deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)


Interface Summary
DisplayElement Basic interface for all display elements.
Label This is a label with style information and screen coordinates, ready to be rendered to a view.

Class Summary
AbstractDisplayElement Base class for all display elements.
CurveWalker Walks along a given curve and generates positions on the line string in regular intervals (i.e. a series of points on the line string with steps of the same distance).
DisplayElementFactory Factory class for the different kinds of DisplayElements.
GeometryDisplayElement Basic interface of all display elements that are related to a geometry (this is the common case).
HorizontalLabel This is a horizontal label with style information and screen coordinates, ready to be rendered to the view.
LabelDisplayElement DisplayElement that encapsulates a GM_Object (geometry), a ParameterValueType (caption) and a TextSymbolizer (style).
LabelFactory Does the labeling, i.e. creates (screen) Label representations from LabelDisplayElements.
LineStringDisplayElement DisplayElement that encapsulates a linestring or multi-linestring geometry and a LineSymbolizer.
LocalizedDisplayElement Basic interface for DisplayElements that are not Geometries but shall be rendered to one or more locations.
PointDisplayElement DisplayElement that encapsulates a point geometry (GM_Point) and a PointSymbolizer.
PolygonDisplayElement DisplayElement that encapsulates a Surface or MultiSurface geometry and a PolygonSymbolizer.
RotatedLabel This is a rotated label with style information and screen coordinates, ready to be rendered to the view.
ScaledFeature This class is a wrapper for a Feature and a Feature itself.

Exception Summary
IncompatibleGeometryTypeException Indicates that a certain Geometry-type has been encountered that is invalid in this context.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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