deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Package org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wms.capabilities

Class Summary
Attribution The optional Attribution element provides a way to identify the source of the map data used in a Layer or collection of Layers.
AuthorityURL AuthorityURL encloses an element which states the URL of a document defining the meaning of the Identifier values.
DataURL A Map Server may use DataURL to offer more information about the data underneath a particular layer.
Dimension The Dimension element declares the _existence_ of a dimension.
Extent The Extent element indicates what _values_ along a dimension are valid.
FeatureListURL A Map Server may use FeatureListURL to point to a list of the features represented in a Layer.
Identifier A Map Server may use zero or more Identifier elements to list ID numbers or labels defined by a particular Authority.
Layer Each available map is advertised by a <Layer> element in the Capabilities XML.
LayerBoundingBox Layers may have zero or more elements that are either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
LegendURL A Map Server may use zero or more LegendURL elements to provide an image(s) of a legend relevant to each Style of a Layer.
LogoURL The LogoURL is part of the attribution that indicates the provider of a Layer or collection of Layers.
ScaleHint Layers may include a element that suggests minimum and maximum scales for which it is appropriate to display this layer.
Style Zero or more Styles may be advertised for a Layer or collection of layers using <Style> elements, each of which shall have <Name> and <Title> elements.
StyleSheetURL StyleSheeetURL provides symbology information foreach Style of a Layer.
StyleURL A Map Server may use StyleURL to offer more information about the data or symbology underlying a particular Style.
UserDefinedSymbolization The interface defines the access to optional user-defined symbolization that are only used by SLD-enabled WMSes.
WMSCapabilities WMSCapabilities is the data class for the WMS version of capabilities.
WMSCapabilities_1_0_0 WMSCapabilities is the data class for the WMS version of capabilities.
WMSCapabilities_1_3_0 This class is an 1.3.0 extension of the WMSCapabilities class.
WMSCapabilitiesDocument WMSCapabilitiesDocument is the parser class for WMS capabilities documents that uses the new OWS common classes to encapsulate the data.
WMSCapabilitiesDocument_1_0_0 WMSCapabilitiesDocument is the parser class for WMS capabilities documents that uses the new OWS common classes to encapsulate the data.
WMSCapabilitiesDocument_1_3_0 WMSCapabilitiesDocument_1_3_0 is a parser class for capabilities documents according to the OGC WMS 1.3.0 specification.
WMSOperationsMetadata Represents the OperationMetadata part in the capabilities document of a WFS according to the Web Feature Service Implementation Specification 1.1.0.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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