deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use RPCWebEvent

Uses of RPCWebEvent in org.deegree.enterprise.control

Methods in org.deegree.enterprise.control with parameters of type RPCWebEvent
protected abstract  java.util.HashMap AbstractDBListener.createRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          creates a request from the RPCWebEvent passed to this listener
protected abstract  java.util.HashMap AbstractDBListener.performRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          performs the request contained in the passed RPCWebEvent
protected abstract  void AbstractDBListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates the request to be performed.

Uses of RPCWebEvent in org.deegree.portal.common.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.common.control with parameters of type RPCWebEvent
protected  java.lang.String AbstractSimplePrintListener.getVendorspecificParameters(RPCWebEvent rpc)
          returns null and should be overwritten by an extending class
protected abstract  ViewContext AbstractSimplePrintListener.getViewContext(RPCWebEvent rpc)
          reads the view context to print from the users session
protected  void AbstractSimplePrintListener.validate(RPCWebEvent rpc)
          validates the incoming request/RPC if conatins all required elements

Uses of RPCWebEvent in org.deegree.portal.portlet.enterprise

Methods in org.deegree.portal.portlet.enterprise with parameters of type RPCWebEvent
protected  ViewContext SimplePrintListener.getViewContext(RPCWebEvent rpc)
          reads the view context to print from the users session
protected  void SimplePrintListener.validate(RPCWebEvent rpc)
          validates the incoming request/RPC if conatins all required elements

Uses of RPCWebEvent in org.deegree.portal.standard.context.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.context.control with parameters of type RPCWebEvent
protected  java.util.ArrayList<DownloadListener.FeatureTemplate> DownloadListener.createFeatureTemplates(RPCWebEvent event)
          performs the access to the data marked at the shopping card
protected  RPCParameter[] AbstractContextListener.extractRPCParameters(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Extracts the parameters from the method call element within the passed rpcEvent.
protected  RPCStruct AbstractContextListener.extractRPCStruct(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent, int index)
          Extracts the RPCStruct from the indicated parameter in the params element of the passed RPCWebEvent.
protected  ViewContext FullScreenListener.setToFullScreen(RPCWebEvent rpc)
          Applies the modules read from the file to the current context using the data from the session on the defaultContext
protected  ViewContext NormalScreenListener.setToNormalScreen(RPCWebEvent rpc)
protected  void NormalScreenListener.validate(RPCWebEvent rpc)
          ValidateRPC looks in the RPCStruct for all needed elements and gotoErrorPage in case an element is found or wronglz formated, this is useful so that we won't need to check later for anz variables, simply get them and start Working
protected  void FullScreenListener.validate(RPCWebEvent rpc)
          ValidateRPC looks in the RPCStruct for all needed elements and gotoErrorPage in case an element is found or wronglz formated, this is useful so that we won't need to check later for anz variables, simply get them and start Working

Uses of RPCWebEvent in org.deegree.portal.standard.csw.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.csw.control with parameters of type RPCWebEvent
protected  java.util.List SimpleSearchListener.extractRPCCatalogs(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Extracts the catalog names from the first parameter of the params element within the passed rpcEvent.
protected  RPCParameter[] SimpleSearchListener.extractRPCParameters(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Extracts the parameters from the method call element within the passed rpcEvent.
protected  RPCStruct SimpleSearchListener.extractRPCStruct(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent, int index)
          Extracts the RPCStruct from the indicated parameter in the params element of the passed RPCWebEvent.
protected  void SeriesChildrenSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void SimpleSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Validates the rpc request and makes sure that all the needed parameters are included
protected  void SingleLayerSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void TurnPageListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void OverviewMetadataListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void AddToShoppingCartListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void DeleteFromShoppingCartListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void DetailedSearchListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  void DisplayMapListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)

Uses of RPCWebEvent in org.deegree.portal.standard.wfs.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.wfs.control with parameters of type RPCWebEvent
protected  Geometry GeometryValidator.createGeometry(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Creates the geometry from the data provided it the request (rpcEvent).
protected  java.lang.String DigitizeListener.createWFSTransactionRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent, java.lang.String transactionType)
          Create a WFS request (transaction) from the params given in the rpc event and the module configuration.
protected  void WFSClientListener.doGetFeature(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
protected  QualifiedName DigitizeListener.extractFeatureTypeAsQualifiedName(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          The FEATURE_TYPE passed in the rpc must be given with namespace and featuretype name in the form: {}:featureTypeName.
protected  void GeometryValidator.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Validates the incoming RPc request.
protected  void DigitizeListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent rpcEvent)
          Validate the RPC request: number of RPCParameter must be 2 or more.

Uses of RPCWebEvent in org.deegree.portal.standard.wms.control

Methods in org.deegree.portal.standard.wms.control with parameters of type RPCWebEvent
protected  ViewContext SimplePrintListener.getViewContext(RPCWebEvent rpc)

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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