deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Interface OGCWebServiceResponse

All Known Subinterfaces:
GetStylesResult, PutStylesResult
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultOGCWebServiceResponse, DescribeLayerResult, DescribePlatformResult, DescribeRecordResult, DescribeSensorResult, DescribeTemplateResponseDocument, DomainResult, FeatureResult, FeatureWithLockResult, GetAvailableTemplatesResponseDocument, GetFeatureInfoResult, GetLegendGraphicResult, GetMapResult, GetObservationResult, GetRecordByIdResult, GetRecordsResult, GmlResult, HarvestResult, LockFeatureResponse, PrintMapResponseDocument, TransactionResponse, TransactionResult, WMPSGetCapabilitiesResult, WMSGetCapabilitiesResult

public interface OGCWebServiceResponse

This is the base interface for all responses to OGC Web Services (OWS) requests. Each class that capsulates a response within an OWS has to implement this interface.

Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 OGCWebServiceException getException()
          returns an XML encoding of the exception that raised.
 OGCWebServiceRequest getRequest()
          returns the request that causes the response.

Method Detail


OGCWebServiceRequest getRequest()
returns the request that causes the response.


OGCWebServiceException getException()
returns an XML encoding of the exception that raised. If no exception raised null will be returned.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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