deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.framework.util

Interface Summary
CollectionUtils.Folder<T> Folder
CollectionUtils.Mapper<T,U> Mapper gives a name to a simple function.
CollectionUtils.Predicate<T> Predicate defines a boolean predicate function interface.
DataBaseIDGenerator This interface defines a generator for unique values for the primary key in a database table.

Class Summary
AliasingSVGTranscoder AliasingSVGTranscoder to create a BufferedImage from an SVG with the possibility to set preferences of aliasing
BootLogger The BootLogger is designed to be used internally by the framework manager and components at start-up time, i.e. when the main logging service has not yet been initialized.
Cleaner Simple class which performs an action in continuing intervals. per default the garbage collector will be called.
CollectionUtils CollectionUtils contains some functionality missing in Arrays and Collections.
ColorUtils offeres some methods for handling colors
ConvenienceFileFilter Class to be used with
DateUtil Utilities for working with dates.
FeatureUtils The FeatureUtils class offeres several static methods for handling features.
FileUtils the class offeres several static methods for handling file access
HttpUtils utility class for performing HTTP requests
IDGenerator Produces unique IDs (used to generate Request-IDs, for example).
ImageUtils Some utility methods for reading standard images
JavaUtils JavaUtils
KVP2Map offeres utility method for transformating a key-value-pair encoded request to a Map
LoggingInterceptor Logging interceptor to log the entering and exiting of a method call.
MimeTypeMapper Helper class to check for supported mime types.
NetWorker Performs a HTTP request using the service URL submitted to the constructor
ObjectPool class to manage the object pool. this is part of the combination of the object pool pattern an the singelton pattern.
Pair<T,U> Pair is a convenience class, which pairs two objects.
Parameter ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ParameterList The interface defines the access to a list of paramters that can be used as submitted parameters to methods that may receive an variable list of parameters.
ProfilerInterceptor Interceptor to profile the application.
ProfilerInterceptor.ProfileEntry ProfileEntry simple wrapper to be used ad a profile entry
StringPair StringPair is a convenience class, which pairs two Strings.
StringTools this is a collection of some methods that extends the functionality of the sun-java string class.
TimeTools The TimeTools class can be used to format Strings to timecodes and get Calenadars of a given Timecode.
TimeTools2 The TimeTools2 class can be used to format Strings to timecodes and get Calenadars of a given Timecode.
WebappResourceResolver Utility class for resolving of references in webapp config files to URLs.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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