deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.ogcwebservices.getcapabilities

Class Summary
CapabilitiesService The interface provides acces to the <CapabilitiesService> element of the Capabilities XML providing general metadata for the service as a whole.
Contents Represents the Contents part in the capabilities of an OGC-web service according to the OWS Common Implementation Specification 0.2.
DCPType Available Distributed Computing Platforms (DCPs) are listed here.
GetCapabilities Each OGC Web Service must be able to describe its capabilities.
HTTP The HTTP-Protocol, which extends the super-interface Protocol.
MetadataURL A WFS/WMS/WCS should use one or more elements to offer detailed, standardized metadata about the data underneath a particular layer.
OGCCapabilities Abstract base class for capabilities of any OGC service instance.
OGCCapabilitiesDocument Most basic capabilities document for any OGC service instance.
OGCStandardCapabilities Represents the capabilities for an OGC-Webservice prior to the OWS Common Implementation Specification 0.2.
OGCWebServiceCapabilities The purpose of the GetCapabilities operation is described in the Basic CapabilitiesService Elements section, above.
Operation Represents the definition of an Operation in the capabilities document of an OGC-web service according to the OWS Common Implementation Specification 0.2 (and owsOperationsMetadata.xsd).
OperationsMetadata Represents the OperationMetadata part in the capabilities document of an OGC-web service according to the OWS Common Implementation Specification 0.3 (and especially owsOperationsMetadata.xsd).
Protocol Protocols for DCPTypes.
ServiceIdentification Represents the ServiceIdentification section of the capabilities of an OGC compliant web service according to the OGC Common Implementation Specification 0.2.
ServiceOperation ServiceOperation
ServiceProvider Represents the ServiceProvider section of the capabilities of an OGC compliant web service according to the OGC Common Implementation Specification 0.3.

Exception Summary
UnknownOperatorNameException Thrown if a given name is not a known Operator.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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