deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)


Interface Summary
MappedPropertyType Represents a mapped (persistent) property type in a GML feature type definition.

Class Summary
MappedComplexTypeDeclaration Represents an annotated XML complex type declaration in an MappedGMLSchema.
MappedElementDeclaration Represents an annotated XML element declaration in an MappedGMLSchema.
MappedFeaturePropertyType Representation of property types that contain features with mapping (persistence) information.
MappedFeatureType Represents a FeatureType with mapping (persistence) information.
MappedFeatureTypeReference Represents a reference to a MappedFeatureType.
MappedGeometryPropertyType Representation of property types that contain spatial data with mapping (persistence) information.
MappedGMLId Defines how values for "gml:id" attributes for a certain feature type are generated and which columns are used to store it.
MappedGMLSchema Represents a GML application schema document which is annotated with mapping (persistence) information.
MappedGMLSchemaDocument Parser for GML schema documents which are annotated with mapping (persistence) information.
MappedSimplePropertyType Representation of property types that contain primitive data types with mapping (persistence) information.
TableRelation Describes a relation (join condition) between two database tables.

Enum Summary
MappedGMLId.IDPART_INFO Used to represent the 'identityPart' information.
TableRelation.FK_INFO Used to represent the foreign key position.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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