deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

Class Get3DFeatureInfo

  extended by org.deegree.ogcwebservices.AbstractOGCWebServiceRequest
      extended by org.deegree.ogcwebservices.wpvs.operation.Get3DFeatureInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:, OGCWebServiceRequest

public class Get3DFeatureInfo
extends AbstractOGCWebServiceRequest

This Class handles a kvp encoded Get3DFeatureInfo-request and stores it's values.

$Revision: $, 1.0. $Revision: $, $Date: $
Lyn Buesching, last edited by: $Author: $
See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
static Get3DFeatureInfo create(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> param)
          creates a WPVSFeatureInfoRequest from a HashMap that contains the request parameters as key-value-pairs.
 float getApexAngle()
          The AA Parameter indicates the apex angle of a request with a cone
 java.awt.Point getClickPoint()
          The I and J parameters indicate a point of interest on the map.
 float getDepth()
          This optional parameter indicates the depth of a query
 java.lang.String getExceptions()
          The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
 int getFeatureCount()
 GetView getGetViewRequestCopy()
           is not a name/value pair like the other parameters.
 java.lang.String getInfoFormat()
          The optional INFO_FORMAT indicates what format to use when returning the feature information.
 boolean getParent()
 java.awt.Rectangle getQueryBox()
          The parameter QueryBox indicates the rectangle for the Request with a pyramid
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getQueryDatasets()
          The required QUERY_LAYERS parameter states the map layer(s) from which feature information is desired to be retrieved.
 int getRadius()
 java.lang.String getServiceName()
Methods inherited from class org.deegree.ogcwebservices.AbstractOGCWebServiceRequest
getId, getParam, getParamAsInt, getParamValues, getRequestParameter, getRequiredParam, getVendorSpecificParameter, getVendorSpecificParameters, getVersion, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Get3DFeatureInfo create(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> param)
                               throws OGCWebServiceException
creates a WPVSFeatureInfoRequest from a HashMap that contains the request parameters as key-value-pairs.

param - HashMap containing the request parameters
an instance of WPVSFeatureInfoRequest


public java.lang.String getServiceName()
the name of the service that is targeted by the request


public float getApexAngle()
The AA Parameter indicates the apex angle of a request with a cone

the apex angle


public java.awt.Point getClickPoint()
The I and J parameters indicate a point of interest on the map. Used by the request with a line or cone. The origin is set to (0,0) centered in the pixel at the upper left corner; I increases to the right and J increases downward. I and J are returned as java.awt.Point class/datastructure.

the point of interest


public float getDepth()
This optional parameter indicates the depth of a query

the depth


public java.lang.String getExceptions()
The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client. The default value is application/vnd.ogc.se_xml if this parameter is absent from the request.

the exception format


public GetView getGetViewRequestCopy()
is not a name/value pair like the other parameters. Instead, most of the GetView request parameters that generated the original map are repeated. Two are omitted because Get3DFeatureInfo provides its own values: VERSION and REQUEST. The remainder of the GetView request shall be embedded contiguously in the Get3DFeatureInfo request.

a copy of the original request


public java.lang.String getInfoFormat()
The optional INFO_FORMAT indicates what format to use when returning the feature information. Supported values for a Get3DFeatureInfo request on a WPVS instance are listed as MIME types in one or more elements inside the element of its Capabilities XML. The entire MIME type string in is used as the value of the INFO_FORMAT parameter. In an HTTP environment, the MIME type shall be set on the returned object using the Content-type entity header.

EXAMPLE: The parameter INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml requests that the feature information be formatted in Geography Markup Language (GML).

the format


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getQueryDatasets()
The required QUERY_LAYERS parameter states the map layer(s) from which feature information is desired to be retrieved. Its value is a comma- separated list of one or more map layers that are returned as an array. This parameter shall contain at least one layer name, but may contain fewer layers than the original GetView request.

If any layer in this list is not contained in the Capabilities XML of the WPVS, the results are undefined and the WPVS shall produce an exception response.

the layer names


public boolean getParent()
true if a parent is available.


public int getFeatureCount()
the number of features.


public java.awt.Rectangle getQueryBox()
The parameter QueryBox indicates the rectangle for the Request with a pyramid

the queryBox


public int getRadius()
the radius of a feature info request.

deegree 2.5 (2011/06/29 09:44 build-8-official)

an open source project founded by lat/lon, Bonn, Germany.
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