Class Summary |
AbstractResolution |
A concrete Resolution must implement accessor methods for either Shape, Directory or File (or
additional descriptions available in future) which will be used is no Range is persent. |
Axis |
CoverageSource |
The definition of a CRS is common to all known data sources for the deegree WCS |
DatabaseResolution |
DefaultExtension |
Default implementation of WCS CoverageDescription for handling informations about coverage data
backend. |
Directory |
An instance of Directory describes a directory in the file system containing coverages
within the envelope assigned to the Directory. |
DirectoryResolution |
models a Resolution by describing the access to the assigned coverages through named
directories containing a well defined collection of coverages. |
ExtensionDocument |
This class creates a class representation of the Extension section of a deegree WCS coverage offering (coverage
configuration) element. the extension section contains informations about data access/sources for different
resolutions and ranges. |
File |
Describes a coverage (access) available through one file. |
FileResolution |
models a Resolution that describes the access to the coverages using named files (with
a defined size if it's a grid coverage). |
GridDirectory |
An instance of GridDirectory describes a directory in the file system containing grid
coverages within the envelope assigned to the Directory. |
GridFile |
Describes a grid coverage (access) available through one file |
OracleGeoRasterResolution |
models a Resolution by describing the assigned coverages through
a Oracle 10g Georaster |
Range |
A Range defines the range of variable values like time or elevation for which the
coverages assigned to a Range are valid. |
ScriptResolution |
Shape |
ShapeResolution |
modls a Resolution by describing the assigned coverages through
a Shapefile containing name an boundingbox of each available file |
WCSConfiguration |
WCSConfigurationDocument |
WCSDeegreeParams |