deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Uses of Class

Packages that use DoService

Uses of DoService in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wass.wss.operation

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wass.wss.operation that return DoService
 DoService DoServiceDocument.parseDoService(java.lang.String id, org.w3c.dom.Element rootElement)

Methods in org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wass.wss.operation with parameters of type DoService
 void DoServiceAnonymousHandler.handleRequest(DoService request)
 void DoServiceSessionHandler.handleRequest(DoService request)
 void DoServicePasswordHandler.handleRequest(DoService request)
          Checks if the request has sufficient credentials to request the feature, and if so request the feature at the service.
abstract  void DoServiceHandler.handleRequest(DoService request)
          Each subclass must implement this method, appropriate to its needs.
 DoServiceResponse DoServiceHandler.sendRequest(DoService request, securedService, java.lang.String requestedCharset, int timeout, java.lang.String securedServiceName)
          This method does the actual request to the secured service.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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