deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use RTreeException   

Uses of RTreeException in

Methods in that throw RTreeException
 void RTree.close()
          Closes the rtree.
 java.lang.Object[] RTree.contains(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Searches all entries in the R-Tree whose HyperBoundingBoxes contain the given.
 boolean RTree.delete(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Deletes all entries from the R-Tree with given HyperBoundingBox
 boolean RTree.delete(HyperBoundingBox box, int objID)
          Deletes an entry from the RTree.
 java.lang.Object[] RTree.find(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Retrieves all entries with the given HyperBoundingBox.
 boolean RTree.insert(java.lang.Object obj, HyperBoundingBox box)
          Inserts the given Object associated with the given HyperBoundingBox object into the R-Tree.
 java.lang.Object[] RTree.intersects(HyperBoundingBox box)
          Searches all entries in the R-Tree whose HyperBoundingBoxes intersect with the given.
 double[] RTree.nearestNeighbour(HyperPoint point)
          Queries the nearest neighbour to given search HyperPoint

Constructors in that throw RTreeException
RTree(int dimension, int maxLoad)
          Creates an empty R-Tree with a memory-mapped pagefile (MemoryPageFile) and an empty root node
RTree(int dimension, int maxLoad, java.lang.String fileName)
          Creates an empty R-Tree with a persistent pagefile (PersistentPageFile) and an empty root node.
RTree(java.lang.String fileName)
          Creates an R-Tree from an EXISTING persistent pagefile (PersistentPageFile).

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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