deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.model.coverage.grid

Interface Summary
GridCoverage Represent the basic implementation which provides access to grid coverage data.
GridCoverageReader Support for reading grid coverages out of a persisten store.
GridCoverageWriter Support for writing grid coverages into a persistent store.

Class Summary
AbstractGridCoverage Represent the basic implementation which provides access to grid coverage data.
ByteGridCoverage GridCoverage implementation for holding grids stored in a raw byte matrix (byte[][]) or in a set of ByteGridCoverages
CompoundGridCoverageReader This reader enables creation of GridCoverages from more than one source.
Format This interface is a discovery mechanism to determine the formats supported by a "org.opengis.coverage.grid.GridCoverageExchange" implementation.
GeoTIFFGridCoverageReader GridCoverageReader for reading files as defined by the deegree CoverageOffering Extension type 'File'.
GeoTIFFGridCoverageWriter This class encapsulates functionality for writing a GridCoverage as a GeoTIFF to a defined destination.
GMLGridCoverageWriter Implementation of "org.opengis.coverage.grid.GridCoverageWriter" for writing a GridCoverage as GML document to a defined destioation
Grid the class encapsulates a describtion of a grid containing the grids size (grid envelope) and the names of the grids axis.
GridCoverageExchange Support for creation of grid coverages from persistent formats as well as exporting a grid coverage to a persistent formats.
GridGeometry Describes the geometry and georeferencing information of the grid coverage.
GridRange Specifies the range of valid coordinates for each dimension of the coverage.
ImageGridCoverage GridCoverage implementation for holding grids stored in an BufferedImage or in a set of ImageGridCoverages
ImageGridCoverageReader GridCoverageReader for reading files as defined by the deegree CoverageOffering Extension type 'File'.
ImageGridCoverageWriter This class encapsulates functionality for writing a GridCoverage as a GeoTIFF to a defined destination.
ShortGridCoverage GridCoverage implementation for holding grids stored in a raw byte matrix (byte[][]) or in a set of ByteGridCoverages
TiffDEMParser Parses 4 channel (32Bit) tiff images as DEM and returns a float matrix containing the DEM heights
WorldFile class representation of a ESRI world file.
XYZGridCoverageWriter Implementation of "org.opengis.coverage.grid.GridCoverageWriter" for writing a GridCoverage as XYZ coordinate tuples to a defined destioation

Enum Summary
WorldFile.TYPE TYPE enumerates the world file types.

Exception Summary
CannotCreateGridCoverageException Thrown when a grid coverage can't be created.
GridNotEditableException Thrown when an attempt is made to write in a non-editable grid.
InvalidRangeException Thrown when a grid range is out of grid coverage bounds.
MetadataNameNotFoundException Thrown when a requested metadata is not found.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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