deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)
Class StereographicAlternative

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StereographicAlternative
extends AzimuthalProjection

StereographicAlternative projection may be imagined to be a projection of the earth's surface onto a plane in contact with the earth at a single tangent point from the opposite end of the diameter through that tangent point.

An alternative approach is given by Snyder StereographicAzimuthal, where, instead of defining a single conformal sphere at the origin point, the conformal latitude at each point on the ellipsoid is computed. The conformal longitude is then always equivalent to the geodetic longitude. This approach is a valid alternative to the above, but gives slightly different results away from the origin point. It is therefore considered by EPSG to be a different projection method. Hence this implementation.

This projection is best known in its polar form and is frequently used for mapping polar areas where it complements the Universal Transverse Mercator used for lower latitudes. Its spherical form has also been widely used by the US Geological Survey for planetary mapping and the mapping at small scale of continental hydrocarbon provinces. In its transverse or oblique ellipsoidal forms it is useful for mapping limited areas centered on the point where the plane of the projection is regarded as tangential to the ellipsoid., e.g. the Netherlands. The tangent point is the origin of the projected coordinate system and the meridian through it is regarded as the central meridian. In order to reduce the scale error at the extremities of the projection area it is usual to introduce a scale factor of less than unity at the origin such that a unit scale factor applies on a near circle centered at the origin and some distance from it.

The coordinate transformation from geographical to projected coordinates is executed via the distance and azimuth of the point from the center point or origin. For a sphere the formulas are relatively simple. For the ellipsoid the same formulas are used but with auxiliary latitudes, known as conformal latitudes, substituted for the geodetic latitudes of the spherical formulas for the origin and the point .


Determinations of oblique projections on an ellipsoid can be difficult to solve and result in long, complex computations. Because conformal transformations can be made multiple time without loss of the conformal property a method of determining oblique projections involves conformal transformation of the elliptical coordinates to coordinates on a conformal sphere. The transformed coordinates can now be translated/rotated on the sphere and then converted to planar coordinates with a conformal spherical projection. is Ce/2 1 − e sin φ 2 arctan K tanC (π/4 + φ/2) − π/2 (3.6) χ = 1 + e sin φ λc = Cλ (3.7) √ 1 − e2 Rc = (3.8) 1 − e2 sin2 φ0

From the libproj4-manual by Gerald I. Evenden

$Revision: 19653 $, $Date: 2009-09-15 14:56:30 +0200 (Di, 15 Sep 2009) $
Rutger Bezema, last edited by: $Author: rbezema $
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
StereographicAlternative(GeographicCRS geographicCRS, double falseNorthing, double falseEasting, javax.vecmath.Point2d naturalOrigin, Unit units, double scale)
          Sets the id of this projection to epsg::9809 (Oblique Stereographic)
StereographicAlternative(GeographicCRS geographicCRS, double falseNorthing, double falseEasting, javax.vecmath.Point2d naturalOrigin, Unit units, double scale, Identifiable id)
Method Summary
 javax.vecmath.Point2d doInverseProjection(double x, double y)
          Do an inverse projection from projected (map) coordinates to geographic coordinates.
 javax.vecmath.Point2d doProjection(double lambda, double phi)
          The actual transform method doing a projection from geographic coordinates to map coordinates.
 java.lang.String getImplementationName()
Methods inherited from class
getMode, hashCode
Methods inherited from class
equals, getCosphi0, getDatum, getEccentricity, getEllipsoid, getFalseEasting, getFalseNorthing, getGeographicCRS, getNaturalOrigin, getPrimeMeridian, getProjectionLatitude, getProjectionLongitude, getScale, getScaleFactor, getSemiMajorAxis, getSemiMinorAxis, getSinphi0, getSquaredEccentricity, getUnits, isConformal, isEqualArea, isSpherical, setFalseEasting, setScale, toString
Methods inherited from class
checkForNullObject, checkForNullObject, checkForNullObject, getAreaOfUse, getAreaOfUseBBox, getAreasOfUse, getDescription, getDescriptions, getIdAndName, getIdentifier, getIdentifiers, getName, getNames, getVersion, getVersions, hasID
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StereographicAlternative(GeographicCRS geographicCRS,
                                double falseNorthing,
                                double falseEasting,
                                javax.vecmath.Point2d naturalOrigin,
                                Unit units,
                                double scale,
                                Identifiable id)
geographicCRS -
falseNorthing -
falseEasting -
naturalOrigin -
units -
scale -
id - an identifiable instance containing information about this projection


public StereographicAlternative(GeographicCRS geographicCRS,
                                double falseNorthing,
                                double falseEasting,
                                javax.vecmath.Point2d naturalOrigin,
                                Unit units,
                                double scale)
Sets the id of this projection to epsg::9809 (Oblique Stereographic)

geographicCRS -
falseNorthing -
falseEasting -
naturalOrigin -
units -
scale -
Method Detail


public javax.vecmath.Point2d doInverseProjection(double x,
                                                 double y)
                                          throws ProjectionException
Description copied from class: Projection
Do an inverse projection from projected (map) coordinates to geographic coordinates.

Specified by:
doInverseProjection in class Projection
x - coordinate on the map
y - coordinate on the map
the projected Point with x = lambda and y = phi;
ProjectionException - if the given x and y coordinates could not be inverted to lambda and phi.


public javax.vecmath.Point2d doProjection(double lambda,
                                          double phi)
                                   throws ProjectionException
Description copied from class: Projection
The actual transform method doing a projection from geographic coordinates to map coordinates.

Specified by:
doProjection in class Projection
lambda - the longitude
phi - the latitude
the projected Point or Point(Double.NAN, Double.NAN) if an error occurred.
ProjectionException - if the given lamba and phi coordinates could not be projected to x and y.


public java.lang.String getImplementationName()
Specified by:
getImplementationName in class Projection
A deegree specific name which will be used for the export of a projection.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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