deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use HyperBoundingBox   

Uses of HyperBoundingBox in

Fields in declared as HyperBoundingBox
protected  HyperBoundingBox[] Node.hyperBBs
protected  HyperBoundingBox Node.unionMinBB

Methods in that return HyperBoundingBox
protected  HyperBoundingBox Node.getHyperBoundingBox(int index)
          Returns the HyperBoundingBox for entrie with given index.
protected  HyperBoundingBox[] Node.getHyperBoundingBoxes()
          Returns an array of HyperBoundingBox objects of the entries of the node.
protected static HyperBoundingBox HyperBoundingBox.getNullHyperBoundingBox(int dimension)
          Creates a null HyperBoundingBox with null HyperPoints.
protected  HyperBoundingBox Node.getUnionMinBB()
          Returns the HyperBoundingBox over all Entries currently in the node
 HyperBoundingBox HyperBoundingBox.unionBoundingBox(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Computes the union of this with the given HyperBoundingBox.

Methods in with parameters of type HyperBoundingBox
 boolean HyperBoundingBox.contains(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Tests if this contains the given HyperBoundingBox overlaps.
 java.lang.Object[] RTree.contains(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Searches all entries in the R-Tree whose HyperBoundingBoxes contain the given.
 boolean RTree.delete(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Deletes all entries from the R-Tree with given HyperBoundingBox
 boolean RTree.delete(HyperBoundingBox box, int objID)
          Deletes an entry from the RTree.
 java.lang.Object[] RTree.find(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Retrieves all entries with the given HyperBoundingBox.
protected  int NoneLeafNode.getLeastEnlargement(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Computes the index of the entry with least enlargement if the given HyperBoundingBox would be added.
 boolean RTree.insert(java.lang.Object obj, HyperBoundingBox box)
          Inserts the given Object associated with the given HyperBoundingBox object into the R-Tree.
protected abstract  void Node.insertData(java.lang.Object obj, HyperBoundingBox box)
          Inserts the given data into the node
protected  void NoneLeafNode.insertData(java.lang.Object node, HyperBoundingBox box)
protected  void LeafNode.insertData(java.lang.Object obj, HyperBoundingBox box)
 java.lang.Object[] RTree.intersects(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Searches all entries in the R-Tree whose HyperBoundingBoxes intersect with the given.
 boolean HyperBoundingBox.overlaps(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Tests if this and the given HyperBoundingBox overlaps.
 HyperBoundingBox HyperBoundingBox.unionBoundingBox(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Computes the union of this with the given HyperBoundingBox.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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