deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)


Interface Summary
DatastoreConfiguration Represents the configuration for a mapping (persistence) backend.
DatastoreTransaction Handler for TransactionOperations (Insert, Update, Delete, Native).

Class Summary
AnnotationDocument Abstract base class for all datastore specific annotation parsers.
Datastore A datastore implementation must extend this class.
DatastoreRegistry Responsible for the lookup of Datastore instances by their configuration information.
FeatureId Used to identify persistent (stored) feature instances.
Lock Represents a lock that has been acquired by a LockFeature or a GetFeatureWithLock request.
LockManager Keeps track of all persistent features that are in a locked state, i.e. a LockFeature request has been issued to lock them.
PropertyPathResolver Helper class that resolves PropertyPath instances (e.g.
RequestCRSTransformationTrigger Trigger implementation for transformation of geometries being part of a WFS request into the CRS of the comparsion geometries at the physical datasource.
ResponseCRSTransformationTrigger Trigger implementation for transforming the geometries being part of a resposne of a Datastore into the desired target CRS.

Exception Summary
DatastoreException Base datastore exception class.
MissingLockIdException MissingLockIdException
PropertyPathResolvingException Indicates that a PropertyPath cannot be resolved against a MappedFeatureType.
TransactionException Indicates that an error occured so the transaction could not be performed.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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