiFromAuthalicLatitude(double, double[]) instead.;

Gets phi from the authalic latitude beta and the precalculated values of the adams? serie. From Snyder (3-18).

beta - authalic latitude.
APA - the precalculated values from the series gotten from getAuthalicLatitudeSeriesValues(double).
the phi on the ellipsoid.


public static double calcPhiFromAuthalicLatitude(double beta,
                                                 double[] APA)
Gets phi from the authalic latitude beta and the precalculated values of the adams? serie. From Snyder (3-18).

beta - authalic latitude.
APA - the precalculated values from the serie gotten from getAuthalicLatitudeSeriesValues(double).
the phi on the ellipsoid.


public static double length(double dx,
                            double dy)
Calcs the length of a vector given by two points x and y

dx - of the vector
dy - of the vector
the length


public static double conformalLatitudeInnerPart(double phi,
                                                double sinphi,
                                                double eccentricity)
This method calculates the innerpart of the conformal latitude's definition (Snyder p.15 3-1). This formula is almost equal to the calculation of the half colatitude from the conformal latitude (Snyder p.108 15-9). They only differ a sign in the first term.

phi - to calculate the conformal latitude from
sinphi - the sinus of the phi.
eccentricity - of the ellipsoid to which the phi should be made conformal to.
the value of the innerpart of the conformal latitude formula. i.e. tan( pi/4 + phi/2)*[(1-e*sin(phi))/1+e*sin(phi))]^e/2.


public static double ssfn(double phi,
                                     double sinphi,
                                     double eccentricity)
Deprecated. Use conformalLatitudeInnerPart(double,double,double) instead

This method calculates the innerpart of the conformal latitude's definition (Snyder p.15 3-1). This formula is almost equal to the calculation of the half colatitude from the conformal latitude (Snyder p.108 15-9). They only differ a sign in the first term.

phi - to calculate the conformal latitude from
sinphi - the sinus of the phi.
eccentricity - of the ellipsoid to which the phi should be made conformal to.
the value of the innerpart of the conformal latitude formula. i.e. tan( pi/4 + phi/2)*[(1-e*sin(phi))/1+e*sin(phi))]^e/2.


public static double tanHalfCoLatitude(double phi,
                                       double sinphi,
                                       double eccentricity)
This method calculates the tangens of the half colatitude from the conformal latitude (Snyder p.108 15-9).

phi - to calculate the half of the co latitude of the conformal latitude from
sinphi - the sinus of the phi.
eccentricity - of the ellipsoid to which the phi should be made conformal to.
the value of the tangens of half of the conformal latitude formula. i.e. tan( pi/4 - phi/2)/[(1-e*sin(phi))/1+e*sin(phi))]^e/2.


public static double tsfn(double phi,
                                     double sinphi,
                                     double eccentricity)
Deprecated. Use tanHalfCoLatitude(double,double,double) instead

This method calculates the tangens of the half colatitude from the conformal latitude (Snyder p.108 15-9). This formula is almost equal to the calculation of the innerpart of the conformal latitude's definition (Snyder p.15 3-1). They only differ a sign in the first term.

phi - to calculate the half of the co latitude of the conformal latitude from
sinphi - the sinus of the phi.
eccentricity - of the ellipsoid to which the phi should be made conformal to.
the value of the innerpart of the conformal latitude formula (given sign + or -). i.e. tan( pi/4 (+-) phi/2)*[(1-e*sin(phi))/1+e*sin(phi))]^e/2.


public static double msfn(double sinphi,
                                     double cosphi,
                                     double eccentricitySquared)
Deprecated. Use calcMFromSnyder(double,double,double) instead

This method can be used to calculate the value of a variable called 'm' by Snyder (Snyder p.101 14-15).

sinphi - the sinus of the phi
cosphi - the cosinus of the phi
eccentricitySquared - the value eccentricity * eccentricity.
cos( phi) / Math.sqrt( 1 - eccentricity*eccentricity*sin(phi)*sin(phi) ).


public static double calcMFromSnyder(double sinphi,
                                     double cosphi,
                                     double eccentricitySquared)
This method can be used to calculate the value of a variable called 'm' by Snyder (Snyder p.101 14-15).

sinphi - the sinus of the phi
cosphi - the cosinus of the phi
eccentricitySquared - the value eccentricity * eccentricity.
cos( phi) / Math.sqrt( 1 - eccentricity*eccentricity*sin(phi)*sin(phi) ).


public static double[] enfn(double es)
Deprecated. Use getRectifiyingLatitudeValues(double) instead

Pre Calculates the values for the series to calculate for a given ellipsoid with given eccentricity the distance along the meridian from the equator to a given latitude getDistanceAlongMeridian(double, double, double, double[]).

es - the squared eccentricity of the underlying ellipsoid.
the precalculated values for given ellipsoid.


public static double[] getRectifiyingLatitudeValues(double es)
Pre Calculates the values for the series to calculate for a given ellipsoid with given eccentricity the distance along the meridian from the equator to a given latitude getDistanceAlongMeridian(double, double, double, double[]).

es - the squared eccentricity of the underlying ellipsoid.
the precalculated values for given ellipsoid.


public static double mlfn(double phi,
                                     double sphi,
                                     double cphi,
                                     double[] en)
Deprecated. Use getDistanceAlongMeridian(double,double,double,double[]) instead

This method calcs for a a given ellispoid the distance along the meridian from the equator to latitude phi Snyder (p.17 3-21). It is used to calculate the rectifying latitude mu.

phi - the lattitude of the point in radians
sphi - the sinus of the latitude
cphi - the cosinus of the latitude
en - an array (of length 5) containing the precalculate values for this ellipsoid gotten from getRectifiyingLatitudeValues(double).
the distance along the meridian from the equator to latitude phi.


public static double getDistanceAlongMeridian(double phi,
                                              double sphi,
                                              double cphi,
                                              double[] en)
This method calcs the distance along the meridian from the equator to latitude phi for a a given ellispoid Snyder (p.17 3-21). It is used to calculate the rectifying latitude mu.

phi - the lattitude of the point in radians
sphi - the sinus of the latitude
cphi - the cosinus of the latitude
en - an array (of length 5) containing the precalculate values for this ellipsoid gotten from getRectifiyingLatitudeValues(double).
the distance along the meridian from the equator to latitude phi.


public static double inv_mlfn(double initialValue,
                                         double squaredEccentricity,
                                         double[] en)
Deprecated. Use calcPhiFromMeridianDistance(double,double,double[]) instead

This method calcs lattitude phi from a given distance along the meridian to the equator for a a given ellispoid and is therefore the inverse of the getDistanceAlongMeridian(double, double, double, double[]). Phi is determined to EPS (1e-11) radians, which is about 1e-6 seconds.

initialValue - to calculate phi from, a good starting value is using the (distance along the meridian / y*scale) e.g. the scaled y value on the meridian.
squaredEccentricity - the squared eccentricity of the ellipsoid.
en - an array (of length 5) containing the precalculate values for this ellipsoid gotten from getRectifiyingLatitudeValues(double).
the lattitude phi.


public static double calcPhiFromMeridianDistance(double initialValue,
                                                 double squaredEccentricity,
                                                 double[] en)
This method calcs lattitude phi from a given distance along the meridian to the equator for a a given ellispoid and is therefore the inverse of the getDistanceAlongMeridian(double, double, double, double[]). Phi is determined to EPS (1e-11) radians, which is about 1e-6 seconds.

initialValue - to calculate phi from, a good starting value is using the (distance along the meridian / y*scale) e.g. the scaled y value on the meridian.
squaredEccentricity - the squared eccentricity of the ellipsoid.
en - an array (of length 5) containing the precalculate values for this ellipsoid gotten from getRectifiyingLatitudeValues(double).
the lattitude phi or the best approximated value if no suitable convergence was found.


public static double acosScaled(double value)
A helper method, which returns the acos from value or if value < -1 pi or value>1 0.

value - (in radians) from which the acos must be calculated
the acos from value or if value < -1 pi or if value > 1 0.


public static double asinScaled(double value)
A helper method, which returns the asin from value or if value < -1 (-pi/2) or value>1 (pi/2).

value - (in radians) from which the asin must be calculated
the asin from value or if value < -1 (-pi/2) or value>1 (pi/2).


public static double normalizeLatitude(double angle)
A helper method modulos (pi)the given angle (in radians) until the result fits betwee -HALFPI and HALF_PI.

angle - in radians
the angle adjusted to -pi/2 + pi/2 or 0 if the angle is NaN or Infinite.


public static double normalizeLongitude(double angle)
A helper method modulos (2*pi)the given angle (in radians) until the result fits betwee -PI and PI.

angle - to be normalized
the angle adjusted to -2*pi + pi*2 or 0 if the angle is NaN or Infinite.


public static double DecMinSecToRadians(double inCoord)
Converts a Deegree.MinSec value into it's radian equivalent. for example 13.120637 dms -> 13.201769444444446° -> 0.23041434389473822 rd

inCoord - to be converted to radians.
the radian equivalent of the inCoord.


public static double RadiansToDecMinSec(double inCoord)
Converts a radian to its Deegree.MinSec equivalent. For example 0.23041434389473822 rd -> 13.201769444444446° -> 13.120637 dms

inCoord - to be converted to degrees.minsec
the radian equivalent of the inCoord.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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