deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use CSWExceptionCode
org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw Catalog Service 2.0 (OGC CS-W Version 2.0.0). 

Uses of CSWExceptionCode in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw

Fields in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.csw declared as CSWExceptionCode
static CSWExceptionCode CSWExceptionCode.WRS_INVALIDREQUEST
          The request message is either invalid or is not well-formed.
static CSWExceptionCode CSWExceptionCode.WRS_NOTFOUND
          The requested resource does not exist or could not be found.
static CSWExceptionCode CSWExceptionCode.WRS_NOTIMPLEMENTED
          The (abstract) operation has not been implemented.
static CSWExceptionCode CSWExceptionCode.WRS_NOTSUPPORTED
          A service option, feature, or capability is not supported.
static CSWExceptionCode CSWExceptionCode.WRS_RECEIVER
          Intended for cases in which an unexpected condition prevented the service from fulfilling the request (this corresponds to an HTTP status code of 5xx).
static CSWExceptionCode CSWExceptionCode.WRS_SENDER
          Intended for cases in which the message sender seems to have erred in some manner (this corresponds to an HTTP status code of 4xx).
static CSWExceptionCode CSWExceptionCode.WRS_TRANSACTIONFAILED
          The requested transaction could not be completed.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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