Interface Summary |
Aggregate |
This interface defines the basis functionallity of all geometry aggregations. it will be specialized for the use of
primitive, and solid geometries. |
Boundary |
This interface defines the basis functionallity of geomerty boundaries. |
Complex |
ComplexBoundary |
Composite |
CompositeCurve |
CompositePoint |
CompositeSolid |
CompositeSurface |
Curve |
The interface defines the access to curve geometries. |
CurveBoundary |
The interface defines the access to curve boundaries
CurveSegment |
The interface defines the root of each unit building Curves |
Envelope |
a boundingbox as child of a Polygon isn't part of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling |
GenericCurve |
The interface defines the bais of curves and curve segments. |
GenericSurface |
The interface defines the basis of surfaces and surface patches
Geometry |
The basic interface for all geometries. it declares the methods that are common to all geometries. this doesn't means
for example that all geometries defines a valid boundary but is there asked for they should be able to answer (with
null). |
LineString |
The interface defines a specialization of the CurveSegment interface for a sequence of point connected
with linear interpolation. |
MultiCurve |
The interface defines the access to a aggregations of Curve objects. |
MultiGeometry |
Aggregation of Geometry objects. |
MultiPoint |
The interface defines the access to a aggregations of Point objects. |
MultiPrimitive |
This interface defines the basis functionality of all aggregations containing primitive geometries. |
MultiSolid |
Basic interface for handling aggregations of solid geometries. |
MultiSurface |
This Interface defines the Aggregation of Surfaces. |
OrientableCurve |
The specialisation of the OrientablePrimitive as a curve. |
OrientablePrimitive |
The basic interface for orientated two dimensional geometries. |
OrientableSurface |
Point |
The basic two dimensional geometry
Polygon |
A Polygon is a specialized SurfacePatch and it's implementation should be implementable. |
Position |
A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of coordinate positions. |
Primitive |
A Primitive is the basic geometry for all none complex geometries. |
PrimitiveBoundary |
A PrimitiveBoundary is the basic boundary for all none complex geometries. |
Ring |
Shell |
Solid |
defines the basis of a three dimensional geometry. |
SolidBoundary |
Surface |
Defining the surface geometry of the iso geometry model. a surface is made of 1..n surface patches. for convention it
is defined that Surface is a closed geometry. that means each surface patch a surface is made of must touch at least
one other surface patch if a surface is made of more then one surface patch
SurfaceBoundary |
Defining the boundary of a surface. |
SurfaceInterpolation |
Defining the different kind of surface interpolation known by the iso geometry modell. |
SurfacePatch |
Defining the iso geometry SurfacePatch which is used for building surfaces. |
Class Summary |
AggregateImpl |
default implementation of the Aggregate interface
------------------------------------------------------------ |
BoundaryImpl |
default implementation of the Boundary interface. |
ByteUtils |
Utilities for reading and writing the components of binary files. |
CurveBoundaryImpl |
default implementation of the CurveBoundary interface from package deegree.model.spatialschema. |
CurveImpl |
default implementation of |
CurveSegmentImpl |
default implementation of the CurveSegment interface from package deegree.model.spatialschema. |
EnvelopeImpl |
a boundingbox as child of a Polygon isn't part of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling
GeometryFactory |
Factory to create geometry instances. |
GeometryImpl |
Default implementation of the Geometry interface from package deegree.model. |
GMLGeometryAdapter |
Adapter class for converting GML geometries to deegree geometries and vice versa. |
JTSAdapter |
Adapter between deegree Geometry s and JTS Geometry objects. |
LinearContains |
LinearIntersects |
LinearizationUtil |
Utility class for the linearization of arcs and circles. |
LineStringImpl |
default implementation of the LineString interface of package deegree.model.spatialschema. |
MultiCurveImpl |
default implementation of the MultiCurve interface from package deegree.model.spatialschema |
MultiGeometryImpl |
Default implementation of MultiGeometry . |
MultiPointImpl |
default implementation of the MultiPoint interface of package deegree.model.spatialschema. |
MultiPrimitiveImpl |
default implementation of the MultiPrimitive interface |
MultiSurfaceImpl |
default implementation of the MultiSurface interface from |
OrientableCurveImpl |
default implementation of the OrientableSurface interface from package org.deegree.model. the implementation is
abstract because only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to all orientated curves
OrientablePrimitiveImpl |
default implementation of the OrientablePrimitive interface from package deegree.model. the implementation is
abstract because it doesn't make sense to instantiate it. |
OrientableSurfaceImpl |
default implementation of the OrientableSurface interface from package deegree.model. the implementation is abstract
because only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to all orientated surfaces
PointImpl |
default implementation of the Point interface. |
PolygonImpl |
PositionImpl |
A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of coordinate positions. |
PrimitiveBoundaryImpl |
default implementation of the PrimitiveBoundary interface. |
PrimitiveImpl |
default implementation of the Primitive interface from package deegree.model.spatialschema |
RingImpl |
default implementation of the Ring interface of the |
SurfaceBoundaryImpl |
default implementation of the SurfaceBoundary interface |
SurfaceImpl |
default implementation of the Surface interface from package deegree.model.spatialschema. |
SurfaceInterpolationImpl |
default implementation of the SurfaceInterpolation interface from the package deegree.model.spatialschema |
SurfacePatchImpl |
default implementation of the SurfacePatch interface from package deegree.model.spatialschema. the class is abstract because it should
be specialized by derived classes Polygon for example |
WKTAdapter |
Adapter class for exporting deegree geometries to WKT and to wrap WKT code geometries to deegree geometries. |