deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexException   

Uses of IndexException in

Methods in that throw IndexException
 void DBQuadtreeManager.appendShape(java.lang.String fileName)
          appends the features of a shape to an existing datatable and inserts references into the assigned quadtree table.
protected  void DBQuadtreeManager.createDataTable(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String idType)
          creates table the shape data shall be stored
protected  void DBQuadtreeManager.createIndexTable(java.lang.String indexTable, java.lang.String idType)
          Creates actually two tables, an indextable, which will hold the actual quadtree and an index_item table which is a join-table between the dbNodes and the feature_ids.
 boolean DBNode.delete(T itemKey, Envelope itemEnv)
 boolean MemPointNode.delete(T item, Envelope env)
          Deletes the item from the quadtree.
 void DBQuadtree.deleteItem(T item)
          deletes an item from a quadtree
 void MemPointQuadtree.deleteItem(T item)
          Deletes the item from the quadtree.
 void Quadtree.deleteItem(T itemKey)
          deletes a specific item from the tree (not the item itself will be deleted, just its reference will be)
 java.lang.Object DBQuadtreeManager.determineQuattreeType()
 DBQuadtree<T> DBQuadtreeManager.getQuadtree()
          returns the current Quadtree
 Envelope DBQuadtree.getRootBoundingBox()
 Envelope MemPointQuadtree.getRootBoundingBox()
 Envelope Quadtree.getRootBoundingBox()
          returns the bounding box covered by the quadtrees root node
 void DBQuadtreeManager.importShape(java.lang.String fileName)
          imports a shape into the database and builds a quadtree on it
protected  int DBQuadtreeManager.initQuadtree(java.lang.String fileName)
          initializes a new Quadtree by adding a row into table TAB_QUADTREE and into TAB_QTNODE (-> root node)
protected  void DBQuadtreeManager.initRootNode(java.lang.String fileName)
          initializes the root node of the quadtree
 void DBQuadtree.insert(T item, Envelope envelope)
          inserts a new item into a quadtree
 void MemPointQuadtree.insert(T item, Envelope envelope)
          Inserts the item with the envelope into the quadtree.
 void Quadtree.insert(T itemKey, Envelope envelope)
          inserts a new item into the quadtree
 boolean DBNode.insert(T itemKey, Envelope itemEnv)
 boolean MemPointNode.insert(T item, Envelope itemEnv)
          Inserts the item into the quadtree.
 void DBQuadtree.insert(T item, Point point)
 void MemPointQuadtree.insert(T item, Point point)
          Inserts the item with the given point as envelope.
 void Quadtree.insert(T itemKey, Point point)
          inserts a new item into the quadtree
 void DBQuadtreeManager.insertIndexMetadata(int fk_indexTree)
          Inserts a row into the quadtree meta data structure 'TAB_DEEGREE_IDX', containing information on the table, geometry, indexname, owner and the foreign_key to the index table.
protected  int DBQuadtreeManager.loadIndexMetadata()
          loads the metadata of a Index from the TAB_DEEGREE_IDX table
 java.util.List<T> DBQuadtree.query(Envelope envelope)
 java.util.List<T> MemPointQuadtree.query(Envelope envelope)
          Searches for all items intersecting with the envelope.
 java.util.List Quadtree.query(Envelope envelope)
          returns a List containing all items whose envelope intersects with the passed one
 java.util.List<T> DBNode.query(Envelope searchEnv, java.util.List<T> visitor, int currentLevel)
 java.util.List<T> MemPointNode.query(Envelope searchEnv, java.util.List<T> visitor, int level)
          Searches for all items intersecting the search envelope.
protected  void DBQuadtreeManager.storeFeature(Feature feature, T id, JDBCConnection jdbc)
          stores one feature into the defined table
 void DBQuadtree.update(T item, Envelope newBBox)
          updates the envelope of an item
 void Quadtree.update(T itemKey, Envelope newBBox)
          updates spacial index of the specified item in the quadtree.

Constructors in that throw IndexException
DBNode(java.lang.String id, DBQuadtree<T> qt, java.lang.String indexTable, JDBCConnection jdbc, int level, DBQuadtree.SupportedVersions version)
          A constructor which reads the envelope from the database.
DBNode(java.lang.String id, Envelope env, DBQuadtree<T> qt, java.lang.String indexTable, JDBCConnection jdbc, int level, DBQuadtree.SupportedVersions version)
DBQuadtree(int id, java.lang.String indexName, JDBCConnection jdbc)
          initializes a quadtree already existing in a database.
DBQuadtree(int id, java.lang.String indexName, JDBCConnection jdbc, double accuracyX, double accuracyY, java.lang.String version)
          initializes a quadtree already existing in a database
DBQuadtree(int id, java.lang.String indexName, JDBCConnection jdbc, java.lang.String version)
          Creates a Database with given version.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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