deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceDispatcher
org.deegree.enterprise.servlet NEW Package. 

Uses of ServiceDispatcher in org.deegree.enterprise.servlet

Classes in org.deegree.enterprise.servlet that implement ServiceDispatcher
(package private)  class AbstractOWServiceHandler
          This class provides methods that are common to all services that comply to the OWS Common Implementation Specification 0.3.0.
 class CSWHandler
          Web servlet client for CSW.
(package private)  class SOSHandler
          Web servlet client for WFS.
 class WASSHandler
          This is the servlet handler class for the WASS services, ie, the Web Authentication Service and the Web Security Service.
(package private)  class WCSHandler
          Dispatcher for WCService.
 class WCTSHandler
          The WCTSHandler is the interface between the WCTService and the OGCServletController.
(package private)  class WFSHandler
          Web servlet client for WFS.
 class WMPSHandler
          Web servlet client for WMPS.
 class WMSHandler
          WMSHandler is the handler class for WMS requests and their results.
 class WPSHandler
 Created on 08.03.2006. 17:01:31h
 class WPVSHandler
          Handler for the Web Perspective View Service (WPVS).

Methods in org.deegree.enterprise.servlet that return ServiceDispatcher
 ServiceDispatcher ServiceLookup.getHandler(java.lang.String serviceName, java.lang.String requestIP)

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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