deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official) | |||||||||
public class StyleFactory
An utility class designed to easy creation of style by convinience methods.
Constructor Summary | |
Method Summary | |
static CssParameter |
createCssParameter(java.lang.String name,
double value)
creates a CssParameter with a name and a value |
static CssParameter |
createCssParameter(java.lang.String name,
int value)
creates a CssParameter with a name and a value |
static CssParameter |
createCssParameter(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String value)
creates a CssParameter with a name and a value |
static ExternalGraphic |
createExternalGraphic(java.lang.String uri,
java.lang.String format)
wrapper for stylefactory method |
static ExternalGraphic |
createExternalGraphic(java.net.URL url,
java.lang.String format)
wrapper for stylefactory method |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(Rule rule)
create a Feature type styler |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(Rule[] rules)
create a Feature type styler |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName,
Rule rule)
create a Feature type styler |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName,
Rule[] rules)
create a Feature type styler |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String abstract_,
java.lang.String featureTypeName,
Rule[] rules)
create a Feature type styler |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName,
Symbolizer symbolizer)
create a Feature type styler |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName,
Symbolizer[] symbolizers)
create a Feature type styler |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName,
Symbolizer[] symbolizers,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName,
Symbolizer symbolizer,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer)
create a Feature type styler |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer[] symbolizers,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators |
static FeatureTypeStyle |
createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a Feature type styler see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators |
static Fill |
create a default fill 50% gray |
static Fill |
createFill(java.awt.Color color)
create a fill of color |
static Fill |
createFill(java.awt.Color color,
double opacity)
create a fill with the supplied color and opacity |
static Fill |
createFill(java.awt.Color color,
double opacity,
GraphicFill fill)
create a fill with color and opacity supplied and uses the graphic fill supplied for the fill |
static Font |
createFont(java.awt.Font font)
create a geotools font object from a java font |
static Font |
createFont(java.lang.String fontFamily,
boolean italic,
boolean bold,
double fontSize)
create font of supplied family, size and weight/style |
static Font |
createFont(java.lang.String fontFamily,
double fontSize)
create font of supplied family and size |
static Graphic |
createGraphic(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic,
Mark mark,
double opacity,
double size,
double rotation)
creates a graphic object |
static GraphicFill |
createGraphicFill(Graphic graphic)
creates a GraphicFill from a Graphic object |
static GraphicStroke |
createGraphicStroke(Graphic graphic)
creates a GraphicStroke from a Graphic object |
static Halo |
wrapper round StyleFactory method to create default halo |
static Halo |
createHalo(java.awt.Color color,
double radius)
wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo |
static Halo |
createHalo(java.awt.Color fillColor,
double opacity,
java.awt.Color strokeColor,
double radius)
wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo |
static Halo |
createHalo(Fill fill,
Stroke stroke,
double radius)
wrapper round StyleFactory method to create halo |
static LabelPlacement |
createLabelPlacement(LinePlacement linePlacement)
creates a label placement that is orientated on a line |
static LabelPlacement |
createLabelPlacement(PointPlacement pointPlacement)
creates a label placement that is orientated on a point |
static LinePlacement |
createLinePlacement(double offset)
creates a LinePlacement with a user defined distance between the labels and the lines. |
static LinePlacement |
createLinePlacement(double offset,
double lineWidth,
int gap)
creates a LinePlacement with a user defined distance between the labels and the lines. |
static LinePlacement |
createLinePlacement(java.lang.String position)
creates a LinePlacement with a relative position of the label according to the line the lines. |
static LinePlacement |
createLinePlacement(java.lang.String position,
double lineWidth,
int gap)
creates a LinePlacement with a user defined distance between the labels and the lines. |
static AbstractStyle |
createLineStyle(java.awt.Color startColor,
java.awt.Color endColor,
double startWidth,
double endWidth,
double opacity,
double min,
double max,
java.lang.String featurePropertyName,
int numberOfSteps)
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, but should create a style with name 'defaultLine' for rendering line geometries. |
static AbstractStyle |
createLineStyle(java.awt.Color color,
double width,
double opacity,
double min,
double max)
creates a style with name 'defaultLine' for rendering line geometries |
static LineSymbolizer |
create a default line symboliser |
static LineSymbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color)
create a LineSymbolizer |
static LineSymbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color,
double width)
create a LineSymbolizer |
static LineSymbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color,
double width,
PropertyPath geometryPropertyName)
create a LineSymbolizer |
static LineSymbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer(double width)
create a new line symbolizer |
static LineSymbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke)
create a LineSymbolizer |
static LineSymbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke,
PropertyPath geometryPropertyName)
create a LineSymbolizer |
static LineSymbolizer |
createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke,
PropertyPath geometryPropertyName,
double min,
double max)
create a LineSymbolizer |
static Mark |
createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName)
create the named mark |
static Mark |
createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName,
java.awt.Color fillColor)
create a mark of the supplied color and a default outline (black) |
static Mark |
createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName,
java.awt.Color fillColor,
java.awt.Color borderColor,
double borderWidth)
create the named mark with the colors etc supplied |
static Mark |
createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName,
java.awt.Color borderColor,
double borderWidth)
create a mark with default fill (50% gray) and the supplied outline |
static Mark |
createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName,
Fill fill,
Stroke stroke)
create a mark with the supplied fill and stroke |
static ParameterValueType |
createParameterValueType(double value)
creates a ParameterValueType instance with a String as value |
static ParameterValueType |
createParameterValueType(Expression[] expressions)
creates a ParameterValueType instance with an array of Expression s as value |
static ParameterValueType |
createParameterValueType(int value)
creates a ParameterValueType instance with a int as value |
static ParameterValueType |
createParameterValueType(java.lang.String value)
creates a ParameterValueType instance with a String as value |
static PointPlacement |
wrapper round Stylefactory Method |
static PointPlacement |
createPointPlacement(double anchorX,
double anchorY,
double rotation)
wrapper round Stylefactory Method |
static PointPlacement |
createPointPlacement(double anchorX,
double anchorY,
double displacementX,
double displacementY,
double rotation)
wrapper round Stylefactory Method |
static PointPlacement |
createPointPlacement(double anchorX,
double anchorY,
double displacementX,
double displacementY,
double rotation,
boolean auto)
static AbstractStyle |
createPointStyle(java.lang.String[] wellKnownNames,
java.awt.Color startFillColor,
java.awt.Color endFillColor,
java.awt.Color startBorderColor,
java.awt.Color endBorderColor,
double startBorderWidth,
double endBorderWidth,
double opacity,
double startSize,
double endSize,
double rotation,
double min,
double max,
java.lang.String featurePropertyName,
int numberOfSteps)
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, but should create a style with name 'defaultPoint' for rendering point geometries. |
static AbstractStyle |
createPointStyle(java.lang.String wellKnownName,
java.awt.Color fillColor,
java.awt.Color borderColor,
double borderWidth,
double opacity,
double size,
double rotation,
double min,
double max)
creates a style with name 'defaultPoint' for rendering point geometries |
static PointSymbolizer |
create a default point symbolizer |
static PointSymbolizer |
createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic)
create a point symbolizer |
static PointSymbolizer |
createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic,
PropertyPath geometryPropertyName)
create a point symbolizer |
static PointSymbolizer |
createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic,
PropertyPath geometryPropertyName,
double min,
double max)
create a point symbolizer |
static AbstractStyle |
createPolygonStyle(java.awt.Color startFillColor,
java.awt.Color endFillColor,
double fillOpacity,
java.awt.Color startStrokeColor,
java.awt.Color endStrokeColor,
double startStrokeWidth,
double endStrokeWidth,
double strokeOpacity,
double min,
double max,
java.lang.String featurePropertyName,
int numberOfSteps)
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, but should create a style with name 'defaultPoint' for rendering point geometries. |
static AbstractStyle |
createPolygonStyle(java.awt.Color fillColor,
double fillOpacity,
java.awt.Color strokeColor,
double strokeWidth,
double strokeOpacity,
double min,
double max)
creates a style with name 'defaultPolygon' for rendering polygon geometries |
static PolygonSymbolizer |
create a default polygon symbolizer |
static PolygonSymbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer(java.awt.Color fillColor)
create a polygon symbolizer |
static PolygonSymbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer(java.awt.Color fillColor,
java.awt.Color borderColor,
double borderWidth)
create a polygon symbolizer |
static PolygonSymbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer(java.awt.Color borderColor,
double borderWidth)
create a polygon symbolizer |
static PolygonSymbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke,
Fill fill)
create a polygon symbolizer |
static PolygonSymbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke,
Fill fill,
PropertyPath geometryPropertyName)
create a polygon symbolizer |
static PolygonSymbolizer |
createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke,
Fill fill,
PropertyPath geometryPropertyName,
double min,
double max)
create a polygon symbolizer |
static Rule |
createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer)
create a simple styling rule |
static Rule |
createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers)
reate a simple styling rule |
static Rule |
createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators |
static Rule |
createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String abstract_,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators |
static Rule |
createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String abstract_,
LegendGraphic legendGraphic,
Filter filter,
boolean elseFilter,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a complex styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators |
static Rule |
createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a simple styling rule, see the SLD Spec for more details of scaleDenominators |
static TextSymbolizer |
createStaticTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color,
Font[] fonts,
java.lang.String label)
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, but should create a textsymbolizer which doesn't change |
static TextSymbolizer |
createStaticTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color,
Font font,
java.lang.String label)
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException, but should create a textsymbolizer which doesn't change |
static Stroke |
create a default Stroke that black, 1 pixel width, complete opaque, with round linejoin and square line cap |
static Stroke |
createStroke(java.awt.Color color)
Create a default stroke with the supplied color |
static Stroke |
createStroke(java.awt.Color color,
double width)
create a stroke with the passed width and color |
static Stroke |
createStroke(java.awt.Color color,
double width,
double opacity)
create a stroke with color, width and opacity supplied |
static Stroke |
createStroke(java.awt.Color color,
double width,
double opacity,
float[] dashArray,
java.lang.String lineJoin,
java.lang.String lineCap)
create a stroke with color, width, linejoin type and lineCap type. |
static Stroke |
createStroke(java.awt.Color color,
double width,
float[] dashArray)
create a dashed line of color and width |
static Stroke |
createStroke(java.awt.Color color,
double width,
java.lang.String lineJoin,
java.lang.String lineCap)
create a stroke with color, width, linejoin type and lineCap type. |
static Stroke |
createStroke(double width)
create a default stroke with the supplied width |
static AbstractStyle |
create a new default style |
static AbstractStyle |
createStyle(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String abstract_,
FeatureTypeStyle featureTypeStyle)
create a new style |
static AbstractStyle |
createStyle(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String abstract_,
FeatureTypeStyle[] featureTypeStyles)
create a new style |
static AbstractStyle |
createStyle(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String abstract_,
java.lang.String featureTypeName,
Rule[] rules)
create a style |
static AbstractStyle |
createStyle(java.lang.String name,
Symbolizer symbolizer)
create a new style |
static AbstractStyle |
createStyle(java.lang.String name,
Symbolizer symbolizer,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a new style |
static AbstractStyle |
createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer)
create a new style |
static AbstractStyle |
createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer,
double minScaleDenominator,
double maxScaleDenominator)
create a new style with name 'default' |
static TextSymbolizer |
createTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color,
Font font,
java.lang.String attributeName,
LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
create a textsymbolizer |
static TextSymbolizer |
createTextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry,
ParameterValueType label,
Font font,
LabelPlacement labelPlacement,
Halo halo,
Fill fill,
double min,
double max)
create a textsymbolizer |
static TextSymbolizer |
createTextSymbolizer(PropertyPath geometryPropertyName,
java.lang.String attribute,
Font font,
LabelPlacement labelPlacement,
Halo halo,
Fill fill,
double min,
double max)
create a textsymbolizer |
static TextSymbolizer |
createTextSymbolizer(PropertyPath geometryPropertyName,
java.lang.String attribute,
LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
create a textsymbolizer |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public StyleFactory()
Method Detail |
public static ParameterValueType createParameterValueType(java.lang.String value)
- value of the ParameterValueType
public static ParameterValueType createParameterValueType(int value)
- value of the ParameterValueType
public static ParameterValueType createParameterValueType(double value)
- value of the ParameterValueType
public static ParameterValueType createParameterValueType(Expression[] expressions)
public static CssParameter createCssParameter(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
- name of the css parametervalue
- value of the css parameter
public static CssParameter createCssParameter(java.lang.String name, int value)
- name of the css parametervalue
- value of the css parameter
public static CssParameter createCssParameter(java.lang.String name, double value)
- name of the css parametervalue
- value of the css parameter
public static GraphicStroke createGraphicStroke(Graphic graphic)
- GraphicReturns:public static GraphicFill createGraphicFill(Graphic graphic)
- GraphicReturns:public static Stroke createStroke()
public static Stroke createStroke(double width)
- the width of the line
public static Stroke createStroke(java.awt.Color color)
- the color of the line
public static Stroke createStroke(java.awt.Color color, double width)
- the color of the linewidth
- the width of the line
public static Stroke createStroke(java.awt.Color color, double width, java.lang.String lineJoin, java.lang.String lineCap)
- the color of the linewidth
- the width of the linelineJoin
- the type of join to be used at points along the linelineCap
- the type of cap to be used at the end of the line
public static Stroke createStroke(java.awt.Color color, double width, double opacity, float[] dashArray, java.lang.String lineJoin, java.lang.String lineCap)
- the color of the linewidth
- the width of the lineopacity
- the opacity or see throughness of the line, 0 - is transparent, 1 is completely drawndashArray
- lineJoin
- the type of join to be used at points along the linelineCap
- the type of cap to be used at the end of the line
public static Stroke createStroke(java.awt.Color color, double width, float[] dashArray)
- the color of the linewidth
- the width of the linedashArray
- an array of floats describing the length of line and spaces
public static Stroke createStroke(java.awt.Color color, double width, double opacity)
- the color of the linewidth
- the width of the lineopacity
- the opacity or see throughness of the line, 0 - is transparent, 1 is completely drawn
public static Fill createFill()
public static Fill createFill(java.awt.Color color)
- the color of the fill
public static Fill createFill(java.awt.Color color, double opacity)
- the color to fill withopacity
- the opacity of the fill 0 - transparent, 1 - completly filled
public static Fill createFill(java.awt.Color color, double opacity, GraphicFill fill)
- the foreground coloropacity
- the opacity of the fillfill
- the graphic object to use to fill the fill
public static Mark createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName)
- the wellknown name of the mark
public static Mark createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName, java.awt.Color fillColor, java.awt.Color borderColor, double borderWidth)
- the well known name of the markfillColor
- the color of the markborderColor
- the outline color of the markborderWidth
- the width of the outline
public static Mark createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName, java.awt.Color borderColor, double borderWidth)
- the well known name of the markborderColor
- the outline colorborderWidth
- the outline width
public static Mark createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName, java.awt.Color fillColor)
- the well known name of the markfillColor
- the color of the mark
public static Mark createMark(java.lang.String wellKnownName, Fill fill, Stroke stroke)
- the well known name of the markfill
- the fill to usestroke
- the stroke to use
public static ExternalGraphic createExternalGraphic(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String format) throws java.net.MalformedURLException
- the uri of the imageformat
- mime type of the image
public static ExternalGraphic createExternalGraphic(java.net.URL url, java.lang.String format)
- the url of the imageformat
- mime type of the image
public static Graphic createGraphic(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic, Mark mark, double opacity, double size, double rotation)
- an external graphic to use if displayablemark
- a mark to useopacity
- -
the opacity of the graphicsize
- -
the size of the graphicrotation
- -
the rotation from the top of the page of the graphic
public static PointPlacement createPointPlacement()
public static PointPlacement createPointPlacement(double anchorX, double anchorY, double rotation)
- -
the X coordinateanchorY
- -
the Y coordinaterotation
- -
the rotaion of the label
public static PointPlacement createPointPlacement(double anchorX, double anchorY, double displacementX, double displacementY, double rotation)
- -
the X coordinateanchorY
- -
the Y coordinatedisplacementX
- -
the X distance from the anchordisplacementY
- -
the Y distance from the anchorrotation
- -
the rotaion of the label
public static PointPlacement createPointPlacement(double anchorX, double anchorY, double displacementX, double displacementY, double rotation, boolean auto)
- -
the X coordinateanchorY
- -
the Y coordinatedisplacementX
- -
the X distance from the anchordisplacementY
- -
the Y distance from the anchorrotation
- -
the rotaion of the labelauto
- -
auto positioning of the label
public static LinePlacement createLinePlacement(double offset)
- -
the distance between the line and the label
public static LinePlacement createLinePlacement(java.lang.String position)
- of the label relative to the line
public static LinePlacement createLinePlacement(double offset, double lineWidth, int gap)
- -
the distance between the line and the labellineWidth
- -
assumed lineWidthgap
- -
gap between the labels measured in label width
public static LinePlacement createLinePlacement(java.lang.String position, double lineWidth, int gap)
- -
relative position of the label to the linelineWidth
- -
assumed lineWidthgap
- -
gap between the labels measured in label width
public static LabelPlacement createLabelPlacement(LinePlacement linePlacement)
- description of the line where the lable will be orientated on
public static LabelPlacement createLabelPlacement(PointPlacement pointPlacement)
- description of the point where the lable will be orientated on
public static Font createFont(java.awt.Font font)
- -
the font to be converted
public static Font createFont(java.lang.String fontFamily, double fontSize)
- -
the font familyfontSize
- -
the size of the font in points
public static Font createFont(java.lang.String fontFamily, boolean italic, boolean bold, double fontSize)
- -
the font familyitalic
- -
should the font be italic?bold
- -
should the font be bold?fontSize
- -
the size of the font in points
public static Halo createHalo()
public static Halo createHalo(java.awt.Color color, double radius)
- -
the color of the haloradius
- -
the radius of the halo use a value <= 0 for rectangle
public static Halo createHalo(java.awt.Color fillColor, double opacity, java.awt.Color strokeColor, double radius)
- -
the fill color of the haloopacity
- -
the opacity of the halo fill 0 - transparent 1 - solidstrokeColor
- -
the stroke color of the haloradius
- -
the radius of the halo use a value <= 0 for rectangle
public static Halo createHalo(Fill fill, Stroke stroke, double radius)
- -
the fill of the halostroke
- -
the stroke of the haloradius
- -
the radius of the halo use a value <= 0 for rectangle
public static LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer()
public static LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(double width)
- the width of the line
public static LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color)
- -
the color of the line
public static LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, double width)
- -
the color of the linewidth
- -
the width of the line
public static LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, double width, PropertyPath geometryPropertyName)
- -
the color of the linewidth
- -
the width of the linegeometryPropertyName
- -
the name of the geometry to be drawn
public static LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke)
- -
the stroke to be used to draw the line
public static LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, PropertyPath geometryPropertyName)
- -
the stroke to be used to draw the linegeometryPropertyName
- -
the name of the geometry to be drawn
public static LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, PropertyPath geometryPropertyName, double min, double max)
- -
the stroke to be used to draw the linegeometryPropertyName
- -
the name of the geometry to be drawnmin
- min scale denominatormax
- max scale denominator
public static PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer()
public static PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(java.awt.Color fillColor)
- -
the color to fill the polygon
public static PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(java.awt.Color fillColor, java.awt.Color borderColor, double borderWidth)
- -
the color to fill the polygonborderColor
- -
the outline color of the polygonborderWidth
- -
the width of the outline
public static PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(java.awt.Color borderColor, double borderWidth)
- -
the outline color of the polygonborderWidth
- -
the width of the outline
public static PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill)
- -
the stroke to use to outline the polygonfill
- -
the fill to use to color the polygon
public static PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill, PropertyPath geometryPropertyName)
- -
the stroke to use to outline the polygonfill
- -
the fill to use to color the polygongeometryPropertyName
- -
the name of the geometry to be drawn
public static PolygonSymbolizer createPolygonSymbolizer(Stroke stroke, Fill fill, PropertyPath geometryPropertyName, double min, double max)
- -
the stroke to use to outline the polygonfill
- -
the fill to use to color the polygongeometryPropertyName
- -
the name of the geometry to be drawnmin
- min scale denominatormax
- max scale denominator
public static PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer()
public static PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic)
- -
the graphic object to draw at the point
public static PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic, PropertyPath geometryPropertyName)
- -
the graphic object to draw at the pointgeometryPropertyName
- -
the name of the geometry to be drawn
public static PointSymbolizer createPointSymbolizer(Graphic graphic, PropertyPath geometryPropertyName, double min, double max)
- -
the graphic object to draw at the pointgeometryPropertyName
- -
the name of the geometry to be drawnmin
- min scale denominatormax
- max scale denominator
public static TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, Font font, java.lang.String attributeName, LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
- the color of the textfont
- the font to useattributeName
- the attribute to use for the labellabelPlacement
public static TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer(PropertyPath geometryPropertyName, java.lang.String attribute, LabelPlacement labelPlacement)
- geometry assigned to the TextSymbolizerattribute
- attribute to draw/printlabelPlacement
- defines the placement of the text
public static TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer(PropertyPath geometryPropertyName, java.lang.String attribute, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
- geometry assigned to the TextSymbolizerattribute
- attribute to draw/printfont
- font to use for the textlabelPlacement
- defines the placement of the texthalo
- halo/backgroud of the textfill
- color, opacity of the textmin
- min scale denominatormax
- max scale denominator
public static TextSymbolizer createTextSymbolizer(Geometry geometry, ParameterValueType label, Font font, LabelPlacement labelPlacement, Halo halo, Fill fill, double min, double max)
- geometry assigned to the TextSymbolizerlabel
- attribute to draw/printfont
- font to use for the textlabelPlacement
- defines the placement of the texthalo
- halo/backgroud of the textfill
- color, opacity of the textmin
- min scale denominatormax
- max scale denominator
public static TextSymbolizer createStaticTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, Font font, java.lang.String label)
- the color of the textfont
- the font to uselabel
- the label to use
public static TextSymbolizer createStaticTextSymbolizer(java.awt.Color color, Font[] fonts, java.lang.String label)
- the color of the textfonts
- an array of fonts to use from the first to lastlabel
- the label to use
public static Rule createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer)
- -
the symbolizer to use
public static Rule createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers)
- -
an array of symbolizers to use
public static Rule createRule(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
the symbolizer to useminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static Rule createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
an array of symbolizers to useminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static Rule createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
an array of symbolizers to usename
- -
name of the ruletitle
- -
title of the ruleabstract_
- -
text describing throws ruleminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static Rule createRule(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, LegendGraphic legendGraphic, Filter filter, boolean elseFilter, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
an array of symbolizers to usename
- -
name of the ruletitle
- -
title of the ruleabstract_
- -
text describing throws rulelegendGraphic
- filter
- -
filter to use with the ruleelseFilter
- -
true if the passed is an ElseFilter (see SLD spec)minScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer)
- -
the symbolizer to use
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
the symbolizer to useminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
an array of symbolizers to useminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Symbolizer symbolizer)
- -
name for the feature type stylersymbolizer
- -
the symbolizer to use
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Symbolizer[] symbolizers)
- -
name for the feature type stylersymbolizers
- -
an array of symbolizers to use
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
name for the feature type stylersymbolizer
- -
the symbolizer to useminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Symbolizer[] symbolizers, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
name for the feature type stylersymbolizers
- -
an array of symbolizers to useminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Rule rule)
- -
rule contained in the featureTypeStyle
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(Rule[] rules)
- -
rules contained in the featureTypeStyle
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Rule rule)
- -
name for the feature type stylerrule
- -
rule contained in the featureTypeStyle
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Rule[] rules)
- -
name for the feature type stylerrules
- -
rules contained in the featureTypeStyle
public static FeatureTypeStyle createFeatureTypeStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String featureTypeName, Rule[] rules)
- -
name for the feature type stylerfeatureTypeName
- -
name of the feature type the Feature type style shall be assigned totitle
- -
title of the FeatureTypeStyleabstract_
- -
text describing the FeatureTypeStylerules
- -
rules contained in the featureTypeStyle
public static AbstractStyle createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer)
- -
the symbolizer to use
public static AbstractStyle createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
the symbolizer to useminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static AbstractStyle createStyle(java.lang.String name, Symbolizer symbolizer)
- -
the name of the stylesymbolizer
- -
the symbolizer to use
public static AbstractStyle createStyle(java.lang.String name, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
- -
the name of the stylesymbolizer
- -
the symbolizer to useminScaleDenominator
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmaxScaleDenominator
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static AbstractStyle createStyle(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String featureTypeName, Rule[] rules)
- -
the name of the stylefeatureTypeName
- -
name of the feature type the Feature type style shall be assigned totitle
- -
title of the FeatureTypeStyleabstract_
- -
text describing the FeatureTypeStylerules
- -
rules contained in the featureTypeStyle
public static AbstractStyle createStyle(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, FeatureTypeStyle featureTypeStyle)
- -
the name of the styletitle
- -
title of the styleabstract_
- -
text describing the stylefeatureTypeStyle
- -
public static AbstractStyle createStyle(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, FeatureTypeStyle[] featureTypeStyles)
- -
the name of the styletitle
- -
title of the styleabstract_
- -
text describing the stylefeatureTypeStyles
- -
public static AbstractStyle createPointStyle(java.lang.String wellKnownName, java.awt.Color fillColor, java.awt.Color borderColor, double borderWidth, double opacity, double size, double rotation, double min, double max)
- the well known name of the markfillColor
- the color of the markborderColor
- the outline color of the markborderWidth
- the width of the outlineopacity
- -
the opacity of the graphicsize
- -
the size of the graphicrotation
- -
the rotation from the top of the page of the graphicmin
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmax
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static AbstractStyle createLineStyle(java.awt.Color color, double width, double opacity, double min, double max)
- the line colorwidth
- the width of the lineopacity
- -
the opacity of the linemin
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmax
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static AbstractStyle createPolygonStyle(java.awt.Color fillColor, double fillOpacity, java.awt.Color strokeColor, double strokeWidth, double strokeOpacity, double min, double max)
- -
the fill color of the polygonfillOpacity
- -
the fill opacity of the polygonstrokeColor
- -
the line colorstrokeWidth
- -
the width of the linestrokeOpacity
- -
the opacity of the linemin
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmax
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature at
public static AbstractStyle createPointStyle(java.lang.String[] wellKnownNames, java.awt.Color startFillColor, java.awt.Color endFillColor, java.awt.Color startBorderColor, java.awt.Color endBorderColor, double startBorderWidth, double endBorderWidth, double opacity, double startSize, double endSize, double rotation, double min, double max, java.lang.String featurePropertyName, int numberOfSteps)
there will be a linear interpolation between colors, size and width of the first and the last rule considering the number of passed steps (rules)
- -
list of well known names of the mark. the first field will be assigned to the starting rule the last
to the ending rule.startFillColor
- -
the color of the mark of the first ruleendFillColor
- -
the color of the mark of the last rulestartBorderColor
- -
the outline color of the mark of the first ruleendBorderColor
- -
the outline color of the mark of the last rulestartBorderWidth
- -
the width of the outline of the first ruleendBorderWidth
- -
the width of the outline of the last ruleopacity
- -
the opacity of the graphicstartSize
- -
the size of the graphic of the first ruleendSize
- -
the size of the graphic of the last rulerotation
- -
the rotation from the top of the page of the graphicmin
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmax
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature atfeaturePropertyName
- -
name of the feature property that determines the selection of the rule for drawingnumberOfSteps
- -
number of steps used for the interpolation between first and last value. It is identical with the
number of rules that will be created.
public static AbstractStyle createLineStyle(java.awt.Color startColor, java.awt.Color endColor, double startWidth, double endWidth, double opacity, double min, double max, java.lang.String featurePropertyName, int numberOfSteps)
there will be a linear interpolation between colors, size and width of the first and the last rule considering the number of passed steps (rules)
- -
the color of the first ruleendColor
- -
the color of the last rulestartWidth
- -
the width of the line of the first ruleendWidth
- -
the width of the line of the last ruleopacity
- -
the opacity of the graphicmin
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmax
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature atfeaturePropertyName
- -
name of the feature property that determines the selection of the rule for drawingnumberOfSteps
- -
number of steps used for the interpolation between first and last value. It is identical with the
number of rules that will be created.
public static AbstractStyle createPolygonStyle(java.awt.Color startFillColor, java.awt.Color endFillColor, double fillOpacity, java.awt.Color startStrokeColor, java.awt.Color endStrokeColor, double startStrokeWidth, double endStrokeWidth, double strokeOpacity, double min, double max, java.lang.String featurePropertyName, int numberOfSteps)
there will be a linear interpolation between colors, size and width of the first and the last rule considering the number of passed steps (rules)
- -
the fill color of the first ruleendFillColor
- -
the fill color of the last rulefillOpacity
- -
the opacity of the fillstartStrokeColor
- -
the line color of the first ruleendStrokeColor
- -
the line color of the last rulestartStrokeWidth
- -
the width of the outline of the first ruleendStrokeWidth
- -
the width of the outline of the last rulestrokeOpacity
- -
the opacity of the outlinemin
- -
the minimim scale to draw the feature atmax
- -
the maximum scale to draw the feature atfeaturePropertyName
- -
name of the feature property that determines the selection of the rule for drawingnumberOfSteps
- -
number of steps used for the interpolation between first and last value. It is identical with the
number of rules that will be created.
public static AbstractStyle createStyle()
deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official) | |||||||||
an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
For more information visit: http://www.deegree.org