deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.model.filterencoding

Interface Summary
Filter Marker interface for filters from the Filter Encoding Specification.

Class Summary
AbstractFilter Abstract superclass representing Filter elements (as defined in the Filter DTD).
AbstractOperation Abstract superclass representing spatial_ops, comparison_ops and logical_ops entities (as defined in the Filter DTD).
ArithmeticExpression Encapsulates the information of a <Add> / <Sub>/ <Mul> or <DIV> element as defined in the Expression DTD.
ComparisonOperation Encapsulates the information of a comparison_ops entity (as defined in the Filter DTD).
ComplexFilter Encapsulates the information of a element that contains an Operation (only) (as defined in the Filter DTD).
Expression Abstract superclass representing expr-entities (as defined in the Expression DTD).
ExpressionDefines Defines codes and constants for easy coping with the different kinds of Expressions (both XML-Entities & JavaObjects).
FalseFilter A Filter that always evaluates to false.
FeatureFilter Encapsulates the information of a element that consists of a number of FeatureId constraints (only) (as defined in the FeatureId DTD).
FeatureId Encapsulates the information of a element as defined in the FeatureId DTD.
Function Encapsulates the information of a Functionelement as defined in the Expression DTD.
Literal Encapsulates the information of a element as defined in the FeatureId DTD.
LogicalOperation Encapsulates the information of a logical_ops entity (as defined in the Filter DTD).
OperationDefines Defines codes and constants for easy coping with the different kinds of OperationsMetadata (both XML-Entities & JavaObjects).
PropertyIsBetweenOperation Encapsulates the information of a -element (as defined in Filter DTD).
PropertyIsCOMPOperation Encapsulates the information of a -element (as defined in Filter DTD).
PropertyIsInstanceOfOperation deegree-specific ComparisonOperation that allows to check the type of a property.
PropertyIsLikeOperation Encapsulates the information of a -element (as defined in Filter DTD).
PropertyIsNullOperation Encapsulates the information of a <PropertyIsNull>-element (as defined in Filter DTD).
PropertyName Encapsulates the information of a PropertyName element.
SpatialOperation Encapsulates the information of a spatial_ops entity (as defined in the Filter DTD).

Exception Summary
FilterConstructionException This exception is thrown when invalid data (such as an incoherent DOM-fragment) is encountered during the construction of a Filter objects or a component of it.
FilterEvaluationException This exception is thrown when the evaluation of a Filter expression (or subexpression) is impossible, e.g. a PropertyIsLessThan- Comparison is to be applied against a String-value.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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