deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wfs.operation

Class Summary
AbstractWFSRequest Abstract base class for requests to web feature services.
AbstractWFSRequestDocument Abstract base class for WFS request documents / parsers.
AugmentableGetFeature "Proxy" GetFeature request object, only created by GetFeature.create(Map) if the FEATUREID parameter is used without TYPENAME parameter.
DescribeFeatureType Represents a DescribeFeatureType request to a web feature service.
DescribeFeatureTypeDocument Parser for "wfs:DescribeFeatureType" requests.
FeatureResult Represents the response to a GetFeature request.
FeatureTypeDescription Represents the response to a DescribeFeatureType request.
FeatureWithLockResult Represents the response to a GetFeatureWithLock request.
GetFeature Represents a GetFeature request to a web feature service.
GetFeatureDocument Parser for "wfs:GetFeature" requests.
GetFeatureDocument.BBoxTest BBoxTest is a helper class that encapsulates the check for bounding boxes.
GetFeatureWithLock Represents a GetFeatureWithLock request to a web feature service.
GetFeatureWithLockDocument Parser for "wfs:GetFeatureWithLock" requests.
GetGmlObject GetGmlObject
GmlResult GmlResult
Lock Represents a wfs:Lock element (usually part of wfs:LockFeature documents).
LockFeature Represents a LockFeature request to a web feature service.
LockFeatureDocument Parser for "wfs:LockFeature" requests.
LockFeatureResponse Represents the response to a LockFeature request.
LockFeatureResponseDocument Parser for "wfs:LockFeatureResponse" documents.
Query Represents a Query operation as a part of a GetFeature request.
WFSGetCapabilities Represents a GetCapabilities request to a web feature service.
WFSGetCapabilitiesDocument Parser for "wfs:GetCapabilities" requests.

Enum Summary
GetFeature.RESULT_TYPE Known result types.
LockFeature.ALL_SOME_TYPE Known lock actions.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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