deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)


Interface Summary
PropertyNode Represents a MappedPropertyType as a node in a QueryTableTree.
SpecialCharStringPart Part of a SpecialCharString.

Class Summary
AbstractPropertyNode Abstract base class for all representations of MappedPropertyTypes in a QueryTableTree.
FeaturePropertyNode Represents a MappedFeaturePropertyType as a node in a QueryTableTree.
FeatureTypeNode Represents a MappedFeatureType as a node in a QueryTableTree.
GeometryPropertyNode Represents a MappedGeometryPropertyType as a node in a QueryTableTree.
PlainText Part of a SpecialCharString that contains standard characters only.
QueryTableTree Represents selected MappedFeatureTypes and PropertyPath instances (properties used in an OGC filter and as sort criteria) and their mapping to a certain relational schema.
SimplePropertyNode Represents a MappedSimplePropertyType as a node in a QueryTableTree.
SingleChar Part of a SpecialCharString -- represents an arbitrary character (in SQL: '_').
SpecialCharString Represents a String that may contain special symbols (wildCard, singleChar, escape) as a list of its parts (SpecialCharStringPart).
WhereBuilder Creates SQL-WHERE clauses from OGC filter expressions (to restrict SQL statements to all stored features that match a given filter).
WildCard Part of a SpecialCharString -- represents any number of characters (in SQL: '%').

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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