deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Class OutputDescription

  extended by org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.WPSDescription
      extended by org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.describeprocess.OutputDescription

public class OutputDescription
extends WPSDescription Created on 09.03.2006. 22:37:03h Description of a process Output.

$Revision: 18195 $, $Date:20.03.2007$
Christian Kiehle, Christian Heier, last edited by: $Author:wanhoff$

Field Summary
protected  SupportedCRSs boundingBoxOutput
          Indicates that this output shall be a BoundingBox data structure, and provides a list of the CRSs supported in these Bounding Boxes.
protected  ComplexData complexOutput
          Indicates that this Output shall be a complex data structure (such as a GML fragment) that is returned by the execute operation response.
protected  LiteralOutput literalOutput
          Indicates that this output shall be a simple literal value (such as an integer) that is embedded in the execute response, and describes that output.
Fields inherited from class org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.WPSDescription
_abstract, identifier, title
Constructor Summary
OutputDescription(Code identifier, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String _abstract, SupportedCRSs boundingBoxOutput, ComplexData complexOutput, LiteralOutput literalOutput)
Method Summary
 SupportedCRSs getBoundingBoxOutput()
          Gets the value of the boundingBoxOutput property.
 ComplexData getComplexOutput()
 LiteralOutput getLiteralOutput()
          Gets the value of the literalOutput property.
 void setBoundingBoxOutput(SupportedCRSs value)
 void setComplexOutput(ComplexData value)
 void setLiteralOutput(LiteralOutput value)
          Sets the value of the literalOutput property.
Methods inherited from class org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wps.WPSDescription
getAbstract, getIdentifier, getTitle, setAbstract, setIdentifier, setTitle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ComplexData complexOutput
Indicates that this Output shall be a complex data structure (such as a GML fragment) that is returned by the execute operation response. The value of this complex data structure can be output either embedded in the execute operation response or remotely accessible to the client. When this output form is indicated, the process produces only a single output, and "store" is "false, the output shall be returned directly, without being embedded in the XML document that is otherwise provided by execute operation response. This element also provides a list of format, encoding, and schema combinations supported for this output. The client can select from among the identified combinations of formats, encodings, and schemas to specify the form of the output. This allows for complete specification of particular versions of GML, or image formats.


protected LiteralOutput literalOutput
Indicates that this output shall be a simple literal value (such as an integer) that is embedded in the execute response, and describes that output.


protected SupportedCRSs boundingBoxOutput
Indicates that this output shall be a BoundingBox data structure, and provides a list of the CRSs supported in these Bounding Boxes. This element shall be included when this process output is an ows:BoundingBox element.

Constructor Detail


public OutputDescription(Code identifier,
                         java.lang.String title,
                         java.lang.String _abstract,
                         SupportedCRSs boundingBoxOutput,
                         ComplexData complexOutput,
                         LiteralOutput literalOutput)
identifier -
title -
_abstract -
boundingBoxOutput -
complexOutput -
literalOutput -
Method Detail


public ComplexData getComplexOutput()
Returns the complexOutput.


public void setComplexOutput(ComplexData value)
value - The complexOutput to set.


public LiteralOutput getLiteralOutput()
Gets the value of the literalOutput property.

the value of the literalOutput property.


public void setLiteralOutput(LiteralOutput value)
Sets the value of the literalOutput property.

value -


public SupportedCRSs getBoundingBoxOutput()
Gets the value of the boundingBoxOutput property.

possible object is SupportedCRSs


public void setBoundingBoxOutput(SupportedCRSs value)
value - The boundingBoxOutput to set.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

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